
  • omission;inaction;nonfeasance;benign neglect
  1. 行政不作为是行政行为中的一个重要分类。

    Administrative omission is the administrative behavior is an important classification .

  2. 论城市规划执法行政不作为

    On the administrative omission in the enforcement of the urban planning laws

  3. 美国和日本又回到了不作为货币政策的老路。

    America and Japan have settled back into a policy of benign neglect of their currencies .

  4. “容易受决策疲劳影响的人往往可能选择不作为,而非有所作为,”伯尔曼说。

    People who are susceptible to decision fatigue will likely choose to do nothing over something , he says .

  5. 这并不是说冒险永远是好的,但人在冒险时至少是在采取行动,而决策疲劳一定会导致不作为,从而会让那些本来希望尝试新思路但不幸受阻的决策者可能感到懊恼不已。

    That 's not to say that risk is always good , but it is related to taking action , whereas decision fatigue assuredly leads to inaction and the possible chagrin of a decision maker who might otherwise prefer a new course but is unfortunately hindered .

  6. 报道的作者指出,美国对改善基础设施的不作为不仅会影响房地产市场的健康发展,还会影响其国际竞争力。

    The report 's writers state that America 's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market , but also our ability to remain globally competitive .

  7. 自由是指做法律范围内允许的事情。权利是一种可要求他人履行作为或不作为的可予以强制执行的主张。

    Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit . Right is an enforceable claim to performance , action or forbearance by another .

  8. 然而,Swing应用程序使用的是轻量级的组件,操作系统将这些组件作为图像处理,而不作为离散的组件来处理。

    However , Swing applications use lightweight components , which are treated as images by the operating system , instead of discrete components .

  9. 而且,由于法律规定信托的受托人不作为一个独立的实体进行纳税,使得信托制SPV在税收成本方面也具有优势。

    Moreover , because the trust is not an independent entity to pay taxes , make trust advantaged in tax cost .

  10. WMN一般不作为一个独立的网络结构存在,而是作为因特网的最后一公里接入网。

    Generally , wireless mesh network cannot act as an independent network , but as the last mile access network of internet .

  11. 然后采用截断Baker变换对图像进行加密运算,将加密后的图像和密钥分别从公共通道和密钥通道传输,解密算法是加密算法的逆过程。这便是不作为犯罪因果关系的真相。

    Image encryption based on truncated baker transformation is done ; Encrypted image and key are transmitted from public passage and secret passage independently . Decrypted algorithm is opposite to the encrypted algorithm .

  12. 它们是有价值的,由于它们的含义不作为此工作的一部分而变更,所以在此处就不提了,但它们是包含于OID材料中的。

    They do have value , and since their meaning is not changed as part of this work , they are not addressed here but are covered in the OID material .

  13. 侦查不作为具有行为性和消极性两个基本属性。

    Investigation omission possesses two basic properties as behavior and negativity .

  14. 司法审查是纠正行政不作为违法的一种有效手段。

    Judicial review is an effective way to rectify administrative omission .

  15. 这些测试结果不作为对真实部署环境的建议。

    These test results do not represent recommendations for real-world deployment .

  16. 因而,非常有必要对环境行政不作为进行探讨研究。

    Consequently , it is essential to study the environmental administrative omission .

  17. 不作为犯罪的义务来源研究

    On the Source of the Duty of the Non - Action Crime

  18. 犯罪不仅可由作为构成,也可以由不作为构成。

    Crime can be committed by not only act but also omission .

  19. 我能在不作为教授的情况下活着。

    I can still be alive without being a professor .

  20. 第三部分行政不作为司法审查的范围及特点。

    The third part : Its range and characteristics as judicial examine .

  21. 正文第三部分,行政不作为的诉讼救济。

    In the third part , the accuse relief of the administrative omission .

  22. 积极作为义务为原则,消极不作为义务为例外的法律属性。

    Additional obligation and inactive nonfeasance as its exception .

  23. 论税务稽查行政不作为与税收流失

    On Administrative Nonfeasance in Tax Check and Revenue Run-off

  24. 不作为直接影响和结果。

    Not as a direct effect or consequence .

  25. 卫生监督行政不作为的成因及对策研究

    Reason and Countermeasures Research for Health Administer Nonfeasance

  26. 先行行为和道德义务成立不作为犯有着共同的伦理基础。

    Delictum Omissis according to prior act and moral obligation have same ethical foundation .

  27. 论不作为犯罪的义务来源

    On the Obligation Origins Of the Non-action Crime

  28. 有时不作为或安静也和行动一样有效。

    Inaction , or stillness , can sometimes be just as useful as action .

  29. 第二部分主要论述了不作为犯罪的义务来源。

    The second part has described the sources of obligation of negative crime mainly .

  30. 《上海日报》的一篇评论建议,有时一定的不作为也奏效。

    An article in the Shanghai Daily suggests that sometimes inaction can help too .