
  1. 他忙于这项工作而对周围的一切漠然处之。

    He was lost to the world in this task .

  2. 她对他的批评漠然处之,这加剧了他们之间的争吵,并使之升级为动手。

    Her indifference to his criticism fueled the argument and it escalated to a fight .

  3. 他和她生活在一起,对世界的一般价值漠然处之。

    He existed with her , entirely indifferent to the general values of the world .

  4. 相反,对农民问题视而不见或漠然处之,那就是贻误了中国最大的问题。

    On the contrary , despite the problem of farmer affects the problem of China adversely .

  5. 不是你不在意,其实生活中有许多东西,总让我们漠然处之、熟视无睹。

    Is not you pays no attention , actually lives has many things , always lets us hold loose , ignore .

  6. 我们对别人所犯的最大罪过不是怨恨他们,而是对他们漠然处之,这就是残酷不仁的本源所在。

    The worst Sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them , but to BE indifferent to them , that 's the essence of inhumanity .

  7. 你曾是我夏日的阳光,春日盛开的花朵,当其它人漠然处之时,你用爱浇灌我的心灵。

    You were my sunshine in the summer , and my flowers in the spring , the one to fill my heart with love , when no one else could do a thing .

  8. 难道凡是第一次选择失当的人,无论因为对象朝三暮四,还是因为情况违逆多舛,就该一辈子漠然处之?

    Are those who have been disappointed in their first choice , whether from the inconstancy of its object , or the perverseness of circumstances , to be equally indifferent during the rest of their lives ?