
  • 【辩证法】objectivity of law
  1. 历史规律的客观性也不否定历史主体的选择性。

    We don 't think also the selections of historical subject can be denied for the objectivity of historical laws .

  2. 这就坚持了社会规律的客观性,从而实现了对社会规律认识的革命性变革。

    Materialist conception of history insists on the objectivity of social law that realizes the revolutionary change in understanding social law .

  3. 关于社会历史规律的客观性问题,西方历史决定论者承认社会历史有自在客观性规律;

    On the objectivity of the laws of social history , western historical determinists asserted : there are objective-in-itself laws in the social history , while non-determinists denied them .

  4. 二者都以一套先验的理念,将个人置于国家与社会的框架之中,以历史规律的客观性取代个人的自主选择性,从而达到操纵历史发展的个人目的。

    They both put individuals within the framework of country and society on the basis of a set of transcendental ideas . They try to realize the individual purpose of managing history development by replacing the personal autonomous selection with the objectivity of historical law .

  5. 传统的教育规律观过分强调规律的客观性、然性和确定性,不利于人们的教育实践。

    Overemphasis of the objectivity , inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice .

  6. 本文考察的角度主要着眼于社会发展规律与自然规律的共性:客观性、必然性、重复性等特点,分析这些共性在社会发展规律上具有与自然规律哪些不同的表现和作用形式。

    This paper studies the perspective mainly focusing on the social development law and natural law in common : the generality of the objectivity , inevitability , repeatability etc , analyzes these similarities with natural law which different forms in the social development law .

  7. 认识的规律同外部世界的规律一样具有客观性,但理解认识规律的客观性要困难得多。认识作为意识属于主观领域,其规律是主观领域的规律;

    Laws of cognition have the same objectivity as laws of the external world , though the objectivity of the former is far more difficult to understand .

  8. 三个代表思想具有坚实的马克思主义哲学基础:它以历史发展的合规律性为根本前提,充分尊重历史规律的客观性,顺应历史发展的需要,反映了历史规律;

    The thought of Three Represents is based on solid philosophical basis of Marxism , because it takes law of the development of history as its prerequisite , fully respects the objectivity of the law of history , conforms to the needs of historical development and reflects historical law ;

  9. 历史规律是唯物史观的重要理论内容,对历史规律的客观性必须重新加以审视。

    Historical law is the important part of theoretical content of Historical materialism .

  10. 现代农业发展规律的新发现&论农业是基础的生态经济规律的客观性

    Study on the Developing Law of Modern Agriculture