
  • 网络Discontinuity;discreteness
  1. 用地震CT技术探测煤层的不连续性

    Exploring the Discontinuity of Coal Seam by Seismic CT Technique

  2. 基于DSP离散小波变换的信号不连续性检测技术

    Discontinuity Detection of Signal Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform of DSP

  3. 任意形状的H面矩形波导不连续性的有限元分析

    Finite-element analysis of H-plane discontinuities of arbitrary shape in a rectangular waveguide

  4. H面波导不连续性的边界元分析

    Analysis of H-plane Waveguide Discontinuities Using Boundary Element Method

  5. 奇异积分方程在E面鳍形膜片不连续性问题中的应用

    Singular Integral Equation Technique for the Analysis of E-Plane Fin Septa Discontinuities

  6. H面波导不连续性是导波场理论中的重要问题。

    H-plane waveguide discontinuities is an important problem in the theory of guided waves .

  7. 毫米波E面膜片不连续性的等效电路参量

    Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Millimeter Wave E-Plane Strip Discontinuities

  8. 一般E面鳍形膜片不连续性的等效电路参量

    The Equivalent Parameters of Generalized E-Plane Fin Septa Discontinuities

  9. 部分高度E面膜片不连续性及其在毫米波滤波器中的应用

    Discontinuities of E-plane strip with partial height and their application to millimeter wave filters

  10. 矩形波导E面不连续性的DDM/FEM分析

    Analysis of E-plane Discontinuity in a Rectangular Waveguide by the DDM / FEM Method

  11. 平面电路中E面膜片不连续性的分析

    Analysis of E-Plane Septa Discontinuities in Planar Circuit

  12. 悬置微带间隙不连续性的准TEM波分析

    Quasi - tem wave analysis of gap discontinuity in suspended stripline

  13. 不同晶面与应变状态下Si/Ge应变异质界面的价带能量不连续性

    Valence-band offsets at st / ge strained heterointerfaces under different strain conditions

  14. 高压下NaCl水溶液的Raman光谱不连续性的证据

    Evidence of Discontinuities in the Raman Spectra of Aqueous NaCl Solution at High Pressure

  15. Banach空间的粗范数与支撑映射的一致不连续性

    Rough Norms and Uniform Discontinuity of Support Functions on Banach Space

  16. 具有不连续性的非线性Stiff液压系统的数字仿真

    Digital Simulation of Nonlinear Stiff Hydraulic system with Discontinuities

  17. 用FDTD法计算同轴线不连续性等效电路参数

    Analysis of coaxial discontinuity equivalent circuit parameters by FDTD method

  18. 本文利用直射线地震CT技术探测煤层的不连续性,给出了若干数值汁算结果,由此表明了方法的可行性。

    In this paper , we use seismic CT technique to explore the discontinuity of coal seam . The numerical experiment results show that the method is feasible .

  19. GaAs/Al(0.23)Ga(0.77)As双量子阱的带边不连续性和阱间耦合

    Band-edge discontinuities and coupling between wells for gaas / al_ ( 0.23 ) ga_ ( 0.77 ) as double quantum wells

  20. GaAs/Ga(1-x)AlxAs量子阱结构能带的不连续性

    Band Offset of GaAs / Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_xAs Quanlun ) Well Structures

  21. 南海与其邻近西太平洋SST年际变化的位相不连续性

    Phase discontinuity of the SST interannual oscillation between the South China Sea and its adjoining West Pacific Region

  22. 在H面T结毫米波双工器中,波导T结的不连续性通过在T结处引入金属膜片的方法来进行补偿,金属膜片的宽度及其插入波导宽边的深度通过有限元软件优化得到。

    The discontinuity of T-junction can be compensated by an inserted metal iris , the broadness and insert deepness of the iris can be achieved by optimization using FEM software .

  23. 把微带不连续性尺寸和频率作为输入样本,不连续性的S参数作为输出样本,采用BP算法对多层感知器进行训练。

    The size of the microstrip and the frequency are defined as the input samples of the multi-layer perceptron , and the S-parameters are determined as the desired output samples .

  24. 针对城市车辆全球定位系统(GPS)定位存在的不连续性问题,提出了采用压电陀螺和里程仪组成的低成本航迹推算系统与GPS组合方案。

    According to the problem of position discontinuity using GPS in city cars , a scheme that GPS is combined with DR which is composed by piezoelectric gyro and milemeter is put forward .

  25. 目前制约共面波导电路技术发展的最大瓶颈就是EDA工具中普遍缺乏高效实用和充分的各类共面波导不连续性结构模型。

    Presently the primary check point of the CPW circuits design is the absence of various CPW discontinuities models with high efficiency and practicability .

  26. 利用FDTD方法能够准确、高效地分析其电磁特性以及通过一定的补偿措施能够有效地降低其不连续性影响。

    Their electromagnetic characteristic can be analyzed in accurate way by FDTD method . Their adverse influence can be effectively reduced through some compensation measures .

  27. 事实上广义Hopf分岔与所有子系统的特征结构及系统不连续性有关。

    In fact , generalized Hopf bifurcation is determined by interactions between the discontinuity of the system and the eigen-structures of all subsystems .

  28. 本文给出一波导中含有某些不连续性时的功率容量减低因子为(Eo/Es)~2。文中给出了一些有用的实例。

    We give the reduction factor in the power carrying capacity of a waveguide containing continuities in the form of the ratio of ( Eo / Es ) ~ 2 for various cases of discontinuities .

  29. 应用EB-FEM结合完全匹配层(PML)对波导内介质不连续性问题进行了分析。

    The problems of waveguide discontinuities are analyzed by FEM combined with PML .

  30. 文中给出了一组正面膜片不连续性的等效电路参量曲线,基于这些曲线,设计和试制了二个W波段E面带通滤波器,实验结果与设计指标符合较好。

    A set of curves for the equivalent circuit parameters of E-plane strip discontinuities are given . Two E-plane bandpass filters are designed and tested at W-band . Experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions .