
  • 网络scale effect;Size;economy of scale;Size effect
  1. 一种是CAPM异象,它主要包括规模效应、帐面市值比效应、长期收益率反转效应和短期惯性效应等。

    One is referred as CAPM anomaly , which includes size effect , book-to-market equity effect , long-term return reversals effect , short-time momentum effect and etc.

  2. 上海股市规模效应和动量效应的实证研究

    Empirical Study of Size Effect and Momentum Effect in Shanghai Stock Market

  3. 亚马逊接下来需要的乃是KindleFire的市场大卖,这将为挑战苹果提供必要的规模效应。

    What Amazon needs next is a steeply rising sales curve for the Kindle Fire , which could provide the necessary scale to challenge Apple .

  4. 宏观视角注重FDI的总量效应和规模效应分析,注重历史回顾和现状研究。

    The macroscopic angle of view pays more attention to the total quantity effect and the scale effect of FDI , to history review and the present situation research of FDI .

  5. 由于知识的非竞争性,基于RD的内生增长模型存在规模效应,即人口数量越大,从事RD的人员越多,经济增长率越快。

    Because of the non-rivalry of knowledge , the R D based endogenous growth model implies the scale effect , which means the larger the population , and the more the number of R D employee , the faster the economy grows .

  6. 随着WiMAX技术和产业链的成熟,WiMAX仍然没有寻找到一个全球统一的可用频段,这使得WiMAX很难在全球市场获得突破,更加难以形成规模效应。

    Along with the maturity of WiMAX technologies and industry link , the problem of uniform spectrum in the world unavailable for WiMAX made it hardly development in global market .

  7. 规模效应和月份效应因其与EMH假说和CAPM模型的矛盾,在股票市场异象研究中占据重要地位。

    Because of the conflicts with EMH and CAPM , the size-effect and month-effect are often discussed in the literatures about market anomalies and plays an important role .

  8. 最后采用Fama-French三因子模型分别对沪深A股市场进行市场风险、规模效应、净值市值比效应的检验。

    Finally , we separately test the effect of market risk , size and book-to-market value of equity through Fama-French three factor models in Shanghai and Shenzhen markets .

  9. 在此基础上,本文按照FF模型利用上述数据进行了实证论证,发现我国证券市场具有账面市值比效应和规模效应,但β系数依旧未能通过有效性检验。

    On this basis , the paper conducts an empirical demonstration in accordance with F / F model , using the above data . Found to have a book value effect and scale effect in Chinese stock market , but the β coefficient still failed to pass the effectiveness test .

  10. 本文利用Divisia指数分解法,分析了区域经济增长对环境污染排放量的规模效应、技术进步效应、区域产业结构效应和空间结构效应。

    This paper uses the Divisia index decomposition method to analyze the scale effect , technological progress effect , regional industrial structure effects and spatial structure effects of regional economic growth on environmental pollution emissions .

  11. 但是在政治游说上真的存在规模效应。

    But there really are economies of scale in political lobbying .

  12. 它将受益于网络和规模效应。

    Rather , it benefits from network and scale effects .

  13. 中国城市土地利用的规模效应研究

    Study on Scale Effect of China 's Urban Land Use

  14. 横向并购的规模效应及绩效研究

    An Analysis between Scale Economics Effect and Performance of Corporate Horizontal Mergers

  15. 关于沪市A股市场规模效应的实证研究

    Empirical Study of the Size Effect on Shanghai A-Stock Market

  16. 结果发现:在目前证券市场环境下,多数基金处于无效状态,基金业绩不存在明显的业绩持续性和规模效应,但投资风格与业绩之间具有一定的相关性。

    However , correlation exists between the funds performance and their investment style .

  17. 谈风力发电装备的大型化和风电生产的规模效应

    Large-scale Tendency of Wind Energy Generator and Scale Effect of Wind Energy Producing

  18. 总体上中国股市早期存在着小公司规模效应,但从2000年开始逐渐消失;

    Since 2000 , small firm effect seems to disappear in Chinese Market .

  19. 规模效应的研究在西方股票市场已经处于比较成熟的阶段,而在中国还是刚刚起步的阶段。

    Western study comes to mature gradually but it just begins in China .

  20. 财务整合有利于给公司带来规模效应和协同效应。

    Financial integration can bring scale effect and synergy effects to the company .

  21. 股票市场规模效应的实证研究

    A Demonstration Study on Size Effect in Stock Market

  22. 可以说,电信行业的投资规模效应,投资对收入的拉动效应仍然是相当明显的。

    So the large-scale effect of investment and the pulling-effect on revenue is obvious .

  23. 城乡人口迁移与集聚的规模效应研究

    Study on the Large-scale Effect of the Migration and Cluster of Urban and Rural Population

  24. 规模效应和动量效应一直是中国股票市场上争论的热点。

    Size effect and momentum effect is the hot debate issue of China stock market .

  25. 贸易开放受到了技术效应、规模效应和产业转移的正向促进作用。

    Trade openness is positively affected by technology effects , scale effects and industry transfer .

  26. 中国市值规模效应研究

    Scale Effect of Market Value in China

  27. 我国股市换手率存在规模效应,即流通股本对过度交易程度有影响,不存在月份效应;

    There is scale effect , without time effect of turnover rate in Chinese stock market .

  28. 中国珠宝行业已进入以塑造企业形象为特征的品牌化发展阶段,亟待通过资源整合出现大型的企业集团,以发挥规模效应。

    Jewelry of China hope to disappear huge group by resource integration , to scale effect .

  29. 传统的自然垄断理论把规模效应作为自然垄断的理论依据。

    The traditional natural monopoly theory take scale effect as the theoretical basis of natural monopoly .

  30. 研究同时发现,上海股票市场具有很强的规模效应和价值效应。

    This paper also finds that scale effect and value effect exist in Shanghai stock market .