
jūn zhǔ zhuān zhì zhènɡ tǐ
  • absolute monarchy;autocratic monarchy
  1. 清承明制,将君主集权专制政体发展到登峰造极的地步,中央高度集权于皇帝,地方则高度集权于各级政府的主官。

    Holding the system of Ming dynasty , developing sovereign autocracy of height concentrating power .

  2. 由通常是世袭的君主统治的专制政体。

    An autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority .

  3. 主要原因还是由于君主集权的专制政体所导致的司法不独立所造成。

    The reason is that there is a despotic regime in which authority is centralized to the emperor and the judicature is not independent at all .

  4. 祖屋;家学;世袭君主政体;祖产;继承的传统。由通常是世袭的君主统治的专制政体。

    Ancestral home ; ancestral lore ; hereditary monarchy ; patrimonial estate ; transmissible tradition . an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority .