
  • 网络METHOD;integration method;Time Integration;AIM
  1. 配置积分方法在GPS卫星轨道确定中的应用

    The Application of Collocation Integration Method in the Orbit Determination of GPS Satellites

  2. 重点介绍了配置(Collocation)积分方法的原理和步骤。

    This paper mainly introduces the theory and process of collocation integration method .

  3. 构造B样条函数的积分方法及其具体运算

    The Integral Method and Computation for Constructing B-Spline Functions

  4. 基于时域积分方法分析PCB串扰问题

    Analysis of Crosstalk in PCB Using Time-Domain Integral Scheme

  5. 具有负U中心机制的稀掺杂共晶合金的泛函积分方法求超导体的临界温度

    Critical temperature of superconducting eutectic alloys containing dilute impurities under the negative U centers mechanism with a functional integral method

  6. 本文用路径积分方法导出了AB效应的精确解析式。

    The exact analytical equation for the effect AB is worked out by the method path integral .

  7. 本文通过有限积分方法(FIT)对紧缩场的低频特性进行计算,并通过这种精确离散化仿真计算结果与近似算法的比较,证明在一定情况下近似方法有它的适用范围。

    Performance of compact range in low frequency is simulated by FIT and applicable ranges of convolution method of antenna near field calculation are proved by the results .

  8. 用QRS积分方法评价培哚普利对急性前壁心肌梗死的影响

    The Evaluation of Perindopril in the Treatment of Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction by QRS Scoring System

  9. 采用变步长Gill数值积分方法,对系统的非线性运动微分方程组进行了求解。

    Employing variable step size Gill integration method , the governed nonlinear differential equations are solved .

  10. 用数值积分方法求解了在圆柱坐标中的横向多模菲涅尔(Fresnel)积分方程。

    Fresnel integral equations of the transverse multimode are solved by the numerical integration method in the cylinder coordinate .

  11. Euler积分方法在解决具有刚性问题的微分方程时不能够很好地满足车辆动力学仿真的需要。

    For Euler integration method cannot satisfy the need of vehicle dynamics simulation when the stiffness differential equation is to be solved .

  12. 用J积分方法测定了尼龙-66、尼龙-1010、尼龙-610等工程塑料的断裂韧性并用J1c来表征。

    The paper introduces the fracture toughness of engineering plastics Nylon-66 , Nylon-1010 , Nylon-610 etc. measured by J integral method and characterized with J_ic .

  13. 在径向回退(radialreturn)和向后欧拉积分方法的基础上,结合连续迭代(SuccessiveSubstitution)方法,推导并建立了针对循环粘塑性本构模型的、新的隐式应力积分算法。

    Based on the radial return method and backward Euler integration , a new implicit stress integration algorithm is proposed for the developed visco-plastic constitutive model by combining the successive substitution method .

  14. 在船舶作大幅横摇运动假定下,采用压力积分方法,利用Taylor展开,导出其他自由度运动对横摇的非线性耦合运动方程。

    The nonlinear rolling equation coupled with other motions is derived on the basis of large amplitude rolling motion , and using an integrated pressure and Taylor expansion method .

  15. 泛函积分方法于Dicke模型中的临界温度和集体激发谱

    The Functional Integrals Method , Critical Temperature and Collective Exciation Spectrum in the Dicke Model

  16. ANSYS程序使用Newmark时间积分方法求解动力方程。

    The full method uses the full system matrices to calculate the transient response and the Newmark time integration technique is used to solve the dynamic equation in ANSYS program .

  17. Haseman边值问题的积分方法

    On integral method of The Haseman boundary value Problem

  18. 用数值积分方法分析了大间隙环流中同心Jeffcott转子系统的涡动模式。

    The whirling mode of a concentric Jeffcott rotor immersed in large gap annular flow is studied by numerical integration methods .

  19. 利用留数定理及轨道积分方法,讨论了2n+1(n>1)维Heisenberg群上热核及Green核的渐近性,并给出了更简明的渐近公式,彻底解决了Hueber,H等人遗留的问题。

    This paper considers the asymptotic property for some heat kernels and Green kernels on the Heisenberg group by residual theorem and path integral method , and gives simple and explicit formulas . The problem left in [ 1 ] is completely solved .

