
niǔ lún bǎo shěn pàn
  • Nuremberg Trial
  1. 其中一座立于偏僻荒野的纪念碑纪念的是被德军射杀的300多名平民。根据德意志国防军(Wehrmacht)日记以及纽伦堡审判(Nurembergtrial)记录,这只是发生在这一地区的诸多屠杀和驱逐事件的标记之一。

    One of them , on a remote moor , commemorates the shooting of more than 300 civilians by German forces - just one sign of the many killings and deportations that took place in this area , according to Wehrmacht diaries and Nuremberg trial records .

  2. 历史表明纽伦堡审判受到了自然法复兴的影响,其审判过程可以看做是对新自然法精神的最好注解:自然法不再是一个法律体系中具体的高出实在法的存在。

    History shows that Nuremberg Trial was influenced by revive of natural law .

  3. 当然,在里芬斯塔尔那儿无迹可寻的正义,最终在1945年底开始的纽伦堡审判中,在希特勒副手赫尔曼·戈林(HermannGoering)这样人的身上得以伸张。

    And naturally , Ms. Riefenstahl had no hint of the justice that would finally be served here , at the Nuremberg war trials started in late 1945 , on men like Hermann Goering , Hitler 's second in command .

  4. 新的几集中有纽伦堡审判以及英国在巴勒斯坦所扮演的角色。

    New episodes involve the Nuremberg trials and Britain 's role in Palestine .

  5. 纽伦堡审判与法律价值观冲突

    Nuremberg Trial and the Conflict of Legal Values

  6. 自然法复兴与纽伦堡审判

    Revival of Natural Law & Nuremberg Trial

  7. 从索引卡到电子词典和知识高速公路。从纽伦堡审判中的首次现场同声传译到如今的电话和视频远程同传。

    From index cards to electronic dictionaries and the knowledge highway.From the Nuremberg trials to telephone and video remote interpreting .

  8. 读一读,判断正误。纽伦堡审判和东京审判的法律困惑之解读&以罪刑法定原则为视角

    The Law Puzzlement about The Nuremberg Trial and Tokyo Trials & View From of the Crime Decided by Criminal Law Principle

  9. 我深信1945年纽伦堡审判时宣布的法则:每个人都负有国际义务,它们超越了对国家义务的服从。

    I believe in the principle declared at Nuremberg in 1945 : Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience .

  10. 作者思索,当初是否有可能上演一场意大利版的纽伦堡审判,而且结果会有什么不同。

    The author speculates as to whether there could have been an Italian version of the Nuremberg trials , and what difference it might have made .

  11. 第二次世界大战结束后,随之而来的是纽伦堡审判和东京审判,即对战争罪犯和战争犯罪集团的审判。

    After the second world war ended , following was the Nuremberg Trials with the Tokyo War Trials to the war criminal and the war crimes group 's trial .

  12. 纽伦堡审判时,美国人它能展示全世界对纳粹制度的憎恶,并向德国人传递一个信息:美国决心永远根除纳粹制度。

    America hoped that the Nuremberg trials would demonstrate the abhorrence in which the world held the Nazi system , and bring home to the German people america 's determination to extirpate that system forever .

  13. 和许多日本右翼人士(以及某些左翼人士)一样,他认为1946年至1948年的东京审判远谈不上公平和公正。东京审判是纽伦堡审判的亚洲版。

    In common with many on Japan 's right ( and some on the left ), he regards the Tokyo Tribunal of 1946-48 - Asia 's version of Nuremburg - as far from " fair and just " .

  14. 通过一年多的努力,纽伦堡审判的奠基人以及国际军事法庭,克服了重重政治与法律难题,使这次审判得以成为现代国际法发展史上的里程碑。

    After the efforts for more than one year , the founder of the Nuremburg Adjudgement and the international military court made this adjudgement a milestone in the history of international law , by way of overcoming various political and legal difficulties .

  15. 二战后进行的纽伦堡审判和东京审判,摆脱了国内审判的羁绊,开创了个人承担国际刑事责任的先河,为建立稳定的国际刑事审判体系奠定了基础。

    The Nuremberg trial and the Tokyo trial held after the World War II got rid of the restriction of domestic trial , made history for individual international criminal liability , and laid the foundation for establishing a stable international criminal trail system .

  16. 东京审判是现代国际法发展史上的一个具有里程碑意义的事件,它与纽伦堡审判一脉相承,共同确立了现代国际法中战争犯罪和战争领导者个人责任的基本概念和原则。

    Tokyo trial was a landmark case in the historical development of modern law of nations . It reaffirmed in its judgment the fundamental conception and principle of the war crime and individual responsibility of the high ranking officials which were recognized in Nuremburg Trial .