
  1. 这一表述,被称为不得强迫自证其罪特权。

    This statement is called the right against self-incrimination .

  2. 目前,国际上将不得强迫自证其罪特权视为刑事诉讼中对被追诉人进行公正审判的一项最低限度保障。

    At present , the right against self-incrimination is regarded as an basic safeguard to ensure defendants ' civil rights in criminal action .

  3. 不得强迫自证其罪与鼓励自愿供述:法律规定不得强迫自证其罪的同时,应当鼓励自愿供述。

    The privilege against self-incrimination and encourage voluntary confession : ' it does not compel self incrimination in the law at the same time , and should encourage voluntary confession .

  4. 第二部分对对不得强迫自证其罪原则的起源和在两大法系国家的发展状况的概述,并简单论述了各国对该特权的限制性规定。

    The second part of the rightness shall the Privilege against Self-incrimination of the principles and two law countries in the development situation of the paper , and simple discusses the various countries to the privilege of restrictive rules .

  5. 本文论述了我国应在刑事诉讼法中确立不得强迫自证其罪原则、沉默权以及非法证据排除规则。

    The ban of enforcement to prove one is guilty by himself , the right of keep silence and the rule of elimination from illegal evidence should be established in our country 's penal barratry law were discussed in this article .

  6. 第四部分析了我国的立法现状论述了新刑诉法修正案中未能真正规定不得强迫自证其罪原则,此外还指出了在我国设立该原则存在的障碍。

    The fourth part analyzed the present legislation in China and discusses the new amendment failed to really provisions in points may not be the Privilege against Self-incrimination ; in addition , it also points out the principles established in our country the obstacles .