
  • 网络luanda;angola
  1. 11年前,一架亮银色波音(Boeing)727客机从安哥拉首都罗安达起飞后失踪,之后始终没有被找到,这使其成为了史上为数不多的几架失踪商用喷气式飞机之一。

    Eleven years ago , a shiny silver Boeing 727 airliner took off from Luanda , Angola , and became one of the few commercial jetliners to vanish and never be found .

  2. 当时媒体报道称,2003年5月25日傍晚,佛罗里达租赁公司AerospaceSales&LeasingCo.的一位美国机械师在罗安达登上了这架喷气式客机。该公司是这架机龄18年的飞机的所有者。

    At dusk on May 25 , 2003 , an American mechanic for Aerospace Sales & Leasing Co. , the Florida-based lessor that owned the 18-year-old plane , boarded the jetliner in Luanda , according to press reports at the time .

  3. IEA的新预测,可能会给下个月在安哥拉首都罗安达召开的石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)会议增添忧虑。届时该石油卡特尔组织将在北半球冬季到来之前,对生产政策进行评估。

    The new forecast is likely to weigh on Opec 's meeting next month in Luanda , Angola , where the oil cartel will review its production policy ahead of the northern hemisphere winter .

  4. 东京依然是外派人员全球生活成本第二高的城市,仅次于安哥拉首都罗安达(Luanda)。后者连续第二年蝉联生活成本最高城市。

    Tokyo retained its status as the second most expensive city in the world for expatriates after Luanda in Angola , which topped the list for the second year in a row .

  5. 两名后勤专家将加入在威热和罗安达的小组。

    Two logisticians will join teams in Uige and Luanda .

  6. 这两个病例分别来自罗安达省和本格拉省。

    The two cases are from Luanda and Benguele provinces .

  7. 浅谈罗安达市净水厂加氯、加药间的设计体会

    Design Experience for Chlorination & Chemical Building of Water Plant in Luanda

  8. 罗安达在一定程度上已经被再次欧洲化了,他写道。

    Luanda has been partly re-Europeanized , he writes .

  9. 罗安达证券交易所项目在安哥拉经济指标稳定之后开始的。

    The Luanda exchange project was launched after angola 's economic indicators stabilized .

  10. 在罗安达,可以看到中基公司的代表驾驶着名牌汽车。

    Representatives of the CIF can be seen driving around Luanda in branded vehicles .

  11. 安国家统计局说,今年10月到11月间,罗安达物价上涨1.19%。

    Prices in Luanda increased 1.19 percent between October and November of this year , INE said .

  12. 病例已在威热、罗安达、卡宾达、马兰热和北宽扎省查明。

    Cases have been identified in Uige , Luanda , Cabinda , Malange , and Kuanza Norte provinces .

  13. 安哥拉的其它大型项目也被推后,包括在罗安达市外拟建的机场。

    Other big projects in Angola have also fallen behind schedule , including a planned airport outside Luanda .

  14. 从苏丹港口到罗安达,中国公司正在修建堤坝、炼油厂、公路和铁路。

    From Port Sudan to Luanda , they are building dams , oil refineries , roads and railways .

  15. 在罗安达,准备好用高达20美元的价格买一份俱乐部三明治和苏打水吧。

    In Luanda , be prepared to pay as much as $ 20 for a club sandwich and soda .

  16. 调查报告中,东京将盛产石油的安哥拉首都罗安达挤到了第二位,重新抢占冠军位置。

    Tokyo pushed the oil-boom Angolan capital Luanda into second place to retake the top spot in the survey .

  17. 每日高发病的省包括罗安达(42%)和纳米贝(16%)。

    The provinces with higher daily incidence are Luanda ( 42 % ) and Namibe ( 16 % ) .

  18. 此前,中国海南航空公司已经开通一条非洲航线,即北京经由迪拜至安哥拉首都罗安达航线。

    The Hainan Airlines has another flight to Africa , Beijing to Luanda , capital of Angola , via Dubai .

  19. 在安哥拉首都罗安达,几乎所有街道上都有中国工程师在维修破旧的基础设施。

    There is hardly a street in the capital Luanda without a team of Chinese engineers repairing the rundown infrastructure .

  20. 美国亚特兰大的疾病预防控制中心特殊病原体分部和安哥拉罗安达的现场试验室

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Special Pathogen Branch , Atlanta , USA and field laboratory in Luanda , Angola

  21. 香港位列榜首,安哥拉首都罗安达紧随其后,然后是瑞士苏黎世和新加坡。

    Hong Kong was top of the list , followed by Angolan capital Luanda , then Zurich in Switzerland and Singapore .

  22. 他们在罗安达随处可见,但他们的运作却不那么透明。

    They are very visible in Luanda , but there is no real clarity as to the extent of their operations .

  23. 在北宽扎、本戈、马兰热和罗安达等省继续观察到下降趋势。

    The trend to decline continues to be observed in the provinces of Kwanza Norte , Bengo , Malange , and Luanda .

  24. 由于水和卫生的不稳定状况,特别在城市和罗安达省,控制活动难以开展。

    Control activities are difficult in view of the precarious water and sanitation situation , particularly in urban areas and Luanda Province .

  25. 该工程还包括在卡宾达省、南宽扎省、罗安达省、纳米贝省、本格拉省、扎伊尔省更换新信号系统。

    The program includes replacing the signaling system in the provinces of Cabinda , Kwanza-Sul , Luanda , Namibe , Benguela and Zaire .

  26. 在安哥拉,一所便携式现场实验室目前正在威热开展工作,并且第二所实验室应很快可在罗安达运作。

    In Angola , a portable field laboratory is now operating in Uige and a second one should be operational in Luanda shortly .

  27. 来自约翰内斯堡的商人乘坐一周三班的大型喷气式飞机涌入罗安达,驾车离开机场就进入贫民区。

    The businessmen who pour in on the thrice-weekly jumbo jet from Johannesburg drive out of the airport car park straight into a slum .

  28. 加拿大国际微生物学实验室将在威热建立一个流动实验室,并且美国疾病预防控制中心将在罗安达提供实验室支持。

    The Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory will be setting up a mobile laboratory in Uige and CDC will be providing laboratory support in luanda .

  29. 在罗安达,他的讲话令人们猜测,最近一些中国援建项目的停工是因为中基公司的贷款出了问题。

    They fuelled speculation in Luanda that the recent suspension of some Chinese-funded projects in Angola was due to problems with the CIF loan .

  30. 罗安达许多边远地区的投票站由于缺少选票、没有选民登记册或者没有票箱,因此投票推迟了好几个小时。

    In many outlying areas of Luanda , polling places opened hours late because they lacked ballot papers , voter registration lists or ballot boxes .