
  • 网络unusual;uncommon;Less common
  1. 报告儿童后腹膜常见与不常见占位病变的CT表现。

    Ptirpose : This article reported the CT findings together with clinical correlation of the common and uncommon pediatric retroperitoneal space occupying lesions .

  2. 对于较旧的或不常见的Web浏览器可能不行,当然,如果用户禁用了JavaScript则肯定不能工作。

    It may break for older or uncommon Web browsers , and , of course , it won 't work if the user has disabled JavaScript .

  3. 这种鸟白天不常见。

    You don 't often see this bird in daytime .

  4. 那是他极不常见的想要表现幽默的一次。

    It was one of his rare attempts at humour .

  5. 格温一直不常见到她父亲,因为他大部分时间在船上工作。

    Gwen had not seen her Daddy all that much , because mostly he worked on the ships

  6. 蓝石棉在建筑中很不常见,这倒是一件幸事,因为它比白石棉危险得多。

    Blue asbestos is far less common in buildings , which is just as well because it 's more dangerous than white asbestos

  7. 他轻叩鼻侧,做了个不常见的调皮手势。

    He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture .

  8. 它们是由一种不常见的巨型竹子加上金属、当地植物等其他材料制作出来的。

    They are made of an unusual king of bamboo and other materials like metal and a local plant .

  9. 如果您使用的是在Web服务器中不常见的编码类型,这种方法将会很有用。

    This is useful if you have an encoding type that is not common among Web servers .

  10. 比float更不常见的是short。

    Even less common than floats are shorts .

  11. Advancedsettings支持由IBM提供额外服务设置用于特定的和不常见的场景。

    Advanced settings allow for additional service settings provided by IBM for specific and typically less common scenarios .

  12. 模拟器会提供有效的替代方法测试不常见的场景或难以使用活动后台系统实现的反向(negative)测试案例。

    Simulators provide an efficient alternative for testing rare scenarios or negative test cases that are difficult to produce using live back-end systems .

  13. 拖放特性在桌面应用程序中非常常见,但是在Web应用程序不常见。

    The drag-and-drop feature is something we have come to expect out of desktop applications , but it is not seen as often in Web applications .

  14. 当前,GPS(全球定位系统)的应用已很广泛,实例应用却还不常见。

    Currently , the application of GPS ( Global Positioning System ) is very extensive , but it is difficult to see examples .

  15. 较不常见的辅音字母分值较高&K值3分,X值8分,Z值10分。

    Consonants which occur infrequently are given more points & K is worth three points , X eight and Z ten .

  16. 结论胚胎恶性肿瘤发生机制可能与成人肿瘤不同,微卫星DNA变化在Wilms肿瘤不常见。

    Conclusions Microsatellite instability , unlike that of adult tumors , is rare in Wilms ' tumor .

  17. 如果您的Web页面使用极为不常见的字体,那就会带来困惑、招来抱怨,或使用户沉默不语,因为用户决不会承认他们看过或理解您的站点。

    If you select a particularly unusual font face for your Web page , expect confused calls , complaints , or dead silence as users never acknowledge they saw or understood your site at all .

  18. 灵活的对象模型:JavaScript的对象模型使用一种相对不常见的方式进行继承称为原型而不是Java语言中更常见的基于类的对象模型。

    A flexible object model . JavaScript 's object model uses a relatively uncommon approach to inheritance called prototypes instead of the Java language 's more common class-based object model .

  19. WHO定义的细支气管肺泡癌(BAC)为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的一个不常见亚型。

    Bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma ( BAC ), as defined by WHO , is a relatively uncommon subtype of non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  20. 数据压缩能力、内存使用情况和访问模式等因素决定了一些不常见的AME优势。

    Factors like data compressibility , memory usage and access patterns decide the benefit of AME which are not commonly known .

  21. 和之前提到的GUI工具包(例如Fox和GTK)的使用一样,对于不常见的对话框,不需要UI编辑器。

    As with the use of the previously mentioned GUI toolkits ( such as Fox and GTK ), you don 't need a UI editor for the occasional dialog box .

  22. 结果表明,卵磷脂可以诱导形成不常见的无水ACC,并影响这种ACC后续转变形成的方解石的形貌。

    The results showed that PC is capable of inducing the formation of the unusal anhydrous ACC and influencing the morphology of calcite which tansformed from ACC in the follow-up mineralization process .

  23. 与那些bastardpop歌曲类似,mashup也是内容的一种不常见的创新组合(通常都源自于无关的数据源),这都是人工进行合成的(而不是通过计算机来合成的)。

    Like these " bastard pop " songs , a mashup is an unusual or innovative composition of content ( often from unrelated data sources ), made for human ( rather than computerized ) consumption .

  24. 研究背景:嗜酸粒细胞性胃肠炎(Eosinophilicgastroenteritis,EG)是一种不常见的胃肠病,虽然其发病率和诊断率近年来均有所升高,但误诊、漏诊仍较常见。

    Background & Aim : Eosinophilic gastroenteritis ( EG ) is an uncommon eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders . Although the prevalence and diagnostic rate of EG has been improved in recent years , the misdiagnosis is still common .

  25. 一些丹参醌类二萜醌在电子轰击下的裂解反应&关于一种不常见的(M-O)碎片离子的观察

    Studies on the fragmentation of diterpene quinones related to tanshinone under electron impact & the observation of an unusual ( m-o ) fragment ion

  26. 结论:由于该肿瘤不常见且与其它小圆细胞肿瘤相似,可能对明确诊断DSRCT造成困难。

    Conclusion : Definitive diagnosis of DSRCT may be difficult , as this tumor is unusual and bears considerable resemblance to other small round cell tumors .

  27. 和影响Q209的突变相比,影响R183的GNA11或GNAQ突变不常见(2%蓝痣,6%葡萄膜黑色素瘤)。

    Mutations affecting R183 in either GNAQ or GNA11 were less prevalent ( 2 % of blue nevi and6 % of uveal melanomas ) than the Q209 mutations .

  28. 对于不常见的错误,您必须拥有灾难恢复文档。

    For uncommon errors , you must have disaster recovery documentation .

  29. 现在大家族已经不常见了;极反常的行为。

    These days large families are atypical ; highly irregular behavior .

  30. 其它不常见的颜色还有黄褐及绿褐色。

    The less common shades are yellowish brown and greenish brown .