
  • 网络university of rochester;Rochester University
  1. 但医生们倾向于拒之于千里之外,因为“我们不知道这到底是怎么一回事”,罗切斯特大学医学中心(UniversityofRochesterMedicalCenter)的姑息医疗专家蒂莫西·E·奎尔(TimothyE.Quill)博士说。

    But doctors tend to give them a wide berth because " we don 't know what the hell they are , " said Dr. Timothy E. Quill , an expert on palliative care medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center .

  2. 有购买力的原因是楼市受到像罗切斯特大学这样强大雇主的支持。

    The end result is affordable housing underpinned by strong remaining employers like the University of Rochester .

  3. 但是罗切斯特大学商学院营销学教授罗伯特.辛德勒(RobertSchindler)认为在有些情况下,这几美分剩的不值得。

    But Robert Schindler , professor of Marketing at Rutgers School of Business-Camden , says that in some cases , the penny saved isn 't worth it .

  4. 当一位教授给她提出一个研究性的课题时,她就读于罗切斯特大学。

    She was studying at the University of Rochester when a professor suggested a research problem for her .

  5. 委员会和我都相信,成为罗切斯特大学一员后你会脱颖而出、成长得更加强大。

    The committee and I are confident you will both stand out and grow stronger as part of the Rochester family .

  6. 由于罗切斯特大学医学中心研究组的作用,他们在两期基金时期将获得大概3900000美元的资助。

    The University of Rochester Medical Center team will receive about $ 3.9 million for its role between the two periods of the grant .

  7. 两位来自罗切斯特大学的心理学家发现红色能吸引男性注意力并,让他们觉得风情万种,虽然他们自己并不知道这种作用。

    Two University of Rochester psychologists found the colour captures men 's attention and makes them feel amorous-though they are unaware of the effect .

  8. 因此来自罗切斯特大学的研究者决定通过研究三只猕猴来看看它们是否和我们人类一样相信连赢的存在。

    So researchers from the University of Rochester decided to study three rhesus monkeys to see if they also share our belief in winning streaks .

  9. 伊斯曼音乐学院可谓演奏家的天堂,但学生也会去罗切斯特大学学习,该音乐学院便属于这所大学。

    Eastman is heaven for instrumentalists , but students also get to study at the University of Rochester , of which it is a part .

  10. 纽约州罗切斯特大学的肖恩格林、亚力山大普杰和达芙妮巴夫利尔试图找到答案。

    Shawn green , Alexandre pouget and Daphne Bavelier , from the University of Rochester , in New York State , set out to find an answer .

  11. 纽约罗切斯特大学的研究人员通过五组心理实验证明了这一道理,即穿红色衣服的女性更受男性青睐。

    Researchers from the University of Rochester in New York conducted five psychological experiments to demonstrate that the color red makes men feel more amorous toward women .

  12. 一个小时之后再看还是这样的场景,只不过女主人杰姬-塞缪尔投入了另一个男人的怀抱,杰姬是就读于罗切斯特大学的研究生。

    But revisit the scene an hour later and Jackie Samuel , a University of Rochester graduate student , will be curled up in the arms of another man .

  13. 美国纽约罗切斯特大学护理学院的睡眠研究员凯西·帕克表示,该项研究强调了睡眠在健康方面的作用。

    Kathy Parker , a sleep researcher from the University of Rochester 's School of Nursing in New York , said the study underscores the role sleep plays in health .

  14. 纽约罗切斯特大学毒物学专家韦斯。伯纳德说全氟烃基是一种已知的神经毒素,他本人并没有参加此项研究。

    Bernard Weiss of the University of Rochester in New York , an expert on toxins who was not involved in the research , said perfluoroalkyl acids are a known neurotoxin .

  15. 揭示人类年龄的不仅仅是皱纹。美国罗切斯特大学医学中心的研究人员发现,面部骨骼结构的变化也会让人看起来更老。

    It 's not just wrinkles that reveal age , changes in facial bone structure make faces look older , too , according to researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center .

  16. 罗切斯特大学,奥斯陆大学和纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究人员们在今天的【科学转化医学杂志】上对这套系统进行了描述。

    The researchers , based at the University of Rochester ( U. R. ) , University of Oslo and Stony Brook University , describe this new system in the journal Science Translational Medicine today .

  17. 研究报告的主要作者是罗切斯特大学心理学教授安德鲁-艾略特。他表示,我们发现,女性认为穿红色衣服的男性拥有更高的地位、更多的金钱,属于社会上层人士。

    According to lead author Andrew Elliot , a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester , We found that women view men in red as higher in status , more likely to make money and more likely to climb the social ladder .

  18. 研究小组成员、罗切斯特大学的安德鲁•伊利奥特教授和研究生丹妮拉•涅斯塔说,实验结果证实了“女性长期以来的疑惑和主张”:男人在性方面表现得跟动物相似。

    To the authors of the study , University of Rochester psychology professor Andrew Elliot and post-graduate researcher Daniela Niesta , the experiments ' findings confirm what " women have long suspected and claimed : that men act like animals in the sexual realm . "

  19. 纽约罗切斯特大学所进行了一项实验,1000名受测者携带了监测身体运动水平的装置,研究人员发现,个体越活跃,抑郁症的水平则越低。

    In a third study , at the University of Rochester in New York , more than 1,000 people were equipped with monitors that measured physical movements , and researchers found that the more active individuals were , the lower the levels of depressive symptoms .