
  • 网络The City University of New York;CUNY
  1. 研究人员是来自纽约市立大学(CityUniversityofNewYork)的一组物理学家。

    The researchers , a team of physicists from City University of New York ,

  2. 纽约市立大学(CityUniversityofNewYork)研究生中心也计划举办类似活动,该中心于今年2月份成立了一个职业规划和专业发展办公室。

    Similar events are planned at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York , which established its new Office of Career Planning and Professional Development in February .

  3. 图利克是一名人权工作者,正在纽约市立大学(CityUniversityofNewYork)的新闻学院读研。她拿出手机记录下当时的情况。

    Ms. Tulic , a human rights worker now studying in the graduate journalism school at the City University of New York , pulled out her cellphone and recorded the events .

  4. 纽约市立大学研究生中心数字研究员计划(DigitalFellowsProgram)的学生在第二学年,每星期需要花费15个小时参加一个选定的项目和相关活动。

    Students in the Digital Fellows Program at the City University of New York Graduate Center , in its second year , commit 15 hours a week to a selected project and related activities .

  5. 这正是纽约市立大学教授杰夫贾维斯(jeffjarvis)所所说的“链接经济”。

    This is what Jeff Jarvis , a professor at City University of New York , commends as " the link economy " .

  6. 泰特萨在博物馆的同事、纽约市立大学李曼学院(LehmanCollegeoftheCityUniversityofNewYork)教授埃里克·戴尔森(EricDelson)也对这项研究十分激赏,说这是“伯杰再次出手!”

    A colleague of Dr. Tattersall 's at the museum , Eric Delson , who also is a professor at Lehman College of the City University of New York , was also impressed , saying , " Berger does it again ! "

  7. 纽约市立大学皇后学院教授贝弗里奇(AndrewBeveridge)说,我预计这一趋势将继续下去。他一直在研究这一现象。

    ' I expect the trend to continue , 'said Andrew Beveridge , a professor at Queens College at the City University of New York , who has studied the phenomenon .

  8. 这块化石与此前的预言吻合,这在我们这个学科领域,是少有的,纽约市立大学李曼学院的古人类学家埃里克·戴尔森(EricDelson)说。

    This fossil fits previous predictions , said Eric Delson , a paleoanthropologist at Lehman College of the City University of New York , which is a nice rarity in our field .

  9. 纽约市立大学将更多的城市设计,面向人类系统。

    The City College of New York would be much more urban design , oriented to human systems .

  10. 显然,纽约市立大学,将有一个比犹他州犹他州州立不同的方向。

    The City College of New York obviously will have a different orientation than Utah State in Logan , Utah .

  11. 由于在中学成绩优异,他进入了免费的纽约市立大学。

    His superior grades at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition-free College of the City of New York .

  12. 他于1972年荣获纽约市立大学法律哲学硕士后,曾服务于驻韩国美国维和部队两年。

    After receiving his Master Degree in the Philosophy of Law from the New York City University in1972 , he lived in Korea as a member of the US Peace Corps for two years .

  13. 最后他去了纽约市立大学,在33岁时成为正教授,50来岁时去世,生活过得不是很好,但有很重大的发现。

    He ended up at City University of New York , became a full professor at age thirty three , died in his early '50s , did not lead a good life but had extraordinary discoveries .

  14. 华北计算技术研究所计算机网络专业硕士毕业,美国纽约市市立大学访问学者,德国国家计算机科学研究中心客座学者。

    Graduated as m.s.of computer network specialty of North China Institute of computational technology , visiting scholar of New York Municipal university , usa , guest scholar of National Center of computer science , germany .