
bù dān
  • Bhutan;the Kingdom of Bhutan
不丹 [bù dān]
  • [Bhutan] 亚洲喜马拉雅山东段王国。北与中国接壤,南与印度交界。面积47000平方公里。人口1442000(1990年)。首都廷布

不丹[bù dān]
  1. 不丹王国的虎穴寺

    Takstang Monastery in the Kingdom of Bhutan

  2. 不丹王国是亚洲仅剩的国王制国家,也是世界上唯一一个衡量国民幸福总值的国度。

    The Kingdom of Bhutan is the last remaining kingdom in Asia and is the only place in the world to measure Gross National Happiness .

  3. 2022年世界杯的主办国是卡塔尔,在C组3比0轻取不丹之后,轻松跻身小组第一出线。

    Qatar , the 2022 host , has definitely topped Group C with 18 points after easing past Bhutan 3-0 tonight .

  4. 我和克里斯提·鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)拜见了不丹国王,那是他送给我的。

    Christian Louboutin and I met the king of Bhutan , and he gave me that .

  5. 在接下来的一个小时里,我们将沿着不丹雄伟壮丽的富毕卡谷地(PhobjikhaValley)一路飘游,从空中欣赏绵延不绝的喜马拉雅山(Himalayan)的壮美景色。

    For the next hour we drift down Bhutan 's majestic Phobjikha Valley , savouring a bird 's-eye view of the Himalayan scenery unfolding around us .

  6. 在去印度的旅途中,在他称帝的早期,他被一个印度记者问到关于不丹的GDP,不丹GDP的大小的问题。

    On a trip through India , early in his reign as king , he was asked by an Indian journalist about the Bhutanese GDP , the size of the Bhutanese GDP .

  7. 他们建议为阿富汗、孟加拉国、不丹、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡的儿童接种Hib疫苗。

    They recommend the Hib vaccine for Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Bhutan , Pakistan , and Sri Lanka .

  8. 这些湖造成的洪水冰川湖突发洪水(GLOFs)是不丹严重关切地问题。

    Floods of these lakes glacial lake outburst floods are a serious concern .

  9. 多年来,喜马拉雅山脉地区的小国不丹一直试图测量国内幸福总值来对抗诸如国内生产总值(GDP)这样的指数。他们认为GDP这样简单的指标对人民来说并没有真正的意义。

    For years , the tiny Himalayan country of Bhutan has tried to measure gross national happiness to counter measures such as gross domestic product ( GDP ), arguing that such simple metrics don 't capture what is really meaningful to people .

  10. 不丹的Duars被分成两部分:北部、南部的Duars。

    The Bhutan Duars is divided into two parts : the northern and the southern Duars .

  11. 最近,不丹推出邮票,作为实际的CD-ROM的一倍。'一个有权不丹:在与自然,其他:不丹:100君主'年和谐。

    More recently , Bhutan introduced postage stamps that doubled as actual CD-ROMs . 'One is entitled Bhutan : In Harmony with Nature , the other : Bhutan : 100 Years of Monarchy ' .

  12. 18世纪,不丹占领了CoochBehar王国南部。

    In the18th century , the Bhutanese occupied the kingdom of Cooch Behar to the south .

  13. Dzongkha是不丹的民族语言,是一种混合语。

    Dzongkha is the national language and lingua franca .

  14. 不丹中部的黑山成为两大河系MoChhu和DrangmeChhu的分水岭。

    The Black Mountains in central Bhutan form a watershed between two major river systems , the Mo Chhu and the Drangme Chhu .

  15. 19世纪70年代期间,敌对的Paro和Trongsa流域间的权力斗争导致了不丹内战。

    During the1870s , power struggles between the rival valleys of Paro and Trongsa led to civil war in Bhutan .

  16. 1974年发行Ngultrum时,不丹人就将它与印度卢比挂起钩来。

    When the Ngultrum was introduced in1974 , the Bhutanese pegged it with the Indian Rupee .

  17. 舞者受到王室的赞助,致力于保护古老的民族和宗教的服装,使古老的面具制作工艺永存。带有不丹独特的建筑风格是一种堡垒,它被称作dzong。

    The dancers enjoy royal patronage , and preserve ancient folk and religious customs and perpetuate the ancient art of mask making .

  18. 帕德玛(T.V.Padma)报道了不丹的困境:如何在现代社会中协调物种保护、经济发展和幸福之间的关系。

    T.V.Padma reports on Bhutan 's dilemma : how to reconcile conservation , economic development and happiness in a modern world .

  19. Nikogosian博士说,不丹的无烟烟草消费程度较高,而且年轻人烟草使用率过高。

    Dr Nikogosian said that Bhutan had a relatively high level of consumption of smokeless tobacco and prevalence of tobacco use among young people .

  20. Rinchen说不丹迫切地需要测绘危险区域,因为不丹很容易发生破坏性的滑坡、泥石流和洪水。

    Rinchen says Bhutan urgently needs to map its hazard zones as it is also prone to destructive landslides , mudslides and floods .

  21. 不丹实际上创造了一种终极的输出,一种新的全球通用的福祉。这个世界上有40个国家正在研究他们自己的GNH。

    Bhutan 's created the ultimate export , a new global currency of well-being , and there are 40 countries around the world today that are studying their own GNH .

  22. 1998年,不丹总理吉格梅·廷里确立了GNH的“四大支柱”,这如今成为不丹发展的总指导方针。

    In1998 , Bhutan 's Prime Minister , Jigmi Thinley , identified the " Four Pillars " of GNH , which today form the overall guiding principle for development in Bhutan .

  23. 不丹主要的研究中心还收集了大量各种各样的数据来衡量国民幸福总值GNH,其中包括心理上的良好感觉、良好的管理、生态多样性和生活水准。

    Bhutan 's main research center collects a wide variety of data to measure this , including things like psychological well being , good governance , ecological diversity and living standards .

  24. 不丹在东Luana湖地区拥有一套人工操作系统,由两名配备无线电设备和卫星电话的职员来传递消息。

    Bhutan has a manually operated system in the eastern Luana lake area , with two staff members equipped with a wireless set and a satellite telephone to relay messages .

  25. 他们的工作将涵盖兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区(HKH),这是从阿富汗延伸到缅甸的绵长的山脉,覆盖了孟加拉国、不丹、中国、印度、巴基斯坦和尼泊尔。

    Their work will cover the Hindu Kush-Himalayas ( HKH ), a swath of mountain ranges stretching from Afghanistan to Myanmar , and covering Bangladesh , Bhutan , China , India , Pakistan and Nepal .

  26. 冰川湖突发洪水(GLOFs)是不丹和尼泊尔的主要心病。科学家预计在将来,随着气候变暖,这些情况更有可能发生。

    Forecasting glacial lake outburst floods ( GLOFs ) is a major worry for Bhutan and Nepal , with projections indicating that these are likely to increase in the future as a result of climate change .

  27. 这是21世纪,并且不丹是一个公认的独立的国家。

    This is21 century and Bhutan is a recognised independent country .

  28. 我有几件事想跟不丹的朋友谈谈。

    I have few things to discuss with our fellow Bhutanese .

  29. 因此,不丹的故事听起来就像天方夜谭。

    So the story of Bhutan sounds like a fairy tale .

  30. 东部的不丹喜马拉雅王国的姑娘;

    The eastern part of the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan ;