
  • 网络constantine i
  1. 君士坦丁一世宗教政策评析

    Comment and Analysis of Constantine I ' Religious Policies

  2. 浅议君士坦丁一世对多神教实行宽容政策的原因

    A Discussion on the Reasons of the Toleration Policy to the Polytheism of Constantine I

  3. 君士坦丁一世与早期基督教

    Constantine and Early Christianity

  4. 君士坦丁一世与基督教

    Constantine ⅰ and Christianity

  5. 君士坦丁一世是东罗马帝国的创始人,是第一位承认并皈依基督教的罗马皇帝。

    Constantine I was the founder of the East Roman Empire , who was the first Roman Emporor that admitted and was converted to Christianity .

  6. 最初的建筑物是在公元325年的第一次尼西亚会议结束后,在罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世的命令下,由耶路撒冷的马卡里斯主教建造的。

    The original structure was built by Bishop Makarios of Jerusalem at the direction of Constantine I of the Roman Empire following the First Council of Nicaea in325 .

  7. 君士坦丁一世是罗马历史上一位杰出的军事家、政治家,第一位承认并皈依基督教的罗马皇帝,也是东罗马帝国的创始人。

    Constantine I is an outstanding militarist and politician in Roman history . He is the first Roman emperor who acknowledged and converted to the Christianity , as well as the founder of the Empire of East Rome .