
  • 网络Algiers;ALGIER;Algeria;Alger
  1. 对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。

    His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident

  2. 上周OPEC在阿尔及尔会晤。

    Last week , the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries met in Algiers .

  3. OPEC周三在阿尔及尔达成一致,创纪录地每天减产200万桶以上,相当于7%左右。

    OPEC agreed Wednesday in Algiers to a record production cut of more than two million barrels a day , or about seven percent .

  4. 加尔塞斯2005年的著作《塞万提斯在阿尔及尔》(CervantesinAlgiers):这是一个被囚禁者的故事,它探讨了这样的观点:有创伤经历的幸存者都有一种复述自己经历的冲动。

    Garc é s 's 2005 book Cervantes in Algiers : ACaptive 's Tale explores the idea that survivors of traumatic events have anurge to repeat their stories .

  5. 20世纪五六十年代,毕加索以欧仁·德拉克鲁瓦(EugèneDelacroix)1834年的东方主义杰作《阿尔及尔女人》(WomenofAlgiers)为灵感,创作了《阿尔及尔女人》系列作品,向他钦佩的前辈们致敬。

    Inspired by Eug è ne Delacroix 's 1834 Orientalist masterpiece , " Women of Algiers , " this was one of a number of works Picasso produced in the 1950s and 1960s in response to earlier artists he admired .

  6. 中国建筑工程总公司(cscec)正在阿尔及尔承建一幢引人瞩目的新外交部大楼,从阿尔及利亚境外引进的工人就住在马路对面巨大的宿舍楼中。

    An impressive new foreign ministry in Algiers is being built by China State Construction Engineering Corporation , which houses its imported workers in a cavernous dormitory building just across the road .

  7. 4位中国电信工程师(3男1女)在阿尔及尔广场的一家咖啡店里啜着橘子汁,对面是19世纪民族领导人EmirAbdelkader的雕像。

    Four Chinese telecoms engineers three men and a woman sip orange juice in a caf on an Algiers ' square , opposite a statue of the 19th-century nationalist leader Emir Abdelkader .

  8. 在阿尔及尔的另一个区,阿卜迪瓦哈卜(abdiwahab)和一群朋友蹲在墙边,抱怨住房短缺对他们的婚姻的影响。

    In another district of Algiers , Abdi Wahab and a group of friends squat next to a wall and grumble about the impact of the housing shortage on their marriage prospects .

  9. 他为那位奄奄一息地倒在阿尔及尔的士兵而难过。

    He was sorry for the soldier who lay dying in Algiers .

  10. 非洲第二条地铁在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔开通。

    Africa 's second metro system has opened-in the Algerian capital , Algiers .

  11. 他在阿尔及尔统率了一个骑兵团。

    He commanded a regiment of cavalry in algiers .

  12. 这个声明是有意安排在将军回到阿尔及尔时才发布的。

    The statement was timed to coincide with the general 's return to algiers .

  13. 134.阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔(40.9)

    134 . Algiers , Algeria ( 40.9 )

  14. 它的首都(阿尔及尔)是法国在二战期间的临时首都。

    Its capital ( Algiers ) was home of the Free France during WWII .

  15. 非洲防止和打击恐怖主义阿尔及尔行动计划;

    Algiers plan of action on the prevention and combating of terrorism in africa ;

  16. 当你看到阿尔及尔的旧市。

    See the marketplace in old Algiers .

  17. 各国人民权利阿尔及尔宣言

    Algiers Declaration of the Rights of Peoples

  18. 在大儿子去世后的一段时间,她在阿尔及尔撰写关于塞万提斯的著述。

    She wrote Cervantes in Algiers in the periodfollowing the death of her eldest son .

  19. 阿尔及尔会议为11月在马里首都巴马科举行的一个更大型的部长级会议做了准备。

    The Algiers meeting was in preparation for a larger ministerial conference this November in Bamako , Mali .

  20. 由于警方在进行调查,下午的表演和预定晚上演出的《阿尔及尔的意大利女郎》也被取消了。

    The show was cancelled , as was the night 's performance of L'Italiana in Algeri , while police investigated .

  21. 在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔附近一个贫穷小镇的对面,中国工人戴着安全帽,有的推着装满水泥的手推车,有的正在挖坑,以便竖起立柱安装围栏。

    Opposite a small shanty town in Algiers , Chinese labourers in hard hats push wheelbarrows of cement and dig holes for fence posts .

  22. 1575年,在参加西班牙与土耳其的地中海军事战役后,这位西班牙人被巴巴里海盗抓获,随后被带到阿尔及尔。

    In 1575 , after fighting in militarycampaigns against the Turks in the Mediterranean , the Spaniard was captured byBarbary pirates and taken to Algiers .

  23. 毫无疑问,《阿尔及尔的女人》是一部非同寻常的艺术作品。它是否能成为一项非凡的投资则是另一回事。

    There is no doubt that Les Femmes d ' Alger is an extraordinary work of art . Whether it will be an exceptional investment is another question .

  24. 二次大战中,阿尔及尔曾为北非盟军指挥部所在地,一度为法国临时首都。

    In the world war ii , Algeria became a major base for the Allied North Africa campaign , and Algiers was the capital of Free France until the liberation of paris .

  25. 第四章对阿尔及尔公约的实施情况的讨论主要关注其成员国是否具体履行了该公约下的义务。

    Chapter 4 explores the implementation of the Algiers Convention , whether or not State members have concretized their commitments taken in the Algiers Convention . Chapter 5 focuses on the impact of the Algiers Convention on national legislation .

  26. 戈伊蒂索洛认为,在阿尔及尔的五年,是影响塞万提斯一生的体验:“在非洲的囚禁岁月,塞万提斯脑海中精心编织着对西班牙复杂而令人钦佩的想象,与他面对的敌手针锋相对。”

    The five years inAlgiers , says Goytisolo , was a life-changing experience : " Cervanteselaborated his complex and admirable vision of Spain during his imprisonment inAfrican territories , in opposition to the rival model against which he clashed . "

  27. 佳士得已向《阿尔及尔女人(O版)》的出售者担保了一个未公布的最低价,不过它不会具体说明这份担保是由佳士得还是第三方出资。

    Christie 's has guaranteed the seller of " Les Femmes d'Alger ( Version ' O " ) " an undisclosed minimum price . It would not specify whether this guarantee had been funded by the auction house or by a third party .