
  • 网络arizona state university;ASU;Arizona State University ASU
  1. 比如,亚利桑那州立大学的一个研究小组最近宣告,将他们正在开发的小型立方体卫星送入地球轨道的成本可能低至3000美元。

    For instance , a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small CubeSats could cost as little as $ 3,000 to put in orbit .

  2. 亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院(ArizonaStateUniversityWPCareySchoolofBusiness)是排名最高的重新上榜学校,排在第57位。

    WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is the highest returning school at 57 .

  3. 亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)管理学教授戴维·沃德曼表示,领导者可以既自恋,又谦逊。

    Leaders can be both self-obsessed and humble , claims David Waldman , a management professor at Arizona State University .

  4. 在加入IBM之前,他是美国亚利桑那州立大学行业工程设计部门的研究助理教授。

    Before joining IBM , he was the Research Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering Department of Arizona State University in the US .

  5. 亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的理论物理学家劳伦斯·M·克劳斯(LawrenceM.Krauss)给我们介绍了爱因斯坦犯下的四个不小的错误。

    Lawrence M. Krauss , a theoretical physicist at Arizona State University , walked us through four of Einstein 's notable blunders .

  6. 美国马里兰大学(UniversityofMaryland)和亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的商学院是为数不多的与中国高校合办EMBA项目的两所商学院。

    The business schools at University of Maryland and Arizona State University are among a handful of other American institutions that have established ties with China to offer EMBA programs .

  7. 此外,亚利桑那州立大学的发言人Gonzalez确认了江玥为该校学生。

    ASU spokesman Jerry Gonzalez confirmed Jiang was a student at the university .

  8. 亚利桑那州立大学W.・P.・凯里商学院(ArizonaStateUniversity'sW.P.CareySchoolofBusiness)在2013年秋季对1003名消费者进行了调查,发现消费者对零售商的不满有所增加。

    A survey of 1003 people conducted this fall at Arizona State University 's W.P. Carey School of Business found consumer dissatisfaction with retailers is on the rise .

  9. 亚利桑那州立大学商学院服务领导力中心(CenterforServicesLeadership)的常务主任玛丽12539;乔12539;比特纳(MaryJoBitner)说,它是一种表达对世界的不满的方式。

    It 's a way to ' voice your dissatisfaction with the world , ' says Mary Jo Bitner , executive director of the ASU business school 's Center for Services Leadership .

  10. 他将自己的简历和比赛录像发给了包括UCLA、斯坦福、伯克利、亚利桑那州立大学在内的几所学府。

    He sent his Resume and DVD to several schools including UCLA , Stanford , UC Berkeley , and Arizona State .

  11. 埃里克最近负责的项目之一亚利桑那州立大学的WalterCronkite新闻学院就采用了这种方法。

    Ehrlich used it for one of his most recent projects , Arizona State University ^ Walter Cronkite School of Journalism .

  12. 与亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)合并后,雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird)将不再教授MBA学生,而维克森林大学(WakeForest)最近宣布将完全转为在职MBA教育项目。雇主们日益对在职MBA和全日制MBA一视同仁。

    Following its merger with Arizona State University , Thunderbird will no longer teach MBA students and Wake Forest recently announced it would move to all part-time MBA programmes , which employers increasingly view as on a par with the full-time MBA .

  13. RichardFilley是亚利桑那州立大学社区服务课程的工程项目总监,FlashFood团队是课程的37个项目之一。

    Richard Filley is director of the Engineering Projects in Community Service program at Arizona State . The FlashFood team is one of the program 's thirty-seven projects . Mr. Filley says winning the Imagine Cup 's Software design category is a major honor .

  14. 近100名中国初高中男子和女子篮球、田径、游泳和拉拉队教练被送到犹他大学,和被送去亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的中国高校教练人数大致相当。该校也是太平洋十二校联盟的成员。

    Nearly 100 Chinese junior high and high school coaches in the sports of men 's and women 's basketball , track and field , swimming and cheerleading were sent to Utah , and roughly the same number of Chinese college coaches went to Arizona State , which is also in the Pac-12 .

  15. “这是一个有趣而且在科学上很合理的发现。”亚利桑那州立大学生物设计研究所的研究人员、没有参与该研究的BruceRittmann说。

    " It is an interesting and scientifically sound finding ," said Bruce Rittmann , a researcher at the Biodesign Institute in Arizona State University , who was not involved in the research .

