
lǐ xué
  • Neo-Confucianism;a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties
理学 [lǐ xué]
  • [Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties] 宋明时期的一种崇尚理性的唯心主义哲学思想。包括以周敦颐、程颢、程颐、朱熹为代表的客观唯心主义和以陆九渊、王守仁为代表的主观唯心主义。前者认为理是永恒的,先于世界而存在的精神实体,世界万物只能由理派生。后者提出心外无物,心外无理,认为主观意识是派生世界万物的本原。也叫道学

理学[lǐ xué]
  1. 他作为哈佛大学的理学教授获得了1965年的诺贝尔化学奖。

    Professor of science at harvard , he won the1965 Nobel Prize for chemistry .

  2. 我有一个理学硕士学位和一个MBA学位。

    I have an MSc and an MBA .

  3. 他说,如今,他们要面向医学专业的学生或是财务专业的理学硕士教授MBA课程。

    Now they have to teach MBAs for medical students or MScs in finance .

  4. 结论临床表现、理学检查和CT及MRI片对诊断有重要价值。

    Conclusion Clinical manifestations , systematic examination , CT and MRI films are valuable for the diagnosis of intraspinal sequestered lumbar disc herniation .

  5. 因为印度管理学院不是综合性大学,它们不能授予mba学位或理学硕士学位。

    Because the IIMS are not universities , they cannot offer MBA or MSc degrees .

  6. n.逻辑,理学逻辑不是信念的科学,而是证明或证据的科学。

    logic Logic is not the science of belief , but science of proof or evidence .

  7. Paul拥有加拿大金斯顿女王大学的计算机科学理学学士学位和理学硕士学位。

    Paul holds both a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Queen 's University at Kingston , Canada .

  8. 有限β等离子体中密度和磁场不均匀驱动的动理学Alfven波

    The kinetic Alfven wave driven by the density inhomogeneity and the magnetic field inhomogeneity in finite β plasma

  9. 他在2000年获得Exeter大学的计算机科学与管理科学的理学学士学位(荣誉)。

    He received a BSc with honors in Computer Science with Management Science from Exeter University in 2000 .

  10. 在电流片中X点附近,由于离子和电子的动理学行为不同而产生了霍尔电流,它使得垂直重联平面的磁场分量呈四极结构分布。

    The Hall current is produced the X point of the magnetic island due to the different dynamic behaviors of ions and electrons . A quadrupole structure of magnetic field components vertical to the reconnection plane is also induced .

  11. IS简略版可以通过对宏观现象的对应得到,IS完整版则需借助微观动理学理论即相对论性Boltzmann方程才能得到。

    The simplified version can be obtained by correspondence to the macroscopic phenomena . To derive the complete version the kinetic theory or the Boltzmann equa-tion is necessary .

  12. 通过硬件设计和软件编程,在原来的基础上实现了对日本理学公司MSF-2M型X射线应力仪的微机控制。

    Through hardware designed and software programmed , MSF-2M X-ray stress instrument made in Japan has realized automatic control upgrading in the original basis .

  13. 今天我们最后一位获得咨询理学硕士学位的是,正向着舞台走来的卡洛斯-莫拉和他的狗狗Kirsch。

    Our last counseling degree graduate to walk across the stage tonight is Carlos Mora and his service dog Kirsch .

  14. SaraAton,理学博士,Herzog实验室的毕业生,现在为宾西法尼亚州立大学的博士后;

    D. , a graduate student in Herzog 's lab who is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania , James Huettner , Ph.

  15. 普通MBA仍然有用,但我能看出,未来金融类理学硕士(M.S.)将成为首选。

    The generic MBA will still have a function , but I could see a future where the Masters of Science degree in finance becomes the preferred path .

  16. 患者的评测,如Brunnstrom分级、ADLBarthel指数等,分别在治疗前后由理学治疗师和作业治疗师进行。

    The patients were evaluated individual by PT and OT , such as the Brunnstrom stage , ADL Barthel Index and so on before and after rehabilitation treatment of facilitation techniques .

  17. 而考虑动理学效应时,初始扰动波包会模转换为短波长的动理学GAM(KGAM)而在径向向外传播。

    When kinetic ef-fects are considered , the initial pulse can be mode-converted to short wavelength kinetic GAM ( KGAM ), and propagate radially outward .

  18. 根据实际工作的需要,我们对日本理学TAS-100型热分析仪的标准软件作了改进。

    In order to meet the practical requirement , we have improved the standard softwares of Rigaku TAS-100 thermal analyzer .

  19. 今年春天,卡洛斯-莫拉获得了咨询理学硕士的学位。他的爱犬Kirsch也因为陪伴主人参加了每一堂课而获得了荣誉硕士学位。

    When Carlos Mora received his Masters of Science in Counseling this spring , his service dog , Kirsch , was also awarded an honorary degree for having attended all of his owner 's classes .

  20. 格拉纳达大学生理学系讲师兼生物工程研究所成员DaríoAcuñaCastroviejo教授负责该项研究。

    UGR participation in this study was leaded by professor Dar í o Acu ñ a Castroviejo , member of the Institute of Biotechnology and lecturer at this University 's department of Physiology .

  21. 主要结果如下:(1)在短波区(kdi1),存在快磁声动理学Alfven波和斜Alfven哨声模,电子磁流体力学模型是足够精确的MHD模型;

    The main results are as follows . ( 1 ) In the ion inertial region ( kd i1 ), there are fast magnetosonic kinetic Alfven waves and obliquely Alfven whistler waves , and the electron magnetohydrodynamic ( EMHD ) model is a precise MHD model .

  22. 由于完整地包含了离子和电子的动理学行为,本文的模型方程也可以研究ETG模,漂移阿尔芬模等不稳定模态,并且为在同一的框架内研究低频漂移不稳定性提供了平台。

    The eigenmode equation in this dissertation can also be used to study the ETG mode , the drift Alfven waves , and so on . So it provides a unique frame to study the low frequency drift instabilities .

  23. 第三节指出注重躬行及其理学践履的表现。

    Third section pointed out the performance of Mainly Practicing Neo-Confucianism .

  24. 理学教育经典四书的确立与佛学关系探讨

    The relationship between the classical textbook the Four Books and Buddhism

  25. 徽州乡土思想资源与理学的乡土化

    Native Thought Resources of Hui Studies and the localization of Neo-Confucianism

  26. 荣誉理学博士杨利伟博士。

    Dr Yang Liwei , Doctor of Science , honoris causa .

  27. 攻读理学硕士学位有时间限制吗?

    Are there any time limits for earning a MS degree ?

  28. 理学学士:主修数学,副修经济1994

    Bachelor of Science : Major in Mathematics , Minor in Economics.1994

  29. 论朝鲜性理学史上的三次论辩

    On the Three Arguments in the History of Korean Rational Confucianism

  30. 宋元明清时期的理学儒家伦理。

    The ideal Confucian ethics from Song dynasty to Ding dynasty ;