
  • 网络infertility;Sterility;female Infertility
  1. 数字图像处理在SEM空蚀图像定量分析中的应用数字化成像子宫输卵管造影对不孕症的病因定性诊断探讨

    Quantitative Analysis of Cavitation Erosion Based on Image Processing Application of Digital Hysterosalpingography in the Diagnosis of Infertility

  2. 克罗米芬(CC)-HMG联合治疗排卵障碍性不孕症21例疗效分析

    The clinical study on CC and HMG for 21 cases inhibited ovulation infertility

  3. 前列腺素F及其类似物对奶牛持久黄体性不孕症的疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of synthetic analogs of pgf2 α upon the persisting corpus luteum in dairy cows

  4. 精子凝集试验、固相酶法和ELISA法检测不孕症夫妇血清抗精子抗体的分析

    Determination of Antisperm Antibody in Serum of Infertile Couples by Sperm Agglutination Test , Solid Phase Enzyme Method and ELISA

  5. 方法在DSA下,对55例输卵管阻塞性不孕症采用自制导管进行选择性输卵管造影与再通治疗。

    Methods Fifty five cases of oviduct obstructive infertility were performed selective salpingography and recanalization through DSA .

  6. 结果60例不孕症患者进行61个IVF周期治疗,其中10个周期因卵巢反应不良而取消。

    Results Ten cycles were cancelled because of poor reaction of ovary .

  7. 不孕症;超声检查;基础体温;尿LH;宫颈黏液。

    Infertility ; Ultrasonic examination ; Basic temperature ; LH in urine ; Cervical mucus .

  8. 方法腹部超声对103例不孕症患者的卵泡生长情况进行监测,采用克罗米芬及HCG治疗。

    Methods Abdomen ultrasound inspection ovum growth of 103 sterility cases patient , using Clomiphene and HCG for treatment .

  9. 方法:将107例排卵障碍性不孕症患者随机分为3组,CC组36例,单纯给予克罗米芬治疗;

    METHODS : 107 unovulation patients were randomly divided into 3 groups , among whom 36 cases were given only CC ;

  10. 阴道超声结合尿LH试纸监测卵泡发育及排卵在不孕症诊疗中的价值

    Clinical value of transvaginal ultrasonography combined with LH urine test paper in monitoring follicular development and ovulation in infertile females

  11. 结果抗精子抗体阳性不孕症患者子宫内膜免疫组化IgA积分值明显高于抗精子抗体阴性不孕症患者,2者比较差别有高度显著性。

    RESULTS The IgA integral values of the infertility patients with positive antisperm antibody were significantly higher than those with negative antisperm antibody .

  12. 所以,建议对于不孕症的患者,应常规行UU、CT临床检测,以便及早发现并予以相应的治疗,尽量避免病原体感染的进一步加重。

    Therefore , infertility patients should be recommended routinely UU and CT clinical test for early detection and appropriate treatment to avoid further aggravate pathogen infection . 3 .

  13. 目的:探讨不孕症患者术前血清及术中腹腔液CA125浓度与诊断子宫内膜异位症(EM)的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between the CA125 level of serum and abdominal cavity fluid and EM diagnosis .

  14. HB-EGF及其受体在不孕症患者子宫内膜中的表达

    Expression of heparin binding epidermal growth factor and its receptor in infertility

  15. 结论:宫颈粘液AsAb的检测在诊断免疫性不孕症中有重要作用;

    Conclusion The assay of cervical mucus AsAb is of important value in diagnosing immunological infertility ;

  16. 1例男性46,XY,t(Y;1)不孕症患者的染色体核型分析

    Karyotype 46 , XY , t ( Y ; 1 ) ( q12 ; p33 ) in a sterility patient

  17. 目的探讨腹腔镜下卵巢电凝打孔术对治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)合并炎症的不孕症患者及PCOS患者的临床疗效。

    [ Objective ] To value the clinical effect for those infertility women who have polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) and inflammation .

  18. 目的探讨不孕症IVFET治疗患者取卵前1周的心理反应,分析其影响因素。

    Objective To explore the impact factors and investigate the mental reaction of infertility women treated with IVF-ET one week before taking ovum after getting their informed consent .

  19. 结果不孕症和闭经患者PRL极显著高于健康育龄妇女(P<0.01);

    Results The levels of PRL were significantly different between patients with sterility and menoschesis and health women ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. CBV感染与不孕症、格林-巴利综合症、不明原因发热及多种心血管疾病等有关;

    There is relationship between CBV infection and cardiovascular disease , GBS , arrhythmia and fever .

  21. 目的:探讨血清基础卵泡刺激素(FSH)和克罗米酚兴奋实验(CCT)预测不孕症患者卵巢储备功能的价值。

    Objective : To study the predictive value of basal serum hormone levels and clomiphene challenge test ( CCT ) were carried out in infertile patients .

  22. 抑制MMP在盆腔内的含量,改善生殖内环境可提高内异症性不孕症的治愈率。

    To reduce the level of MMP-2 in pelvic cavity and improve inner environment of reproduction may have action for increasing cure rate of infertility of endometriosis .

  23. 国产LRH-A穴位注射治疗奶牛不孕症的研究

    A study of infertility in dairy cow treated with LRH-A therapy of point injection

  24. Uu阳性组并发不孕症、阴道炎、慢性宫颈炎的机率高于Uu阴性组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Uu positive PID patients suffered from higher risk of infertility , vaginitis and chronic cervicitis than Uu negative group , there is statistically a difference ( P 0.05 ) 5 .

  25. 目的:应用体外受精-胚胎移植(IVFET)技术治疗不孕症,探讨胚胎培养系统和不孕妇女年龄对治疗效果的影响。

    Objective To apply the technique of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer ( IVF-ET ) to infertility treatment and discuss the effect of embryo culture system and female age on treatment outcomes .

  26. 目的:了解育龄女性沙眼衣原体(CT)和解脲支原体(UU)的感染情况,指导不孕症和阴道炎女性的检测治疗。

    Objective : To investigate infection of Chlamydia trachomatis ( CT ) and Ureaplasma urealyticum ( UU ) in female population at the reproductive ages , which give the treatment guidance to the patients with infertility and vulvovaginitis .

  27. 方法:选择不明原因性不孕症患者30例,正常生育妇女20例,采用免疫组织化学法分析子宫内膜HB-EGF及其受体的表达。

    Methods : The expression of HB-EGF and EGFR was observed in30 unknown reason infertility and20 normal female with immunohistochemical method .

  28. 目的:探讨不孕症合并子宫内膜异位症病人应用促性腺素释放素类似物(GnRHA)联合体外受精(IVF)的妊娠效果。

    AIM : To explore pregnancy results of infertility in endometriosis with gonadorelin release hormone analogue ( GnRH A ) in combination with in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) .

  29. 方法:选择133例临床诊断不孕症的患者,先后行HSG和宫腹腔镜联合检查,对其结果进行回顾性分析。

    Methods One hundred thirty three female infertile patients by clinical diagnosis were given HSG and hysteroscopy-laparoscopy , and the results were retrospectively analyzed .

  30. 卵泡生长不良性不孕症INH-ACT-FS系统的改变及其意义

    Changes and significance of INH-ACT-FS system in anovulation infertility