
  • 网络niue
  1. 联合国观察纽埃人民实行自决特派团

    United Nations Special Mission to Observe the Act of Self-Determination in Niue

  2. 1974年的今天,纽埃岛脱离新西兰独立。

    In1974 , Niue becomes independent from New Zealand .

  3. 新教教堂外的纽埃国王法塔基的墓碑。

    Gravestone of Fataaki , king of Nieue , outside Ekalesia Church .

  4. 阿洛菲的纽埃酒店及店内泳池。

    The Niue Hotel and pool in Alofi . Clam shells , Niue .

  5. 关于南太平洋区域渔业监测和执法合作的纽埃条约

    Niue Treaty on Cooperation in Fisheries Surveillance and Law Enforcement in the South Pacific Region

  6. 附连旅费的海外年假年纽埃行政费用条例

    Overseas annual leave with passages

  7. 民族:主要是纽埃人(属波利尼西亚人种),还有欧洲人。

    Ethnic composition : most of all people are niueans belonging , to poliynesian and others are european .

  8. 另外六个承诺走向气候中和,加入气候中和网络的成员国家是哥斯达黎加,新西兰,摩纳哥,冰岛,纽埃以及挪威。

    The other six nations that have pledged to move towards climate neutrality and joined the CN Net are Costa Rica , Iceland , Monaco , New Zealand , Niue and Norway .

  9. 美国声称德克萨斯与墨西哥应该以格兰德河为界,而墨西哥人认为边界线应该设在往北一些的纽埃西斯河。

    The United States claimed that the border between Texas and Mexico should be the Rio Grande River , while the Mexicans claimed the border was farther north at the Nueces River .