
  • 网络abuja;Nigeria Abuja
  1. 以上是BBC新闻的约翰·辛普森从阿布贾带来的报道。

    BBC 's John Simpson in Abuja .

  2. 世界银行环境局局长WarrenEvans在尼日利亚首都阿布贾举行的“非洲发展新型合作关系渔业峰会”上启动了这一项目。

    Director of the Bank 's Environment Department , Warren Evans , launched the program at the New Partnership for Africa 's Development ( NEPAD ) Fish for All Summit in Abuja , Nigeria .

  3. NPR新闻,奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿阿布贾报道。

    Ofeibea Quist-Arcton , NPR News , Abuja .

  4. 这架客机从尼日利亚首都阿布贾起飞,由尼日利亚国内的Dana航空有限公司(DanaAirlinesLtd.)运营。据尼日利亚官员说,这架客机撞到了拉各斯机场附近的一座公寓楼。

    The flight from Abuja , Nigeria 's capital , operated by domestic carrier Dana Airlines Ltd. , crashed into an apartment in the suburbs near the Lagos airport , according to Nigerian officials .

  5. Oke证实说一个案件已经历时3年,目前正在阿布贾高等法院等待审理。

    Oke confirmed that a court case had been underway for three years and was currently pending in the High Court in Abuja .

  6. 乔纳森在阿布贾告诉记者,INEC的决定应该使尼日利亚人安心,选举委员会致力于举办公平的投票。

    Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said the head of the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission , Attahiru Jega , made the right call in postponing Nigeria 's election to allow for logistical problems to be Jonathan told reporters in Abuja the INEC 's decision should Nigerians the body is committed to holding a fair poll .

  7. 也有对于首都阿布贾的袭击。

    There have also been attacks on the capital , Abuja .

  8. 关于非洲经济复苏和长期发展的阿布贾声明

    Abuja Statement on Economic Recovery and Longterm Development in Africa

  9. 这次袭击周五上午发生在尼日利亚首都阿布贾。

    The attack happened Friday morning in the Nigerian capital .

  10. 关于参与发展的阿布贾宣言:妇女在

    Abuja Declaration on Participatory Development : The Role of Women in the 1990s

  11. 而且首都阿布贾的尼日利亚人对此感到沮丧万分。

    And Nigerians in the capital Abuja are frustrated .

  12. 总经理姜义高说,阿布贾-卡村纳铁路获得了尼日利亚人民的赞誉。

    Manager Jiang Yigao said the Abuja-Kaduna railway has won wide compliments from Nigerian people .

  13. 阿布贾非洲问题国际会议:经济复苏和加速发展的挑战;

    Abuja International Conference on africa : the challenge of economic recovery and accelerated development ;

  14. 大卫·巴姆福德在阿布贾报道。

    David Bamford reports from Abuja .

  15. 该组织还声称对6月针对阿布贾警察总部的一次重大袭击负责。

    The group claimed responsibility for a major attack on Abuja 's police headquarters in June .

  16. 这场世界小姐大赛将于11月30日在尼日利亚首都阿布贾举行。

    The Miss World competition is to take place November thirtieth in Abuja , the capital .

  17. 消息来源说,这几名工人星期四早上将到达尼日利亚首都阿布贾。

    They will arrive in the Nigerian capital Abuja on Thursday morning , the sources said .

  18. 两年多以来,他经常乘坐火车往返于阿布贾和卡杜纳之间。

    For more than two years , he has traveled between Abuja and Kaduna by train .

  19. 补充后经阿克拉协定阐明的科托努协定和阿科松博协定的阿布贾协定;

    Abuja agreement to supplement the Cotonou and Akosombo agreements as subsequently clarified by the Accra agreement ;

  20. 1982年阿布贾被定为新的首都,但拉多斯仍是一个经济和商业中心。

    Abuja was designated the new capital in1982 , but Lagos remains the economic and commercial center .

  21. 秘书长警告称,联合国办公室存在越来越多地像阿布贾这样的袭击的风险。

    The secretary-general warned that UN offices are increasingly at risk of attacks like the bombing in Abuja .

  22. 在阿布贾开会的欧佩克石油部长们同意,从明年2月1日起,将石油日产量削减50万桶。

    Opec ministers meeting in Abuja agreed to cut output by 500,000 barrels a day from February 1 .

  23. 我们从尼日利亚首都阿布贾向北部行进后,有着这样一处接一处的检查点。

    It 's been one checkpoint after another as we have traveled north from the Nigerian capital Abuja .

  24. 两个反政府组织的发言人星期一再次提出了他们的要求,同时,双方在尼日利亚阿布贾继续举行和谈。

    Spokesmen for the two rebel groups renewed their demands today ( Monday ) as peace talks continued in Abuja , Nigeria .

  25. 反对派之间之所以存在分裂,部分原因是去年五月在阿布贾签订的协议没能兑现。

    The splintering of the opposition is partly due to the failure to implement the deal signed in Abuja in May last year .

  26. 石油和天然气资深工人工会的官员已经在阿布贾同高层政府官员会面,避免计划中的罢工发生。

    Officials of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association have been meeting top government officials in Abuja to avert the planned strike .

  27. 最近,埃里克受邀负责尼日利亚首都阿布贾的一个项目,他邀请了安娜同行。

    Recently , when Ehrlich was invited to work on a project in the Nigerian capital , Abuja , he asked Onna to go along .

  28. 一名国防部官员周三告诉记者几名军事顾问少于10人正在前往尼日利亚首都阿布贾。

    A Defense Department official told reporters on Wednesday that a handful of military advisers less than 10 were going to the Nigerian capital , Abuja .

  29. 此外,看上去像阿布贾所有警力都到了联合国大楼,正努力营救伤员。

    Also , it looks like the entire Abuja police force has actually come to the UN building , standing here , trying to get casualties out .

  30. 尼日利亚官员证实在卡诺州、高原州、卡奇纳州和包奇州以及在阿布贾地区的家禽饲养场暴发疫情。

    Nigerian officials have confirmed outbreaks at commercial farms in the states of Kano , Plateau , Katsina , and Bauchi , and in the Abuja area .