
  • 网络the Non-Aligned Movement;nam
不结盟运动 [bù jié méng yùn dòng]
  • [nonaligned movement] 1956年,铁托、尼赫鲁等在南斯拉夫发表联合声明,提出了不结盟的主张。1961年举行了第一届不结盟首脑会议。不结盟运动奉行独立、自主、非集团的原则,目前已有100余个成员国

  1. 中国发表上述言论前,巴基斯坦和古巴代表发展中国家组织77国集团(g77)和不结盟运动(non-alignedmovement)发出了多封信函。

    The Chinese outburst followed letters sent by Pakistan and Cuba , on behalf of the G77 group of developing nations and the Non-Aligned Movement .

  2. 不结盟运动常设部长级经济合作委员会

    Standing Ministerial Committee for Economic Cooperation of the Non-Aligned Movement

  3. 不结盟运动地中海成员国经济专家会议

    Meeting of Economic Experts of the Non-aligned Mediterranean Members

  4. 不结盟运动人口问题部长级会议;

    Ministerial meeting on population of the Non-Aligned movement ;

  5. 不结盟运动的发展与前景

    The non-alignment movement : evolution and Prospects

  6. 不结盟运动阿克拉宣言

    Accra Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement

  7. 南斯拉夫与不结盟运动

    Yugoslavia and the nonalignment movement

  8. 来自世界各国的几十位领导人在埃及红海旅游胜地聚集一堂,参加不结盟运动的第15届首脑会议,该组织共有118个成员国。

    Dozens of world leaders met at an Egyptian Red Sea resort for the15th summit of the118-nation Non-Aligned Movement .

  9. 不结盟运动首脑会议将在埃及召开,会议期间,印度总理辛格将会见巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼。

    On the sidelines of the upcoming Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Egypt , Indian Prime Minister will meet his Pakistani counterpart .

  10. 联合国秘书长潘基文已经确认参加下周在伊朗举行的不结盟运动峰会。

    UN Secretary-general Ban Ki - moon has confirmed his attendance to this summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Iran next week .

  11. 他说,不结盟运动必须适应当前国际的现实状况,并在达到目标的过程中要很灵活和有效。

    He said the movement must accommodate itself with the existing international reality and be nimble and efficacious in tacking its goals .

  12. 这份宣言充满了不结盟运动的老调,其内容包括尊重不同的政治制度、加强发展中国家之间的团结。

    The document is replete with the rhetoric of the old-style non-aligned movement , about respect for diverse political systems and enhancing solidarity among developing nations .

  13. 印度希望获得一个大国应有的尊敬,但不愿放弃以往作为不结盟运动领袖所享有的草根信誉。

    India wants the respect conferred by great power status , but is reluctant to give up the street credibility conferred by its old non-aligned leadership role .

  14. 利比亚领导人卡扎菲上校在首脑会议上讲话时回顾了不结盟运动在冷战结束前的各个发展阶段。

    In his address to the summit , Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gadhafi recalled the developing stages of the Non-Aligned Movement until the end of the Cold War .

  15. 当然,现在不同于上世纪50年代情绪激昂的后殖民时期,当时这两个国家是不结盟运动的主要成员。

    This time is different , of course , from the heady post-colonial days of the 1950s when both countries were celebrated as anchor members of the Non-Aligned Movement .

  16. 他说,不结盟运动重申,它坚持认为所有国家都应该为解决当前经济危机参与寻找有效和公正的解决办法。

    He said the movement has reaffirmed its insistence that all nations of the world must be part of the search for effective and just solutions to the present economic crisis .

  17. 我们也希望包括联合国安理会在内的国际社会能够倾听和尊重广大非盟、阿盟和不结盟运动成员的呼声。

    We also hope the international community including the UN Security Council could listen to and respect the appeal of members of the African Union , Arab League and Non-Aligned Movement .

  18. 不结盟国家运动协调局部长级会议

    Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-aligned Countries

  19. 专门讨论国际事务上和平与法治问题的不结盟国家运动外交部长会议;

    Meeting of the ministers for foreign affairs of the movement of Non-Aligned Countries to discuss the issue of peace and the rule of law in international affairs ;

  20. 南斯拉夫是不结盟思想和政策的诞生地,是不结盟运动的创始国之一。

    Yugoslavia is thebirthplace of the thought and policy of nonalignment , and is one of the initiators of thenonalignment movement .