
  • 网络Naoto Kan;kan naoto
  1. 现任首相菅直人(NaotoKan)预期很快将辞职。

    The current prime minister , Naoto Kan , is expected to resign soon .

  2. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)非常清楚谈论消费税可能存在的危险。

    Naoto Kan , Japan 's prime minister , knows well the dangers of consumption tax talk .

  3. 与菅直人不同的是,由于定期向渴望得到信息的公众发布最新消息,他已成为Twitter界的英雄。

    Unlike Mr Kan , he has become a hero of the Twitter world , sending out regular updates to a public hungry for information .

  4. 山由纪夫周三辞去日本首相职务后,副首相兼财务大臣菅直人(NaotoKan)成了把握最大的接班人选。

    To take the reins from Yukio Hatoyama , who resigned as prime minister Wednesday .

  5. 许多人认为,日本财政大臣菅直人(naotokan)是接任首相的热门人选。

    Naoto Kan , the finance minister , is seen by many as the favourite to succeed him .

  6. 如今,日本首相菅直人(naotokan)提出,日本应逐步淘汰核电。

    Now Naoto Kan , the prime minister , has suggested Japan should phase out nuclear power altogether .

  7. 在亚洲领导人峰会结束后,菅直人与越南总理阮晋勇(NguyenTanDung)周日在河内进行了会晤。

    Mr Kan met Nguyen Tan Dung , his Vietnamese counterpart , on Sunday after a summit of Asian leaders in Hanoi .

  8. :toacquirequickly(抢购)日本新任首相菅直人于本周二正式走马上任,在上任之际,他获得了一种意想不到的支持——一款印有他头像及口号“YesweKan”的T恤衫在网上热卖。

    As Japan 's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan took power Tuesday , he received an unexpected boost from online sales of T-shirts bearing his picture and the message " Yes we Kan . "

  9. 菅直人(naotokan)卸任的表态,将和他的上台一样:极度缺乏说服力。

    Naoto Kan is leaving office in the same way he occupied it : with an unshakeable lack of conviction .

  10. 在周二的选举中,菅直人(NaotoKan)赢得了721张选票,竞争对手小泽一郎(IchiroOzawa)获得491张选票。

    Mr. Kan won 721 votes in Tuesday 's election , compared with Ichiro Ozawa 's 491 ballots .

  11. 然而,菅直人周三在议会发表的讲话表明,这种说法或许不足以让首尔在G20峰会之前免受指责。

    But Mr Kan 's comments in the Diet on Wednesday suggest such arguments may not be enough to shield Seoul from criticism ahead of the G20 gatherings .

  12. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)将此次灾难称为日本战后最严峻的危机,不过日本也可以从中收获一些正面的信息。

    Japan can salvage some positives from what Naoto Kan , the prime minister , called its worst crisis since the war .

  13. 日本首相菅直人(naotokan)坚称日本将“以最急迫的姿态”处理核危机。

    Naoto Kan , prime minister , insisted that the country would handle the nuclear crisis " with the greatest urgency " .

  14. 日本新首相菅直人(naotokan)亲切地谈到,政府将大力支持日本企业拓展海外销售。

    Naoto Kan , the new Prime Minister of Japan , speaks lovingly of aggressive government support for Japanese companies seeking overseas sales .

  15. 既然执政仅三个月的日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)成功击败了党内对其领导地位的挑战,他可以把精力集中在管理国家的日常工作上了。

    Now that Naoto Kan , just three months into his premiership , has survived a leadership challenge , he can concentrate on running Japan .

  16. 可我们并不知道,菅直人当时还指示日本原子能委员会(AtomicEnergyCommission)委员长、近藤骏介(ShunsukeKondo)博士设想出“可能出现的最糟糕情况”。

    Unbeknown to the public , Mr Kan also instructed Dr Shunsuke Kondo , chairman of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission ( AEC ) , to draw up a " worst case scenario . "

  17. 自日本民主党控制日本议会下院以来,作为党派领袖,菅直人(NaotoKan)将继续担任日本首相。

    Since the DPJ controls the lower house of Japan 's parliament , as leader of the party , Mr. Kan will stay on as prime minister .

