
qián yì shi
  • subconsciousness;the subconscious;potential consciousness
潜意识 [qián yì shí]
  • [subconscious] 隐蔽的思想活动

潜意识[qián yì shi]
  1. 我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光

    Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision .

  2. 共性潜意识得到满足与否,产生的审美接受体验就有共性

    If common subconsciousness is satisfied , aesthetic perception is of general charactor .

  3. 源自西格蒙德∙弗洛伊德及其潜意识理论。

    This expression is named after Sigmund Freud and his theories of subconscious thought .

  4. 潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。

    Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance

  5. 潜意识里有种让他不安的东西。

    Something was nagging in the back of his mind .

  6. 关于它的一切记忆都深植于我的潜意识里。

    The memory of it all was locked deep in my subconscious .

  7. 在他更为隐秘的潜意识深处,有什么事情困扰着他。

    There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him .

  8. 颜色会极大地影响我们的感官和情绪,而这种影响常常是潜意识的。

    Colour has a profound , though often subliminal influence on our senses and moods .

  9. 心理学家称每个人潜意识中都有被爱的需求。

    Psychologists say that everyone has an unconscious need to be loved .

  10. 在这种情况下,我会尽我所能地努力工作,其余的就交给潜意识。

    In such a situation , I work as hard as I can-then let the unconscious take over .

  11. 在接下来的几周里,在我潜意识里出现的解决方案在每一步都是正确的。

    In the weeks that followed , the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind provided correct at every step .

  12. 他净化他的潜意识且只思念上帝。

    He purges his subconscious and meditates only on God .

  13. 也许他们会在潜意识里这么以为。

    Maybe they 're getting it on a subliminal level .

  14. 软广告通过潜意识的作用来影响消费者。

    The soft sell approach gets to consumers in a subliminal way .

  15. 在选择伴侣的时候,我们会在潜意识里衡量对方将来是否会是称职的母亲或者父亲,是否会是合格的一家之主。

    In choosing a partner we are subconsciously assessing their evolutionary fitness to be a mother of children or father provider and protector .

  16. 因此,如果你在求职面试前夕感觉特别焦虑,那么就不要奇怪你的潜意识唤醒了那个数学考试的可怕旧梦。

    So , if you 're feeling extra anxious in the days leading up to a job interview , don 't be surprised if your subconscious13 revives that old math test nightmare .

  17. 死者与生者的差别只在于:他们永远(yongyuan)处于潜意识状态,因为肉身的头脑已不再存在。

    The dead differ from the living only in this respect : they are in a permanently subconscious state because the conscious mind of the physical body no longer exists .

  18. 论《红楼梦》的潜意识描写

    On Subconscious Depiction in the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber

  19. 潜意识理论介入绘画创作教学初探

    Preliminary Study of Subconscious Theories Involved in the Artistic Creation Teaching

  20. 扩充的投射原则与中国人的主语潜意识

    EPP and the Sense of Covert Subject of Native Chinese Speakers

  21. 你的潜意识还会处理身体接受到的信息。

    Your subconscious also processes the physical information your body receives .

  22. 我们的潜意识中的心理特点是一种镜像。

    Which we know only subconsciously , is known as projection .

  23. 因为,地域文化首先作为一种集体潜意识形态而存在。

    Because geographical culture is a form of group unconsciousness firstly .

  24. 主要的原因深埋在你的潜意识深处。

    The main reasons are buried deep in your subconscious mind .

  25. 四,潜意识的激发和运筹及其研究价值。

    Four , subconscious arousal and strategy and research value .

  26. 人类文化的发展证明了潜意识的存在,对潜意识学说进行必要的阐释。

    The development of human culture has proved the existence of subconsciousness .

  27. 我猜想这在一定程度上是出于对永生的潜意识渴望。

    I suppose part of it is a subconscious desire for immortality .

  28. 潜意识表现的隐性表意体态语习语;

    The recessive representative idiom of body language which expresses meaning subconsciously ;

  29. 潜意识愿望永远活动是毫无疑问的事实。

    It is quite true that the unconscious wishes are always active .

  30. 克萨恩托博士认为选民在潜意识里会注意候选人在用哪只手。

    He believes voters subconsciously note which hand their leaders are using .