
  • 网络prescriptive;prescription;determinateness;regularity;indeterminateness
  1. 其主要受众是致力于提供SOA应用程序开发方面的规定性指南的架构师和开发人员。

    The primary audience is architects and developers in an effort to provide prescriptive guidance in the development of a SOA application .

  2. 并没有关于如何开始引入SOA的非常明确的方法;SOA并不是规定性的东西,所注重的是灵活性,不仅体现在最终结果上,也体现在实现结果的过程中。

    There 's no definitive way to start the SOA journey ; SOA isn 't prescriptive , it 's all about flexibility , not only in the end result , but in the path that should be followed .

  3. 根据ISO和WTO对技术法规的定义以及技术法规与法律法规的关系,技术法规本质上是一种需要强制遵守的技术性文件,具有技术和法律两方面的规定性。

    According to the definition of technical specification by ISO and WTO and the relationship between technical specification and laws and regulations , in fact technical specification is a peremptory technical document , it has the characters both of technology and laws .

  4. 本文一方面阐明了对应的prolepsis的规定性内容和它的认识作用,另一方面则说明了其自明性来源及根据。

    On one hand , this paper illuminates the prescription of corresponding prolepsis and its epistemological function , on the other hand , it explains the self-evidence of prolepsis and its origin .

  5. 建筑色彩与城市&哈尔滨的地理对建筑色彩的规定性

    Architecture color and city & Harbin geography and its architecture color

  6. 城市化的质的规定性要求城市管理理念的创新。

    Urbanization calls for new ideas and views of urban management .

  7. 马克思对资本主义物质生产之规定性的存在论基础批判

    Marx 's ontology basic criticism to the ordinary of capitalism material

  8. 特定作物和特定地区都具有规定性更精确的需要。

    Specific crops and specific regions have more finely defined needs .

  9. 基于不同的理论视角,诚信将呈现出不同的内涵和规定性。

    It would present different connotations and provisions from different perspectives .

  10. 跳舞或滑冰以前的规定性动作。

    A predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating .

  11. 法律规则效力的概念及其规定性

    The Concept of the Legal Rule Potency and its Stipulation

  12. 日本战后和平主义思想是一具有多义性、规定性的话语体系。

    The post-war pacifism is a prescriptive discourse system with multiple meanings .

  13. 而经济公正的规定性也是经济公正问题产生的原因之一。

    And the rules are the reasons of creation of issue too .

  14. 它会成为一种预测性工具,可能也会成为一种规定性的工具。

    It becomes a predictive tool and possibly also a prescriptive one .

  15. 描写性研究与规定性研究有何区别?

    What are the differences between the descriptive and the prescriptive approaches ?

  16. 笔墨程式就是笔墨有一定的规定性和程序性。

    Pen and ink is ink program have certain regulation and procedure .

  17. 语言是人的首要规定性。

    The language is the person 's initial provision .

  18. 军事工业运行效率的特殊规定性&军工产出与社会贡献的效率解释

    Specific event of working efficiency as regards defense industries

  19. 他的文学创造观,揭示了文学创作的内在规定性。

    His view of literary creation shows the inner regulation of the creation .

  20. 法律全球化的一般规定性分析

    An Analysis of the General Provisions of Legal Globalization

  21. 老子和亚里士多德在活动年代、思想流传的形式上相似,道的规定性和四因说的规定性相当。

    Lao-tze 's time and form of spreading thought are similar to Aristotle 's.

  22. 权力秩序即权力的惯常规定性。

    Power order is the usual regulation of power .

  23. 论新诗艺术的历史规定性

    On the Historical Rules of Modern Chinese Poetic Arts

  24. 略论包价旅游手册中法的规定性

    On the Legal Definition in the INCLUSIVE TOUR HANDBOOK

  25. 宪法基本国策研究宪法价值的规定性

    On Basic National Policies in Constitution The Judicial Interpretation of the Constitution Value

  26. 论教学内容创生:规定性要素及基本路径

    On the Creation of Teaching Contents : The Determined Key Elements and Basic Approaches

  27. 监测与评估属两个不同的过程,各自有不同的规定性要求。

    They are different process with different requirements .

  28. 我对马克思主义哲学总体规定性的理解

    My Understanding of General Stipulation of Marxist Philosophy

  29. 论挪用公款罪的客体规定性及故意内容

    On the Stipulation of Object and Intention of the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds

  30. 人才战略的人口学规定性研究

    Studies on the Demographic Stipulation of Talents Strategy