
jūn zhǔ lì xiàn zhì
  • constitutional monarchy
  1. 论法国七月王朝君主立宪制的建立

    On the Formation of Constitutional Monarchy of the July Dynasty of France

  2. 故宫是一个很有工作和建设的中心,英国的君主立宪制。

    The Palace is very much a working building and the centrepiece of Britain 's constitutional monarchy .

  3. 我们的婚姻可以帮助格鲁吉亚重建君主立宪制

    together we could help restore our constitutional monarchy to Georgia ,

  4. 对有的人来说,君主立宪制就完全不合时宜。

    To some people the monarchy is simply an anachronism .

  5. 非洲西北部的一个君主立宪制的王国。

    A kingdom ( constitutional monarchy ) in northwestern Africa .

  6. 君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。

    Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in1688 .

  7. 1910年的革命结束了第一共和国时期的葡萄牙君主立宪制。

    In1910 a republican revolution deposed the Portuguese monarchy starting the First Republic .

  8. 非洲南部一君主立宪制国家。

    A constitutional monarchy in southern Africa .

  9. 1999年,澳大利亚就推行共和制还是继续君主立宪制举行了全民公决。

    In 1999 , Australia held a referendum about adopting republic or continuing constitutional monarchy .

  10. 所有这些改变都由实际上的君主立宪制带来。

    All these changes were to be brought about under a de facto constitutional monarchy .

  11. 这是一个君主立宪制国家。

    The country is a constitutional monarchy .

  12. 英国是君主立宪制国家。

    Britain is a constitutional monarchy .

  13. 大英帝国勋章是在英国这个君主立宪制国家中最受欢迎的荣誉之一。

    An OBE is one of the most popular honors given out by the British monarchy .

  14. 南太平洋中位于萨摩亚群岛西部的一个君主立宪制国家。

    A constitutional monarchy on the western part of the islands of Samoa in the S Pacific .

  15. 特别是对君主立宪制下检察权的权力配置、权力性质进行了考辩。

    Especially it studies the power configuration , power nature of the procuratorial power under Constitutional monarchy .

  16. 不同国家的商务礼仪西班牙是一个君主立宪制国家,皇室只有礼节上的功能。

    Manners in different countries Spain is a constitutional monarchy in which the royals have only ceremonial functions .

  17. 君主立宪制被废弃了,取而代之的是在共和国总统领导下的共和制。

    The constitutional monarchy had been abolished , replaced by a republic , led by a president of the republic .

  18. 欧洲西北部的一个君主立宪制国家;欧洲经济共同体和北大西洋公约组织的总部。

    A monarchy in northwestern Europe ; headquarters for the European Common Market and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization .

  19. 欧洲西北部的一个大公国,君主立宪制,位于法国、比利时和德国之间;一个国际金融中心。

    A grand duchy ( a constitutional monarchy ) in northwestern Europe between France and Belgium and Germany ; an international financial center .

  20. 莱索托实行君主立宪制。国王为国家元首。国王不掌管行政和立法权力。

    Lesotho is an hereditary monarchy , the king , who is the head of state , has no executive and legislative powers .

  21. 位于亚洲东部的由一系列岛屿组成的君主立宪制国家;电子技术、汽车工业和造船工业世界领先。

    A constitutional monarchy occupying a string of islands east of Asia ; a world leader in electronics and automobile manufacture and ship building .

  22. 他解释说参战是不理智且耗费钱的,尤其是在清政府准备实行君主立宪制的时候。

    He reasoned that going to war would be unreasonable and costly , especially when noting that the Qing Government had a goal for constitutional monarchy .

  23. 换言之,文莱采用了英国君主立宪制的外衣,而传统的王朝体系才是这种体制的根本。

    In another word , Brunei has adopted the form of British constitutional monarchy , but traditional system of dynasty has remained the fundamental of this system .

  24. 1815年,拿破仑王朝在滑铁卢战役中灭亡,雨果在悲惨世界中对这场战争做了详细的描述,一个君主立宪制的国家随之建立。

    In1815 the empire collapsed at the battle of Waterloo , which Hugo describes in detail in Les Mis é rables , and a constitutional monarchy was established .

  25. 七月王朝君主立宪制的合法性基础在于它对复辟王朝的政治制度既肯定又否定,既继承又发展,既有趋同又有超越。

    The legal basis of the new constitutional monarchy is its affirmation and negation , inheritance and change , approval and surmounting to the political system of the restored Bourbons .

  26. 在2005年,为表示对佛陀的敬意,纪念泰国君主立宪制,该40卷大藏经的印刷项目最终完成出版。

    In2005 , the printing project was finally completed and was published in40 volumes as a homage to the Buddha and in honour of the Buddhist Sovereign Monarchy of Thailand .

  27. 独立后的文莱,在政治上建立了君主立宪制,虽然在其形式上可以看到英国政治体制方方面面的痕迹,但它在本质上传承了文莱传统政治文化的精髓。

    Brunei has established a political monarchy since its independence . It has inherited the kernel of Brunei political tradition in essence despite of some traces of British political system in appearance .

  28. 英国是一个君主立宪制国家,因此王室实际上并没有控制政府,但其在英国乃至全世界都得到了极大的关注。

    The UK is a constitutional monarchy , so the royal family doesn 't actually control the government , but it does get a lot of attention in the United Kingdom and all over the world .

  29. 巴林的市民社会具有特殊性:其中受制于二元制君主立宪制的政治体制的影响、宗教派别矛盾影响、工会特色组织、女权特色组织是比较突出的几个特殊性。

    The civil society of Bahrain has particularities : some characteristics are : its political system is controlled by the binary system of constitutional monarchy , the contradiction of religious sect , trade union organization and feminist organization .

  30. 本文拟从社会环境、英国君主立宪制的确立、优越的自然条件、资本原始积累的完成、对外贸易、生产技术已经成熟、自然科学的进步等七个方面做综合探讨。

    This paper synthetically analyzes the reasons from the following seven aspects : social environment , the establishment of constitutional monarchy , superior natural condition , accomplishment of primitive accumulation , foreign trade , mature productive technology and progress of natural science .