
  • 网络rama
  1. 印度教教徒在唱圣歌赞美罗摩神。

    Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama .

  2. 这是罗摩神和西她神的脚印。

    These are the footprints of Lord Rama and sita .

  3. 嘿,打开那个罗摩传圣歌。

    Dude , put on ''the Ramayana monkey chant ' ' .

  4. 持斧罗摩从哥卡拿开始掷斧头,它落入坎亚库马瑞。

    Parasurama threw his axe from gokarnam and it fell at kanyakumari .

  5. 室利罗摩克里希纳与女性奉献者建立了一种非常甜蜜的关系。

    With his woman devotees Sri Ramakrishna established a very sweet relationship .

  6. 全佛罗伦萨却没有一个女子比得上罗摩拉。

    There was no woman in all Florence like Romola .

  7. 过了一会儿,室利罗摩克里希纳表现出恢复正常状态的迹象。

    After a time Sri Ramakrishna showed signs of regaining the normal state .

  8. 多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。

    Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta .

  9. 室利罗摩克里希纳问M:好,巴克提的起因是什么?

    Sri Ramakrishna asked M. , Well , what is the cause of bhakti ?

  10. 他内心有种感觉,总觉得罗摩拉要比他高出许多。

    He had an intimate sense that Romola was something very much above him .

  11. 他向弟子罗摩克里希纳辞行,继续上路去教化众生。

    Bidding farewell to the disciple , he continued on his way , enlightened .

  12. 教义中描述的罗摩神,他的右手握着什么?

    Q3.In depictions of God Rama , he is famously holding what in his right hand ?

  13. 《罗摩衍那》和罗摩崇拜&试析印度文学与宗教的高度结合

    《 RAMAYANA 》 AND RAMA WORSHIP A Trial Analysis of High level of Integration of Indian

  14. 他极度地关心罗摩拉。

    He cared supremely for romola .

  15. 室利罗摩克里希纳站在长椅子前面,一只手放在桌面上。

    Sri Ramakrishna stood in front of the bench , with one hand resting on the table .

  16. 临近黄昏的时候,他们来到了花园的正门,直接进入室利罗摩克里希纳的房间。

    They arrived at the main gate at dusk and went straight to Sri Ramakrishna 's room .

  17. 离开多达布里之后,室利罗摩克里希纳仍然有六个月时间仍然停留在绝对一致性的梵天里面。

    After the departure of Totapuri , Sri Ramakrishna remained for six months in a state of absolute identity with Brahman .

  18. 罗摩拉伸出手去接那个十字架。这个动作似乎解除了她思想的紧张。

    Romola stretched out her hand to the crucifix , and this act appeared to relieve the tension of her mind .

  19. 他把自己和财力资源花在处置室利罗摩克里希纳的问题上,开始照顾他的身体健康。

    He placed himself and his resources at the disposal of Sri Ramakrishna and began to look after his physical comfort .

  20. 国王卡塔瓦雅阿尔诸那派遣他的士兵去夺回他的牛,持斧罗摩杀了整队军队,以及持斧的国王。

    King Kaartaveerya-arjuna sent his soldiers to take he cow and parashurama killed the entire army and the king with his axe .

  21. 他和罗摩拉不仅表面上就是内心里也已经互相海誓山盟,这样暂时的别离就不会有太多的痛苦。

    It would be less painful to part if he and Romola were outwardly as well as inwardly pledged to each other .

  22. 罗摩印度史诗《罗摩衍那》的大英雄,成为了毗瑟奴的一个化身。

    Rama , the great hero of the Hindu Odyssey , the Rama yana , who is made into an avatar of Vishnu .

  23. 罗摩拉掀开面纱,透透空气,于是他看出了她脸上压抑着的激动。

    Romola put aside her veil for the sake of breathing the air , and he could see the subdued agitation in her face .

  24. 多达布里立刻发现室利罗摩克里希纳正在准备成为吠檀多的学生,开始启迪他进入吠檀多的奥秘。

    Totapuri , discovering at once that Sri Ramakrishna was prepared to be a student of Vedanta , asked to initiate him into its mysteries .

  25. 在暹粒市创建的剧团笏博公司将在环球金融中心的冬季花园表演“罗摩传”的场景。

    Wat Bo , a Siem Reap-based troupe , will perform scenes from the " Ramayana " at the World Financial Centre 's Winter Garden .

  26. 罗摩拉心里这种新悲伤的冰冷压力,使她格外留恋这样相互接近互相爱恋的默默的抚慰之感。

    The cold pressure of a new sadness on Romola 's heart made her linger the more in the silent soothing sense of nearness and love .

  27. 多达布里要求罗摩克里希纳把头脑从所有相对世界的对象中撤离,包括神和女神,把注意力集中于绝对本体。

    Totapuri asked the disciple to withdraw his mind from all objects of relative world , including the gods and goddesses , and to concentrate on the Absolute .

  28. 几分钟过后,室利罗摩克里希纳突然间离开了自己的座位,手拖着纳兰德,把他带到自己在遮蔽的阳台北部的房间。

    A few minutes later Sri Ramakrishna suddenly left his seat , took Narendra by the hand , and led him to the screened verandah north of his room .

  29. 1975年,新印度教梵教主义领袖克沙布琼德尔森与罗摩克里希纳会面,随后森在孟加拉社会中推广他的教义,他的知名度也因此在印度和西方社会大大提高。

    After meeting the Brahmo leader Keshub Chunder Sen in1975 , Sen popularized Ramakrishna 's teachings in Bengali society and Ramakrishna gained attention throughout India and in the West .

  30. 他从来没有一时一刻相信过罗摩拉对他的感情会有如此强烈,以致于能够压过他的秘密被揭穿时所产生的反感。

    He had never for a moment relied on romolas passion for him as likely to be too strong for the repulsion created by the discovery of his secret .