
bù hé luó ji
  • illogic
不合逻辑[bù hé luó ji]
  1. 由于汉语重整体思维和主体思维的倾向,有时会出现一些似乎不合逻辑或有歧义的语言现象。

    Therefore different modes of thinking would lead to some illogic and ambiguous sentences in Chinese language .

  2. 他们在一片未思索的匆忙中,匆匆把金刚凑在一起,而必须为电影的荒唐不合逻辑负责。

    They threw their King Kong together with an unthinking haste that accounts for its zany illogic .

  3. 对如此不同的东西用一模一样的处理方法是完全不合逻辑的。

    The identical treatment of such dissimilar items is totally illogical .

  4. 反对把经济移民遣送归国是不合逻辑的。

    It is illogical to oppose the repatriation of economic migrants

  5. 她可能觉得你的反应疯狂或者不合逻辑,但她不会否认你的感受。

    She may think your reaction is crazy or illogical , but she cannot deny what you are feeling .

  6. 这句话不合逻辑。

    This statement is illogical .

  7. 如果我没错,那么我们应该培养创新精神,因为不合逻辑的创造力能补充机器的理性。

    If I 'm right , we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine .

  8. 特定的应用程序当然具有忽略某些排序信息的能力,但XML的信息模型总是声称排序的重要性,这常常是不合逻辑的。

    A particular application , of course , has the ability to ignore some of the ordering information but the information model of XML always asserts a significance to order , often spuriously .

  9. 如果F的旋度为零,抱歉,如果F被定义为不,这么说不合逻辑。

    It says if the curl of F equals zero in , sorry , and F is defined & No , is not the logical in which to say it .

  10. 这情况咋一看有点不合逻辑,因为SOI器件受栅泄漏的影响更小,可以接受更薄的栅氧厚度。

    This might seem illogical at first , since SOI devices suffer less from gate leakage and could meet specifications with thinner gate dielectric .

  11. 关于不合逻辑的表达的意义问题,在Wittgenstein看来,我们无法想象也无法理解不合逻辑的东西;于是不合逻辑的没有长度的棍子无法想象,也无意义。

    As to the meaning of illogical expressions , Wittgenstein claimed that we can neither imagine nor understand anything illogical , which means such illogical expressions as " a rod without length " are unimaginable and meaningless .

  12. 这种方法有一个小的缺点,由于可能无法安全使用tempnam,所以各种编译器和安全扫描器可能都会向您发出使用不合逻辑的警告。

    One minor disadvantage to this approach is that , since tempnam can be used insecurely , various compilers and security scanners may give you spurious warnings about its use .

  13. 纽约美联储高级顾问帕特里夏莫瑟(PatriciaMosser)说:在我们不得不实施明显不同于美联储以前使用的传统信贷放松工具的新方案后,在当前结构内管理一些新方案开始变得不合逻辑了。

    Senior adviser Patricia Mosser said : Once we started to have to implement programmes that were clearly outside the traditional credit easing tools that the Fed has used before , it became illogical to manage some of the new programmes inside the current structure .

  14. 她不合逻辑地希望有奇迹的解决方案出现。

    Illogically , she had expected some kind of miracle solution .

  15. 假想只有一名凶手是非常不合逻辑的。

    It 's illogical to suppose there 's only one killer .

  16. 不要做不合逻辑的对照。(见第10章)

    Avoid illogical comparisons . ( See Chapter 10 . ) .

  17. 对于很多艺术家来说,这似乎不合逻辑。

    It 's kind of counterintuitive for a lot of artists .

  18. 重命名操作不再不合逻辑地尝试创建链接。

    Rename operations no longer spuriously try to create links .

  19. 在木屋里他说了些不合逻辑的道歉话。

    In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies .

  20. 这些习俗上的变化是不合逻辑的、不可理解的,而且也是不可修改的。

    These variations from custom are illogical , incomprehensible , and unmodifiable .

  21. 无理或不合逻辑的动机。

    A motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic .

  22. 不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论

    A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion . dilemma reasoning

  23. 总觉得理想总是那麽的不合逻辑,不实际。

    Always felt that the ideal is always so illogical , impractical .

  24. 与此同时,复杂而不合逻辑的税收奖赏聪明的会计人员,却减少了财政收入。

    Meanwhile complex , illogical taxes raise less revenue while rewarding clever accountants .

  25. 说明双波函数的假设是不合理的、不合逻辑的;

    It is expounded that the hypothesis of two wave functions is unreasonable ;

  26. 与以往任何时候一样,资本主义不合逻辑,但不知为何看起来仍然有效。

    As ever , capitalism defies logic but somehow still seems to work .

  27. 但他的行为不合逻辑啊。

    But his behavior doesn 't make any sense .

  28. 他们的出发点大多不合逻辑,有时可能还会触犯众怒。

    Their position is mostly illogical and sometimes offensive .

  29. 既然它们的盈余必然伴随着其它国家的赤字,这种主张就不合逻辑。

    Since their surpluses entail others ' deficits , this position is incoherent .

  30. 这些微小更改看上去可能有些愚蠢,甚至不合逻辑。

    These are tiny changes and may seem silly or even inconsequential to you .