  20. 基于建立于一般线性动力系统上的Magnus数值积分方法,针对随时间而高频率振荡的二阶动力系统,给出了有效的修正Magnus数值积分算法。

    Based on the Magnus integrator method established in linear dynamic systems , an efficiently improved modified Magnus integrator method is proposed for the second-order dynamic systems with time-dependent high frequencies .

  21. 应用三维有限元动力学的基本方法,结合Newmark积分方法逐步求解运动方程,对移动点荷载作用下温克勒地基上板的变形和应力响应进行了分析。

    Dynamic response of rectangular plates on viscoelastic foundation layered pavements subjected to moving point loads is analyzed by using the three-dimensional ( 3D ) finite-element method in conjunction with Newmark integration scheme .

  22. 基于有限差分方法和ABM预测-校正时间积分方法数值求解方程,处理了非线性波浪无反射入射、数值光滑手段等问题。

    The equations are numerically solved by finite difference method and a predictor-corrector ABM time integration scheme . The relaxation zone method is used to generate non-reflective and higher-order nonlinear waves .

  23. 本文用单电子化学吸附理论和复能积分方法,计算了CO在双金属Ni/Cu(Cu/Ni)体系和NixCu(1-x)二元合金表面上的化学吸附能。

    The chemisorption energy of CO on bimetallic catalyst Ni / Cu ( Cu / Ni ) and disordered binary alloys Ni_xCu_ ( 1-x ) is investigated by using the one-electron chemisorption theory and the complex-energy-plane integration approach .

  24. 文章将相关积分方法用于MOSFET1/f噪声分析,发现器件的1/f噪声与RTS叠加模型产生的1/f噪声相关积分极其相似。

    The correlation integral method is used to analyze 1 / f noise in MOSFET 's. It is found that the device noise is similar to 1 / f noise from RTS superposition model .

  25. 利用数值积分方法得到了系统在不同参数域中的分岔图,以及一定参数下转子运动的相图、Poincaré映射。

    The bifurcation diagrams of the system in different parameter regions , the phase portraits , Poincar é maps of the system at some parameter points are obtained by numerical method .

  26. 本文针对一类采用图像块方法描述的图像,提出两种快速、有效的计算Legendre矩的新方法,它们分别是累加方法和积分方法。

    In this paper , on the basis of representing images with blocks , we present two algorithms , cumulative method and integral method , for fast and effective computation of the two-dimensional Legendre moments .

  27. 利用Newmark直接积分方法对动力学模型进行求解,可获得任意位置处抽油杆柱扭矩载荷随时间变化曲线、任意时刻沿井筒侧向位移等。

    The torque curve of the pumping rod string with time at any position and the lateral displacement of the pumping rod string at any moment are obtained by solving the dynamic model with Newmark direct integration method .

  28. 本文基于结构动力分析中广泛采用的Newmark(隐式)积分方法,构造了一类显式积分格式,称之为Newmark显式算法。

    Based on the Newmark 's implicit integration algorithm which is well known and widely used in the domain of structural dynamic analyses , an explicit scheme , called the Newmark 's Explicit Scheme , is constructed in this paper .

  29. 方程中所涉及的参数可通过气藏PVT物性试验、产水气井的测试资料获取,再用数值积分方法求解两相拟压力函数。

    The parameters concerned in the equation can be acquired by PVT test of the gas reservoir and the testing date of the water-producing gas wells , and the bi-phase pseudo-pressure function can be solved with numerical integral method .

  30. 拟线性Burgers方程在空间离散后转化成常微分方程,再用指数积分方法求解.数值结果表明指数积分法有显式稳定性,有相应Runge-Kutta方法相同的精度。

    Spatial discretization of the quasi-linear Burgers equation leads to a system of ordinarily differential equations , which can be solved by the exponential integral method . Numerical results show that the exponential integral method has explicit stability , and has the same accuracy as the corresponding Runge-Kutta method .