
  1. 要欣赏这部电影就得暂且相信那甚至不可能发生的事。

    To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief .

  2. 他清楚他在期盼一件不可能发生的事。

    He knows he 's wishing for the impossible

  3. 我想:“这不可能发生,肯定是谁在开玩笑。”

    I thought : ' This cannot be happening , somebody must be playing a joke ' .

  4. 最近的事件应该会让每个人在预测某处不可能发生什么事时变得谨慎起来,不论是好事还是坏事。

    Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there , for good or ill .

  5. 把他从英国文学的名人堂中除名就像卢浮宫卖掉《蒙娜丽莎》一样不可能发生。

    Removing him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa .

  6. 如果每个人都穿同样的衣服,那嘲笑别人衣着的事情就不可能发生。

    If everyone wears the same clothes , it is impossible to laugh at other people 's clothing .

  7. 承认你曾认为不可能发生的事实,去做而不需要别人认为不可缺少的条件,忍受那些被视为无法忍受的变故,这就是快乐的秘诀。

    The secret of happiness is learning3 to accept the impossible , do without the indispensable4 , and bear the intolerable .

  8. 如果一个中国孩子得了个B那永远不可能发生那么接下来的就是一场暴风骤雨。

    If a Chinese child gets a B ? which would never happen ?

  9. 如果inner()没有被内联,那么这个优化是不可能发生的。

    Had inner () not been inlined , this optimization would not have been possible .

  10. A.这不可能发生。


  11. 但是,这并不意味着SBR法不可能发生污泥膨胀,通过大量试验发现,在低负荷和沉淀及闲置时间过长时.SBR法也会产生污泥膨胀。

    While low-loading and much longer settling and idling time , sludge bulking would occur in SBR .

  12. 另一个对我们来说看似不可能发生但却真实发生的问题是,会出现使得RationalRationalSoftwareArchitect挂起的僵局。

    Another potential problem , which may seem like an unlikely scenario but actually happened to me , was a deadlock that caused Rational Software Architect to hang .

  13. 这一特殊的动力学现象对于具有弱核的神经网络是不可能发生的,用平均时延作分岔参数,作者也证明了Hopf分岔的存在性。

    Using the mean time delays as a bifurcation parameter , authors have proven that Hopf bifurcation parameter passes through a critical value .

  14. 可以肯定的是,后经济危机迫使银行和家庭降低自身的负债,这意味着v字型的经济反弹是不可能发生的。

    To be sure , the post-crisis imperative for banks and households to reduce their debt meant a V-shaped rebound was never on the cards . Even so , this is a terrible performance .

  15. 因为WSTF是社区驱动的,并且对每个人开放,所以讨论可以在那里继续,否则不可能发生。

    Because the WSTF is community driven and open to everyone , discussions can go on there that might not otherwise happen .

  16. 第三,从防止无效率的控制权转让发生方面来看,大部分无效率的转让在NCS结构下都不可能发生,因此NCS结构要严格优于NS结构。

    Third , NCS structure is better than NS structure from the point of view of preventing the inefficient transferences , because almost all inefficient transferences can not take place in NCS structure .

  17. 这是有限制的,因为它需要对文档的有关声明是怎么产生的进行改动,这常常是不合需要的,而且如果文档格式不是RDF,则不可能发生改动。

    This is limiting as it requires the alteration of a document about which the claim is being made & often undesirable , and if the document format isn 't RDF , impossible .

  18. 由序参量的自洽方程发现,在具有排斥两体相互作用的超冷费米原子气体中,原子的BCS转变不可能发生。

    From the self consistent equations , we have found that BCS condensation of atoms can 't occur in such a repulsive two body interaction Fermi gas of atoms .

  19. 百度首席架构师JamesPeng在昨日的演示中表示,百度车辆的传感器优于特斯拉,百度无人驾驶汽车不可能发生这样的交通事故。

    James Peng , Baidu 's chief computer architect , claimed during a presentation yesterday that its own vehicles " sensors were superior to Tesla 's and the same road accident could not have happened with its cars .

  20. 根据布莱克-肖尔斯(black-scholes)模型,“黑色星期一”这样的事件不可能发生,因为其概率低到不应当在宇宙寿命内发生。

    According to the Black-Scholes model , an event such as black Monday could not happen . It was so unlikely it should not have occurred in the lifetime of the universe .

  21. 如果不是因为你的话,这些事不可能发生。

    That wouid 've never happened if you were not here .

  22. 如果你认为有些事不可能发生,那么它就不会发生。

    If you dont think something is possible , it isnt .

  23. 那么你知道你所说的是不可能发生的。

    Then you know that what you 're saying 's impossible .

  24. 没有量子物理学,就不可能发生硅谷革命。

    The silicon revolution would have been impossible without quantum physics .

  25. 不过我认为那是不可能发生的,对吧?

    But I guess that 's not going to happen , huh ?

  26. 一件连体服就意味着这根本不可能发生。

    A jumpsuit says that ain 't going to happen .

  27. 我们知道这不可能发生。

    And we know that that 's not the case .

  28. 嗨,矮子,根据规定那是不可能发生的。

    Hey , half , according to the rule that cant happen .

  29. 根据最新的普遍预测,这是不可能发生的事情。

    On the latest consensus of forecasts , that will not happen .

  30. 不可能发生就是不可能!

    True * It can 't happen because it can 't happen !