
bù fā yù
  • Underdevelopment;agensis
不发育[bù fā yù]
  1. 成人先天性肺不发育和发育不全的CT诊断

    Diagnosis of congenital pulmonary agenesis or hypoplasia in adult with CT

  2. 层K值低的地区煤层变形弱,裂隙相对不发育渗透性差。

    In low K value area , the little deformation will lead to bad permeability .

  3. 另一种是裂缝不发育型气藏,其AVO特征为P·G值近似于零,道集上振幅随炮检距增加几乎没有变化。

    The other one is the fracture-undeveloped gas reservoir which AVO property is that the P · G value is close to zero , the amplitude on trace assemblage being constant with the increase in the offset .

  4. 患者血ACTH异常升高,而血皮质醇、性激素水平极低,血清17-羟孕酮降低。结果10例患者均存在第二性征不发育、高血压、低血钾;

    Results Three patients presenting hypertension , hypokalemia and sexual infantilism had abnormally high levels of ACTH , low levels of cortisol and sex steroids , low levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone .

  5. 常量元素w(Ca)/w(Mg)比值在以白云岩为主的蒸发台地、局限台地相中最低,在潮下开阔台地、台地边缘浅滩沉积中则由于白云岩不发育而比较高。

    The w ( Ca ) / w ( Mg ) ratio of major elements is relatively low in dolomite-dominated evaporate platform and restricted platform facies , while relatively high in open platform and platform marginal shoal deposits where dolomite is not developed .

  6. 辉石斑晶在BSE图像下呈两种不同的结构特点:辉石斑晶1发育反应边;辉石斑晶2不发育反应边,包含长石包体。

    Orthopyroxene phenocryst exhibits two different appearances on their BSE images . One has well developed overgrowth . The other is characterized by fine inclusions of plagioclase , without overgrowth .

  7. 找矿地球化学研究表明,矿床的成晕元素只有Pb、Zn、Ag、As、Hg等亲硫元素,原生晕极不发育,不具有组份分带以及浓度分带不明显的特点;

    The research on exploring geochemistry indicates that halo-forming elements from the deposit only include Sulphophile elements , such as Pb , Zn , Ag , As and Hg . Primary halo is poorly developed with no obvious Zoning characters of component and concentration .

  8. WD地区位于四川盆地中部,在该地区须家河组地层埋藏较深,岩石致密,常规孔隙储层不发育。

    WD area lies in the middle of Sichuan basin . In this area , Xujiahe strata was deeply buried , whose lithologic character is compaction . So the porosity of the conventional reservoir does not develop .

  9. 底部层序(SSⅠ)相当于沙河街组三段下亚段,低位体系域不发育,只发育湖侵体系域和高水位体系域,受早期构造沉降和气候控制。

    The bottom of sequence ( SSI ) corresponds to the lower submember of Member ⅲ of Shahejie Formation , characterized by lowstand system tracts undeveloped , only lacustrine transgression system tracts and highstand system tracts developed , all of theses are controlled by the early tectonic subsidence and climate .

  10. 在Ⅲ组(71cm~)中左右分别有3例(10%)不发育。

    3 ( 10 % ) case of undeveloped sinuses have been on the left and right respectively in group ⅲ( 71cm ~) .

  11. ④注入井不发育,形成剩余油富集区;

    Fourth , remaining oil was enriched in non-developed injection wells .

  12. 地表侵入岩不发育,深部已发现含矿的二长花岗岩。

    The ore - bearing adamellite was discovered in the depth .

  13. 侵入岩、火山碎屑岩和砂岩,坚硬致密,风化裂隙不发育,是很好的建筑基岩。

    The granite , epimetamorphism tuff and sandstone are hard basement rocks .

  14. 另外,地震资料多次波不发育,给处理带来了较大困难。

    All these bring great difficulties for the data processing .

  15. 低变质煤煤系石英脉一般不发育。

    Generally quartz veins are not developed in measures with low rank coal .

  16. 辽东地区第四系不发育。

    Quaternary System are not developed in eastern Liaonmg .

  17. 据此边缘检测法可以分辨出裂缝发育区域和不发育区域。

    The edge detecting method can be used to recognize developed area of fractures .

  18. 智障智力停留在不发育状态的人。

    A person whose intellectual capacity remains undeveloped .

  19. 左侧的锥体束不发育。面向金字塔型组织结构的秘密共享

    On the Secret Sharing For Pyramidal Structure

  20. 当反射和绕射相当不发育时,这些波看上去很清楚。

    The waves are sometimes seen clearly when reflections and discrimination are rather poorly developed .

  21. 三分层序由低位域、湖侵域和高位域组成,湖平面变化缺少快速下降阶段,强制湖退现象不发育;

    The threefold sequence absent the quickly falling stage is composed of three systems tracts .

  22. 结果:依据被误诊的疾病,可分为4大类,肾脏先天性畸形2例,包括一侧肾不发育1例,先天性肾盏积水继发结石1例;

    Results : According to etiology of the misdiagnosed diseases , 4 major categories were divided .

  23. 山西组储层不发育,岩石致密,泥质含量较高。

    Shanxi formation reservoir does not grow , the rock compact , the shale content is high .

  24. 盖层主要为裂缝不发育的泥岩、膏岩、盐岩等。

    The mudstone reservoir caprocks are made up of non fractured mudstones , gypsum and halite rocks .

  25. 底板为震旦-奥陶系碳酸盐岩,当圈闭前端底板岩溶不发育,可成为有效封堵面,形成有效圈闭;

    Floor is the Sinian Ordovician carbonates and karst of floor in the front of trap is undeveloped ;

  26. 塑性断层断裂带表现为几条充填断层泥大裂缝的组合,诱导裂缝带不发育。

    A plastic fault zone consists of several big fractures filling the fault gouge without an induced fracture zone .

  27. ③采油井不发育,形成有注无采剩余油;

    Third , remaining oil was formed by injection and no production since the production wells were not developed .

  28. 但在海槽相区上二叠统不发育生物礁,飞仙关组缺乏鲕粒岩。

    But no organic reefs were developed in the Upper Permian and the Feixianguan Formation is lack of oolite .

  29. 断裂不发育气藏天然气运聚动平衡模型及其应用

    Dynamic balance model between gas accumulation and losing of a gas pool in which faults are undeveloped and its application

  30. 典型的17α-羟化酶缺陷症患者的临床表现为高血压、低血钾与性腺不发育。

    The typical clinical characteristics of 17 α - hydroxylase deficiency are hypertension , hypokalemia and absence of sexual development .