
  • 网络The New York Botanical Garden;nybg
  1. 纽约植物园将举办美国最大的亨利•摩尔户外最大的雕塑展。

    The New York Botanical Garden will host the largest outdoor exhibition of Henry Moore 's sculpture ever presented in a single venue in America .

  2. 弗里达·卡罗:艺术、花园、生活展览为弗洛因德的书提供了极好的补充,它将于5月16日在纽约植物园开幕。

    Complementing the revelations of the Freund book is Frida Kahlo : Art , Garden , Life , opening May 16 at the New York Botanical Garden .

  3. 世界上最大的南瓜正在纽约植物园进行展览。

    And the biggest pumpkin ever is on the display in a New York botanical garden .

  4. 万圣节丧尸:纽约植物园展示了一只由巨形南瓜雕刻成的丧尸艺术品。

    Halloweembie : A zombie carved from giant pumpkins is displayed at the New York Botanical Gardens in New York .

  5. “弗里达·卡罗:艺术、花园、生活”展览为弗洛因德的书提供了极好的补充,它将于5月16日在纽约植物园开幕。

    Complementing the revelations of the Freund book is " Frida Kahlo : Art , Garden , Life , " opening May 16 at the New York Botanical Garden .

  6. 亨利•摩尔基金会对此次展览给予了大力协助,并与纽约植物园通力合作。

    The Henry Moore Foundation , which is dedicated to furthering the understanding , appreciation , and enjoyment of Moore 's work , is co-curating this exhibition with The New York Botanical Garden .

  7. 朱塔斯表示,他的南瓜将会被送往纽约市,于本月在纽约帕多瓦植物园对外展示。

    Jutras said his fruit is headed to New York City , where it will be on display this month at the New York Botanical Garden .