  18. 日本民主党一位官员宣布,现任首相菅直人(NaotoKan)赢得了领袖职位。

    Japan 's PM Survives Leadership Challenge An official of the Democratic Party of Japan announces that Prime Minister Naoto Kan has won the party leadership post .

  19. 菅直人周四在向日本工商会(japanchamberofcommerceandindustry)讲话时说,日元走强、股市走弱给日本经济“增加了不确定性”,而日本经济尚未摆脱战后最严重衰退的影响。

    Speaking to the Japan Chamber of Commerce and industry on Thursday , Mr Kan said the strong yen and weak stock market had " added to uncertainty " about the Japanese economy , which is still struggling to shake off the effects of its sharpest postwar recession .

  20. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)周五在出席联合国大会(UNGeneralAssembly)期间,以一种更加和缓的语气表示,日中两国是重要邻邦,必须相互合作。

    Naoto Kan , the Japanese prime minister , offered a more conciliatory tone , saying on Friday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that the two countries were important neighbours and must co-operate with one another .

  21. 拜登副总统将在东京会见日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan),讨论地区安全问题、在阿富汗的军事合作和全球经济复苏。

    The vice president will meet in Tokyo with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to discuss regional security issues , military cooperation in Afghanistan and the global economic recovery .

  22. 在我撰写本文时,日本确认的死亡人数已超过1.3万人,日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)正在组建全国灾后重建委员会。

    At the time of writing , more than 13,000 people are confirmed dead , and the prime minister , Naoto Kan , is convening a national rebuilding council .

  23. 当日本新任首相菅直人(NaotoKan)担任财务大臣时,他督促官员早点下班,以便工作日也能约会。

    When Naoto Kan , Japan 's new prime minister , was finance minister , he urged officials to leave work early so they could date even on weekdays .

  24. 正如日本副首相兼财政大臣菅直人(naotokan)上月所言,对日本而言,中国的增长总体上应该被看作一件“好事”。

    As Naoto Kan , Deputy Prime Minister and finance minister , said last month , Chinese growth should generally be seen as a " happy thing " for Japan .

  25. 大量发行的报纸《读卖新闻》(yomiuri)的一项最新调查显示,菅直人与小泽一郎“难分上下”。

    The latest survey by the mass circulation Yomiuri newspaper showed Mr Kan and Mr Ozawa running " neck and neck " .

  26. 法国总统尼古拉萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)周三对东京进行短暂访问期间,与日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)达成协议,同意合作致力于发展新的世界核安全标准。

    During a brief visit to Tokyo on Wednesday , Nicolas Sarkozy , French president , agreed with Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan to work together to develop new international nuclear safety standards .

  27. 与谢野馨表示,日本首相菅直人(naotokan)将不得不双管齐下,在为重建提供充足资金的同时,保证财政状况尽可能稳健。

    Mr Yosano said Naoto Kan , prime minister , would have to move on twin tracks of spending amply on reconstruction while keeping the fiscal position as sound as possible .

  28. 菅直人周一任命自民党(ldp)议员滨田和幸(kazuyukihamada)为总务内政官的举动,激怒了该反对党。

    Mr Kan angered the opposition Liberal Democratic Party on Monday by appointing LDP legislator Kazuyuki Hamada as a Parliamentary Secretary for internal affairs and communications .

  29. 日本首相菅直人(naotokan)称赞此决定是“应付当前经济形势的敏捷之举”。

    Naoto Kan , the prime minister , whose leadership is being challenged from within his own party , praised the decision as a " swift action to cope with the economic situation " .

  30. 日本共同通讯社(kyodo)发现,小泽一郎在国会议员中略占优势,但表示,它对地方议员的调查发现,菅直人以65比35点领先。

    Kyodo News Agency found Mr Ozawa had a slight edge among diet members , but said its survey of local assembly members found the prime minister with a 65-35 lead .