
  • 【航海】submarine diving
  1. 此外只有雅克?皮卡和唐纳德·沃尔什探索过挑战者深渊——正如其名,它是海洋的最深点——他俩于1960年驾驶里雅斯特号深海潜艇下潜至此处。

    The only other people to plumb the Challenger Deep-as its name suggests , the most profound point in the ocean - were Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh , who did so in 1960 , in a vessel called Trieste .

  2. 此外只有雅克•皮卡和唐纳德•沃尔什探索过挑战者深渊——正如其名,它是海洋的最深点——他俩于1960年驾驶里雅斯特号深海潜艇下潜至此处。

    The only other people to plumb the Challenger Deep - as its name suggests , the most profound point in the ocean - were Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh , who did so in 1960 , in a vessel called Trieste .

  3. 那士兵使潜艇作下潜练习。

    The soldier took a submarine down in a practice dive .

  4. 潜艇在上浮下潜的过程中承受着反复作用的由外部水压力所产生的随机载荷,耐压壳体面临着疲劳破坏。

    Submarine endures repeating stochastic loading by outer hydraulic pressure in the course of floating and submerging .

  5. 研究了潜艇及水下潜器的各种均衡控制技术,对海洋工作站均衡控制系统的设计提出了一些设想和建议。

    Investigate equilibria control techniques of submarines and underwater vehicles , and give some proposals about the design of equilibria control system of deep-ocean workstation .

  6. 预订一艘新推出的3人潜艇尼莫吧,这艘白色和橘黄色相间的潜艇可以下潜到98英尺深。

    Book the just-introduced Nemo , a three-person orange and white submarine that can dive up to 98 feet .