
  • 网络latent heat flux;lhf
  1. 除了东海,潜热通量的年均值基本上表现为自北向南减小的分布,而感热通量年均值则表现为自北向南增大的分布。

    In addition , except for the East China sea , the latent heat flux generally indicates a decreased distribution from north to south , while the annual averaged sensible heat flux shows an increased distribution .

  2. 潜热通量、显热通量、净辐射、光合有效辐射均与CO2通量呈极显著正相关。

    Latent heat flux , sensible heat flux , net radiation flux and photosynthetic active radiation are all significantly positively related with CO2 flux .

  3. 森林蒸散量日变化特点是白天高于夜间,中午最高,夜间潜热通量和显热通量(H)有低估的现象;

    Forest evapotranspiration was higher in the daytime than that at night , with the highest value occurring at noon .

  4. 开花期至蜡熟期,水稻冠层白天总潜热通量FACE比对照平均低6.7%。

    From flowering to maturing stage , the average difference of daytime total canopy latent heat flux between ambient and FACE was about 6.7 % .

  5. 雨天状况下,各种植被间标量粗糙度的差异减小了。计算的地表温度、感热通量、潜热通量较原BATS的更为合理。

    The calculated land surface temperature , sensible heat flux andlatent heat flux is more reasonable than those in unchanged BATS .

  6. 潜热通量与CO2通量的相关系数在0.920~0.955之间,苗期、拔节期和抽穗期相关性较高,灌浆期较低;

    The correlation coefficient of latent heat flux to CO2 flux is0.920 ~ 0.955 , which is higher in seedling , jointing and heading stages , and lower in filling stage .

  7. 热带气旋-海洋相互作用通过SST下降减少向上的热通量,潜热通量的减少对SST的下降更敏感。

    Upward heat flux is decreased by SST reduction induced by air-sea interaction , the laten heat flux decrease is more sensitive to the SST reduction .

  8. NEP区和NWP区夏季的海气温差、感热通量、潜热通量有明显的差异。

    There are distinct differences of air-sea temperature difference , latent heat and sensible heat flux between NEP and NWP .

  9. 春季南海海面潜热通量和感热通量与短波辐射和风应力相比较,是一个对SST影响较小的量。

    Compared with solar short wave radiation and wind stress , the latent heat and sensible heat flux are a minor factor in controlling the variable of the SST in spring .

  10. 关于其机制,本文认为主要是海洋对大气强迫的动力响应导致那里的SST变冷,尽管潜热通量的贡献也很显著。

    Regarding the mechanism responsible for this , the ocean dynamical response to the atmospheric forcing is suggested to be active , while the contribution of latent heat flux is also significant .

  11. 但8月份的潜热通量大,平均最大约为120W·m-2,当有降水发生时,潜热通量可达570W·m-2,与感热通量相当。

    But latent heat flux can be up to 570 W · m - 2 , when precipitation occuring .

  12. 利用SiB模式计算了地表辐射。感热、潜热通量,并且预报地表温度。

    In the SiB model , we calculated the radiation , sensible heat , latent heat flux and the daily variation of temperature at the surface .

  13. 模态二反映了南海地区感热和潜热通量变化与南海ITCZ变化的联系;

    Mode 2 presents the relation between the variation of sensible and latent heat fluxes and the variation of South China Sea 's ITCZ .

  14. 植被LAI的异常变化主要影响太阳辐射在植被与地表之间的分配,以及地表的感热、潜热通量。

    The anomalous change in LAI alters the partitioning of the solar radiation reaching at ground surface between vegetation and soil surface , as well as the sensible and latent heat fluxes of ground surface .

  15. 本文利用19701979年COADS2°×2°格点月平均资料,计算了30°S30°N热带太平洋和印度洋洋面上的有效长波辐射、感热和潜热通量以及它们的季节变化和年变化。

    2 °× 2 ° mean monthly COADS grid data ( 1970-1979 ) are used to compute the net longwave radiation and fluxes of sensible and latent heat over the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean ( 30 ° S - 30 ° N ) and their seasonal and annual variations .

  16. EC观测的感热通量和潜热通量都与模式模拟结果存在很大的差异,LAS缩小了这种误差,改进了地表能量平衡。

    There is a great difference between both sensible heat flux and latent heat flux observed by EC and which simulated by model , while the observation of LAS reduced the fault bit , which improved the Surface energy balance .

  17. 结果表明,在土壤湿度空间分布不均匀的情况下,运用Mosaic方法计算得到的地表潜热通量偏小,背景风较小的时候偏差较大,背景风增强时偏差减小。

    The results show that , under the sub-grid heterogeneous distribution of soil moisture , the surface latent heat flux calculated by Mosaic method is smaller than their true values . Moreover , with the background wind increasing , the deviation decreases .

  18. 利用COADS资料,首先计算了1949-1979年逐月北太平洋洋面的潜热通量与感热通量之和,并进行EOF分解,然后分析它们的时空变化特征。

    The COADS data are used to estimate the sum of monthly latent and sensible heat fluxes ( simplified as head flux hereafter ) over the sea surface in the North Pacific from 1949 to 1979 . Then their time and space variations are analyzed using the EOF method .

  19. 模态三反映了南海地区感热和潜热通量西北&东南向的半年周期振荡。

    Mode 3 presents northwest-southeast swing of sensible and latent heat fluxes .

  20. 潜热通量总体上是市区小于郊区。

    Latent heat flux in urban is smaller than suburban .

  21. 热收支中,潜热通量所占的份额增多;

    Share of latent heat flux in the heat budget tends to increase ;

  22. 用涡度相关方法,观测了感热通量和潜热通量,对模型进行了验证。

    The model was validated with the data measured by eddy covariance method .

  23. 热带太平洋海域感热、潜热通量的时空特征

    Spatial and temporal characteristics of latent and sensible heat flux in Western Pacific Ocean

  24. 潜热通量日变化峰值时间与气象要素关系均不显著。

    Meteorological factors had no impact on the diurnal centroid for latent heat flux .

  25. 潜热通量是地表/大气热量交换的主要分量;

    Latent heat fluxes were the main component of land surface / air energy exchanges .

  26. 利用卫星遥感资料反演感热和潜热通量的研究综述

    Using satellite remotely sensed data to retrieve sensible and latent heat fluxes : a review

  27. 发生较强降水时,感热通量和潜热通量均较小,在强降水之后如遇晴朗天气,则潜热通量较大。

    When heavy rain occurred , both of sensible and latent heat fluxes were smaller .

  28. 不同时间尺度系统对热带太平洋海-气潜热通量贡献的估计

    Estimating contributions of systems with different time scale to latent heat fluxes over tropical Pacific Ocean

  29. 绿洲地区感热通量小,潜热通量大;

    Big and Good Matter Oasis has low sensible heat flux and high latent heat flux ;

  30. 感热通量和潜热通量的季节动态与净辐射基本一致,均受降水影响。

    The patterns of sensible and latent heat fluxes and net solar radiation were affected by precipitation .