
qián zài xìng
  • potential;dynamis
潜在性[qián zài xìng]
  1. 象山港海域N、P污染特征及潜在性富营养化程度评价

    Characteristics polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus and potential eutrophication assessment in Xiangshan Harbor

  2. Zn对水稻生理代谢的影响及潜在性缺Zn诊断

    Effects of zinc on rice metabolism and the diagnosis of hidden zinc-deficiency in rice

  3. 因此,开展ESD潜在性失效研究具有重要意义。

    It is significant for us in China to develop latent ESD failures research .

  4. 以Web服务形式实现的服务是可以在任何位置访问到的,因此它们是分布式的定义的,对潜在性、可靠性,和安全性的关注的引入影响了事务管理。

    Services implemented as Web-services are accessible from any location , so they are by definition distributed ; this affects transaction management by introducing concerns regarding latency , reliability , and security .

  5. Beers判断标准在老年住院患者潜在性不适当用药评价中的应用

    Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication using Beers criteria in hospitalized older patients

  6. DNA合成抑制试验在毒杀芬25mg/Kg(1/4LD(50))剂量对小鼠DNA合成有明显抑制作用,从上述三种诱变试验结果来看作者认为毒杀芬具有潜在性的诱变作用。

    Toxaphene inhibited DNA synthesis in mice of the 25mg / kg ( 1 / 4 LD 50 ) group . These results have illustrated the potential mutagenicity of toxaphene .

  7. 结论癌胚胎纤维连接蛋白mRNA在乳头状癌中特异性表达,提示癌胚胎纤维连接蛋白mRNA有可能成为甲状腺乳头状癌的一种分子生物指标,具有一定的潜在性临床应用价值。

    Conclusions It is suggested that oncofetal fibronectin mRNA , which specially expressed in the thyroid papillary carcinomas , may become a biological marker with potentially clinical value .

  8. 研究表明:MOS电路等微电子器件,在ESD作用下确实存在潜在性失效问题。

    It shows that the problem of latent failure exists for MOS circuit after the ESD stresses imposed on it .

  9. 植物神经主要由B类和C类神经纤维组成,缺乏髓鞘,因而传导容易泛化,此可解释经络存在的潜在性和客观性。

    Autonomic nerve mainly consist of B and C group of nerve fibre which lack of myelin sheath so its conduction slowly and easy to irradiation , it explained channel existed in both latent and distinct .

  10. 它还强调了SOA作为框架扮演的基础性角色,并显示了它对公司的信息系统和管理服务所拥有的潜在性影响。

    It also underscores a fundamental role that SOA might play as a framework within the organization and shows its potential influence on an organization 's information systems and management services .

  11. 对准备作RK手术的病人应明确告知,术后10年内眼球破裂的潜在性风险较常人增大。

    The potential RK patients should be informed of an increased risk of globe rupture within ten years of surgery .

  12. 由此可以推论,GLp-1通过增加微循环内皮表面积从而降低糖尿病引起的心血管并发症的风险,并具有潜在性地增加肌肉胰岛素敏感性的作用。

    Thus , GLP-1 may afford potential to improve muscle insulin sensitivity and decrease the cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes by expanding microvascular endothelial surface area .

  13. 结论mdm-2扩增与胃癌的淋巴转移关系较密切,它可能成为监测胃癌淋巴转移的潜在性分子标志物。

    Conclusion The amplification of mdm-2 is well correlated with lymph node metastasis of GC . Mdm-2 gene may be served as a potential genetic marker for monitoring lymph name metastasis of GC .

  14. 我国石棉资源丰富、品种齐全,但个体作坊或不规范的生产车间石棉粉尘含量常超过国标(2mg/m~3),因此石棉仍然威胁我国接触工人健康的一种潜在性致癌因素。

    In China , asbestos resource is rich and all kind of asbestos can be seen , however asbestos fibers exceed over Chinese National Standard ( 2mg / m3 ) commonly in the private enterprises and abnormity workshops .

  15. 田间试验证明当土壤有效硫含量低于30mgkg-1时有较好施硫效果,这在贵州或许可作为缺硫或潜在性缺硫指标,在贵州大约有1/3土壤低于该值。

    Crop response was found when the soil available sulphur content was about 30 mg kg - 1 or more , which may be considered as a value to identify soil sulphur deficiency or potential deficency in Guizhou . There is one third of soil samples analysed below this level .

  16. 然而Nomi的处境为Anasonya揭示了一个巨大问题,那就是如果某些事物没有改变,没有更多爱被锚定的话,那么她能让提升进入生命的潜在性将会多么局限。

    However Nomi 's circumstance illuminates a vast problem for Anasonya and how if something does not shift and more love be anchored that her potential for ascension into life is very limited .

  17. SPECT能检出脑血流高于症状发生阈25ml/(100g.min)而低于生理阈值50ml/(100g.min)的潜在性缺血病灶,为临床提供超早期治疗依据。

    The potential subclinical focus where the CBF was higher than symptom beginning threshold 25ml / ( 100g . min ) and lower than physiological threshold 50ml / ( 100g . min ) could be detected on SPECT providing a super-early evidence for clinical treatment .

  18. 第2组:多发骨转移有潜在性病理骨折或截瘫危险患者8例,选择性行骨病灶肿瘤囊内刮除或椎板减压+固定术;

    Surgery was performed in 8 patients with multiple bone metastasis .

  19. 工作区的潜在性使用包括您可以使用它们来

    Potential uses of Workspaces include that you can use them to

  20. 潜在性缺铁条件下大豆根系质外体铁库的积累与利用

    Fe Accumulation and Mobilization in Root Apoplast of Fe-deficient Soybean Seedlings

  21. 结论奥美定无皮肤致敏的潜在性。

    Conclusion Amazingel does not have the potential of skin sensitization .

  22. 计划免疫工作中潜在性法律问题及防范对策

    Potential legal problems existed in planned immunization work and its preventive countermeasures

  23. 1例69岁男性患者患包皮龟头炎10天,无潜在性疾病。

    A 69-year-old man developed balanoposthitis fot 10 days without underlying disorders .

  24. 婴儿肝炎综合征潜在性心肌损害的探讨

    The study on potential damage of cardiac muscle in infant hepatitis syndrome

  25. 文化资源的价值具有三个特性:潜在性、滞后性和整体性。

    Cultural resources have three Characteristics : potentiality , hysteresis and unity .

  26. 鼻咽癌细胞潜在性倍增时间的流式细胞计量术研究

    Flow cytometric measurement of potential doubling time of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

  27. 子宫内膜浆液性癌潜在性癌前病变及其应用研究

    The Study of Latent Precancer in Endometrial Serous Carcinoma and Its Application

  28. 通过分子标记揭示了中国的南瓜种质资源的变异性和利用的潜在性。

    Structure , variability and potential of germplasm in China were revealed .

  29. 潜在性蛋白质营养不足对幼儿免疫功能的影响

    Influence of potential protein nutrition insufficiency on the immune functions in young children

  30. 住院病历缺陷与潜在性医疗纠纷的调查

    Investigation on defects in medical records ( mr ) and potential medical disputes