
  • 网络Radiation flux;radiant flux
  1. 给出了计算光谱辐射通量和背景辐射通量的计算公式。

    The formulas of spectral radiant flux and background radiant flux are deduced .

  2. 讨论了辐射通量和光通量的基本概念、测量方法及相互之间的关系。

    The basic concepts , measurment methods and mutual relationship of radiant flux and luminous flux are discussed .

  3. 于是得到各种透明系数P2状况下太阳直接辐射通量密度随大气质量变化的平均关系。

    Thus the averaged relationships between the flux density of the direct solar radiation and the air mass under various coefficients of transparency P2 were obtained .

  4. 基于CONE数据的材料热释放速率随辐射通量变化的研究

    The study of relationship between radiant heat flux and combustion parameter based on the CONE data

  5. 本文数值试验表明,CO2浓度加倍可导致净向上长波辐射通量和热力结构经向分布的变化。

    The numerical experiments show that doubled CO2 density may result the change of meridional distribution of not upward long wave radiation flux and thermal structure .

  6. 提出了一个从卫星观测推算地面UVB辐射通量密度和红斑生物紫外辐射剂量的新的参数化方法。

    A new parameterization method for retrieving surface UVB irradiance and erythemal UVB radiative dose rate is presented .

  7. 在此基础上,利用反演的气溶胶光学厚度和6S模拟计算地面总辐射通量,估计辐射强迫。

    Based on the retrieved AOD results , total surface radiation fluxes were simulated by 6S .

  8. 计算了云阵的反射率α,长波辐射通量F,有效云量Ne及云灵敏度因子δ随云量的变化,并与平面平行云模式作了比较。

    The change rate of the reflectivity , longwave radiation fluxes , and change of the sensitivity coefficient with the cloud fraction were calculated and compared with the results of a plane parallel cloud model .

  9. 如水平面上月平均日辐射通量已知,利用Liu和Jordan提出的方法,可以计算出任何平面上的辐射通量。

    Using the way by Liu and Jordan , the radiation at any surface , including direc and diffuse , can be estimated if the monthly average daily radiation on a horizonta surface is known .

  10. 针对以往电离层E层理论模式存在的主要问题,本文还进一步讨论了几种重要因素,包括二次离化源,λ<150谱段的辐射通量,吸收截面以及NO分布对于模式计算结果的影响。

    Considering the disadvantages of previous models , we further discuss the influence of some important factors , such as secondary ionization , fluxes at wavelengths λ < 150 , photoabsorption cross section and distribution of NO upon the model 's results .

  11. ZS2000和LBLRTM在近红外区间计算上的一致性较高,二者净辐射通量和大气加热率的最大相对差别均小于2%。

    Especially in the infrared region , both of them are consistent with each other in radiative flux and heating rate with a high accuracy of relative difference within 2 % .

  12. 积分3个月后,由地下进入地表的热流量增幅可达1W/m2以上,并持续增大到5W/m2,地表最大升温约0.5K,同时地表感热、蒸发潜热及长波辐射通量均有1W/m2左右的正异常;

    The flux keeps increasing until reaches 5 W / m2 . A maximum anomaly of 0.5 K is found in ground temperature . Correspondingly , there are positive anomalies of around 1 W / m2 in surface sensible , latent and outgoing long-wave radiation fluxes .

  13. 应用HIRS/2仪器资料计算长波辐射通量

    Calculation of longwave radiation flux using HIRS / 2 instrument measurements

  14. 文中提出了求解辐射通量密度的迭代方法。

    An iterative method for radiation flux densities is developed .

  15. 单室火灾实体试验及热辐射通量的计算

    Single Room Real Fire Test and the Calculation of Fire Heat Radiation

  16. 红外目标温度场及辐射通量的计算

    Calculation of Temperature Field and Radiation Flux for Infrared Target

  17. 其中总辐射通量是紫外光源的一项重要技术指标。

    Thereinto , radiant flax is a very important qualification of ultraviolet source .

  18. 采用单片式探测器实现辐射通量定标

    Radiation flux calibration performed by a single chip detector

  19. 地形非均匀性对网格区地面长波辐射通量计算的影响

    The influence of Orographic heterogeneity on parameterization of regional mean long-wave radiation flux

  20. 有云大气中太阳辐射通量的参数化计算

    Parameterization of solar radiative flux calculation in the atmosphere

  21. 从能量传输方程入手,推导出地表入射辐射通量密度的简便计算公式;

    This paper deduces a simple formula for computing the incidence radiant flux density .

  22. 在不同强度干扰天气下,辐射通量变化程度不同。

    Strength in different weather interference , radiation flux change to different degrees . 3 .

  23. 南海西沙海区5~6月份辐射通量研究&整体公式建立

    Radiation flux study at Xisha sea area from May to june & establishing the empirical formulae

  24. 对针叶林地带太阳辐射通量的测量表明在辐射场中有重要的方向效应。

    Measurements of solar fluxes in conifer stands show important directional effects in the radiation field .

  25. 着火空间二维平面热辐射通量分布工程计算方法

    Practical method of calculating the distribution of the planar radiation heat flux in the fire space

  26. 结果表明,采暖造成的黑碳排放显著降低了到达地面的直接辐射通量。

    The results show that black carbon aerosols derived from coal-burning reduce obviously the direct radiation .

  27. 针对红外目标的温度场和红外辐射通量的计算进行了研究。

    In this paper , we study how to calculate temperature field and radiation flux of infrared target .

  28. 用短波紫外照度计测量直管形杀菌灯的总辐射通量

    The Measurement of the Total Radiance Flux of the Tubular Disinfect Lamp Using the Shortwave Ultraviolet Irradiance Meter

  29. 抛物柱面聚焦器焦平面上辐射通量分布的理论和实验研究

    Theoretical and experimental study of the radiation flux distribution in the focal plane of a parabolic trough concentrator

  30. 定量遥感地表净辐射通量所需大气下行长波辐射估算模型改进

    Improvement of models for the estimation of downward atmospheric long-wave radiation for retrieving net radiation fluxes based on remote sensing