  16. 其后,她们开始在监督下执行锻炼计划,而且,据该研究的资深作者、亚利桑那州立大学的营养和健康促进学教授格伦·盖瑟(GlennGaesser)称,该计划设计的运动强度很大,但还在大多数人可以接受的范围内。

    Then each woman began a supervised exercise program designed to be vigorous but manageable by most people , said Glenn Gaesser , a professor of nutrition and health promotion at Arizona State and senior author of the study .

  17. 斯蒂芬森在接受BBC采访中表示,他的观点来自亚利桑那州立大学校长迈克尔克罗。这位校长曾在一场未来学的会议上说,科学家和工程师应该为科幻小说提供更多科学依据。

    In an interview with the BBC , Stephenson said he got this idea from president of Arizona State University ( ASU ) Michael Crow , who said at a conference on futurology that science fiction needed to supply ideas that scientists and engineers could actually implement .

  18. 通过与印第安纳州立大学、波特兰州立大学、斯坦福大学、亚利桑那州立大学、昆特仑理工大学及英属哥伦比亚大学等学校合作,ImageX创建了一系列专为高等教育设计的Drupal模块。

    By working with schools including Indiana State University , Portland State University , Stanford , Arizona State University , Kwantlen Polytechnic University , and the University of British Columbia , ImageX built a series of Drupal modules with a workflow specifically designed for higher education .

  19. 他们向亚利桑那州立大学的人机一体化实验室求助。

    They turned to Arizona State University 's Human Machine Integration Laboratory .

  20. 苏海勒曾在亚利桑那州立大学学习计算机系统工程,目前居住在加州旧金山。

    Suhail studied computer systems engineering at ASU and lives in San Francisco , ca.

  21. 1975年,亚利桑那州立大学的图书管理员拉里·库舍得出了一个完全不同的结论。

    In1975 Larry Kusche , a librarian at Arizona State University , reached a totally different conclusion .

  22. 亚利桑那州立大学植物生物学家罗德·温格帮助绘制了非洲水稻的基因图谱。

    Rod Wing is a plant biologist at Arizona State University . He helped map the African rice genes .

  23. 为了保证顾客满意,亚利桑那州立大学会给学生发短信提醒他们的衣服已经洗干净了。

    To keep customers satisfied universities like Arizona State send text message to students that alert them when their laundry is ready .

  24. 比如亚利桑那州立大学通常被人贬为是一所吃喝玩乐大学,但实际上在招聘方口碑颇高,不少私营公司在招聘初级职员时都会优先考虑该校学生。

    Arizona State University , typically dismissed as a party-school , actually ranks high with private sector recruiters looking for entry-level talent .

  25. 奥巴马总统给亚利桑那州立大学毕业生的寄语与如何过有意义且幸福生活的新非常吻合。

    President Obama 's message to Arizona State University grads matches new research on how to live a fulfilled and happy life .

  26. 亚利桑那州立大学的马克-罗宾逊,筛选了由紫外线和可见光的比率所得到的数据而得出这一结论(月球上存有钛矿)。

    Mark Robinson of Arizona State University , sifted through the data for telltale jumps in the ratio of ultra-violet to visible light .

  27. 来自亚利桑那州立大学和荷兰鹿特丹大学的研究人员发现,观察自己吃东西是控制食欲的给力助推器。

    Researchers from Arizona State University and Erasmus University Rotterdam found that watching ourselves eat can be a powerful trigger to consume less .

  28. 当哈瓦苏人发现的时候,他们成功起诉,获得了70万美元的罚款,还禁止亚利桑那州立大学对其部落的研究。

    When the Havasupai found out , they sued successfully for $ 700000 , and they banned ASU from conducting research on their reservation .

  29. 近日,亚利桑那州立大学也进行了关于有氧运动对超重女性有何效果的研究,该研究结果与之相似。

    A study conducted by Arizona State University also recently found similar results when they studied the effects of aerobic exercise on overweight women .

  30. 亚利桑那州立大学的物理学家保罗?戴维斯指出在地球上(被)广泛(应用的)无线电通讯可能被证明只是一个相对短暂的历史现象。

    Paul Davies , a physicist at Arizona State University , points out that widespread radio communications may prove a short-lived historical phenomenon on Earth .