
  • 网络The British Isles
  1. 你可以绕着不列颠群岛愉快的观光。

    You can have a pleasant trip about the British Isles .

  2. 我认为他是在不列颠群岛接受高等教育的。

    I think his higher education was in the British isles .

  3. 安斯特岛是不列颠群岛中最北的一个。

    Unst is the most northerly island in the British Isles

  4. 设得兰群岛是水獭在不列颠群岛上最后的栖息地。

    Shetland is the last stronghold of otters in the British Isles .

  5. 不列颠群岛的地质

    the geology of the British Isles

  6. 《英语走向何方》的作者大卫葛拉多尔(davidgraddol)表示,人们很容易将这看作是北美、不列颠群岛及澳大拉西亚等地以英语为母语的人士的胜利但这是错误的。

    David Graddol , the author of English next , says it is tempting to view the story of English as a triumph for its native speakers in North America , the British Isles and Australasia but that would be a mistake .

  7. 不列颠群岛中的第二大岛是爱尔兰岛。

    The second biggest island in the British Isles is Ireland .

  8. 东大西洋:不列颠群岛到象牙海岸,包括地中海。

    Eastern Atlantic : British Isles Coted'Ivoire , including the Mediterranean .

  9. 不列颠群岛包括不列颠和爱尔兰等岛屿。

    The British Isles are the islands of Britain and Ireland .

  10. 大不列颠是不列颠群岛中最大的岛屿。

    Great Britain is the largest island among the British Isles .

  11. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。

    Geographical names : the British Isles , Great Britain and England .

  12. 下面是不列颠群岛天气预报。

    Here is the weather forecast for the British isles .

  13. 这是最大的城市不列颠群岛。

    Which is the largest city in the British Isles .

  14. 不列颠群岛也派了一个代表团来。

    There was also a delegation from the British isles .

  15. 不列颠群岛在北纬五十度和北纬六十度之间。

    The British Isles lie between latitude 50'N and latitude 60'N.

  16. 不列颠群岛也不缺美人鱼的传说。

    The British Isles too had their fair share of merfolk mythology .

  17. 结论:在前三章论述的基础上,对爱德华一世在不列颠群岛扩张的历史意义的归纳和总结。

    Conclusion : A summary of the three chapters .

  18. 到了19世纪,不列颠群岛常被放在地图的中心。

    By the 19th century maps often placed the British Isles at the core .

  19. 我怀疑我那时看到了不列颠群岛。

    I suspect I saw the british isles .

  20. 不列颠群岛中两个最大的岛是不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛。

    The two largest islands in the British Isles are Ireland and Great Britain .

  21. 不列颠群岛的气候温和多雨。

    The climate of the British Isles is mild with a lot of rain .

  22. 皮克特人来自于遥远的不列颠群岛。

    The Picts are from the far , far north of the British isles .

  23. 不列颠群岛位于欧洲北部。

    The British Isles lie in northwest Europe .

  24. 时间:公元22年。地点:不列颠群岛

    Date : 22 AD. Place : British Isles

  25. 今年获得水星音乐奖最佳专辑奖的乐队来自不列颠群岛。

    The Mercury Prize recognizes the year 's best record from the British isles .

  26. 在不列颠群岛和西欧为常见萌生林和绿篱植物。

    In the British Isles and western Europe it is common copse and hedge plant .

  27. 二十人死于周末袭击不列颠群岛的风暴。

    Twenty people died in the storms which lashed the British Isles at the weedend .

  28. 不列颠群岛的西部地区

    Western regions of the British Isles

  29. 北大西洋暖流流经不列颠群岛西海岸,生天色变暖。

    The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them .

  30. 据史料记载,维京人最早入侵不列颠群岛是在八世纪末;

    The first Viking invasions into the British Isles were recorded in the late eighth century ;