
  • 网络theoretical thinking;rational thinking
  1. 对GX实验的教育哲学研究,有助于我们站在理论思维的高度,着眼于社会进步和时代发展对数学教育的要求,深化对数学教育的价值与使命的认识。

    To study the educational philosophy of the GX experiment , it will help us standing on the degree of theoretical thinking , focusing on the requirements of social progress and development of the times to mathematics education , deepening the understanding of the value and mission on mathematics education .

  2. 论科学社会主义发展史上三次重大的理论思维变革

    On Reforms of Three Important Theoretical Thinking in Scientific Socialist Development

  3. 理论思维方法与数学事业的发展&从数学猜想谈起

    Theoretic thought method and development of mathematic cause-talk from mathematic guess

  4. 论实践的特点和理论思维的基本原则&对于企业生产经营管理的哲学思考

    On the Characteristics of Practice and Basic Principles in Theoretic Thinking

  5. 情报学发展的应然路径&理论思维的回归

    Evaluative Path of Informatics Development : & Recurrence of Theoretical Thinking

  6. 文明转型时期的中国理论思维建设

    Construction of Theoretical Thinking in China during Transformation of Civilization

  7. 理论思维何以把握普遍有效的规律性知识?

    How can the theoretical thinking arrive at the universally valid knowledge ?

  8. 关于深化教育学教学中理论思维的认识

    On Deepening Realization of Theoretic Thinking in Teaching Pedagogics in Normal College

  9. 每个民族和时代,都有自己的理论思维。

    Every nationality and times has its own theoretical thinking .

  10. 篮球技战术的理论思维与突破

    The Theoretical Thinking and Breakthrough in Basketball Techniques and Tactics

  11. 教育观念是理论思维的产物。

    Educational Concept is a product of theoretical thinking .

  12. 区域发展理论思维脉络探索

    Probe into the Thinking Ideas of Regional Development Theory

  13. 教育理论思维的公共性诉求

    Public Demanding on the Thinking of the Educational Theory

  14. 教育改革需要教育思想与理论思维,同时更需要时刻反思和检视教育改革的思维逻辑和进展路径。

    Education reform needs education idea and theoretical thought .

  15. 论公务员理论思维的培养与提升

    Talk about a public official the development of the theories thinking and promote

  16. 科学发展观还具有理论思维和实践思维有机结合的特征。

    Scientific Outlook on Development has the characteristic of the combination of the two .

  17. 关于数学教育理论思维的某些思考&兼与黄光荣、黄秦安、郝一江、顾泠沅四位学者商榷

    Some Thoughts about Theoretical Thought of Mathematics Education

  18. 时代呼唤人们的理论思维的培养和应用

    Today 's Cultivation and Application of Theory Thought

  19. 王阳明思想与明代理论思维的发展

    Wang Yangming 's Thought and the Development of Theoretical Theoretical Thinking in Ming Dynasty

  20. 思维方式:僭越与划界&人文社会学科中理论思维与工程思维之批判

    A Critic of Theoretical Thinking and Engineering Thinking in the Humanities and Social Sciences

  21. 基于长尾理论思维的罕见病信息传播模式研究

    Research of Rare Disease Information Dissemination Model Based on the Long Tail Theoretical Thinking

  22. 实践呼唤新的中医理论思维

    Practice Calls for New TCM Theoretical Thought

  23. 理论思维是以科学的理论为路径来思考问题的。

    The theory thinking takes the science theories as the path to think the problems .

  24. 理论思维与工程思维划界对城市规划学的启示

    Enlightenment of Delimitation between Theoretical Thinking and Engineering Thinking on the Science of Urban Plan-ning

  25. 第三次医学革命与理论思维

    The Third Medical Revolution and theoretical Thinking

  26. 从主流范式到比较制度分析&法律经济学理论思维空间的拓展

    From Mainstream Paradigm to Comparative Institutional Analysis Paradigm & Rethinking the Mainstream Law and Economics

  27. 自然科学研究的理论思维方法初中自然科学研究性学习的思考

    Method of Theoretical Thinking in Natural Science Project Learning of Natural Science in Junior Middle Schools

  28. 社会科学在培养高职生理论思维中的作用

    Function of Social Sciences in Training Theoretical Thinking of the Students of the Higher Vocational Education

  29. 具体内容为:第一章:教育管理研究理论思维的范式建构。

    The specific content : Chapter ⅰ: Paradigm construct about theoretical thinking of educational administration research .

  30. 文科研究生哲学素养的养成与理论思维能力的提高

    Search on Raising Philosophy Accomplishment of Art Graduate Student and Improving the Capacity of Theoretical Thinking