
guī fàn
  • specification;standard;requirement;norm;principle;specs;parameter
规范 [guī fàn]
  • [standard;norm;requirment] 明文规定或约定俗成的标准

  • 道德规范

规范[guī fàn]
  1. 他的普通话说得不规范。

    He does not speak standard Putonghua .

  2. 要建设一个规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性的资本市场,完善资本市场基础性制度,把好市场入口和市场出口两道关,加强对交易的全程监管。

    We should establish a standard , transparent4 , open , dynamic and resilient capital market that has sound fundamental institutional arrangements , proper management on market access and exit and tightened5 full-process supervision6 on transactions .

  3. 体育运动有严格的行为规范。

    The sport has a strict code of conduct .

  4. 该国的广告商需要规范自己的行为。

    The nation 's advertisers need to clean up their act .

  5. 协会的所有成员都遵守一套严格的行为规范。

    All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice

  6. 它的成员受到包括保密在内的一套严格的伦理规范的约束。

    Its members are bound by a rigid code of ethics which includes confidentiality

  7. 正在规范整个融资体系。

    The whole system of financing is being regularized .

  8. 要求人们讲规范英语的压力似乎越来越大。

    Pressure appears to be mounting for conformity in how people speak English .

  9. 旅行社是时候该遵守法律和行业规范了。

    It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct .

  10. 随着世界变得日益复杂,某些事物确实理所当然地规范化和全球化了。

    As the world becomes more complex , some things do , of course , standardize and globalize

  11. 他说把市场规范引入该国经济,并不是解决其经济问题的灵丹妙药。

    He said the introduction of market discipline to the economy was not a magic cure-all for its problems

  12. 这个词的用法不规范。

    This is not the normal way of using the word .

  13. 一个更有力的批评是他把道德规范简化为人际关系。

    A more telling criticism is that he reduces ethics to interpersonal relationships .

  14. “这种信息不应使不良行为规范化,而需要使它边缘化,例如‘即使一个人再多买一辆SUV,也会降低我们不依赖能源的能力’这样的声明。”

    " Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour , the message needs to marginalise it , for example , by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV , it reduces our ability to be energy-independent . "

  15. 我们工作场所的文化、社交规范和个人行为都起到了一定的作用。

    Our workplace culture , social norms and individual behaviors all play a part .

  16. 例如,如果建筑规范中包含绿色施工指南,大多数开发商都会懒得去质疑它们。

    If , for example , building codes included green construction guidelines , most developers would be too lazy to challenge them .

  17. 《影响:说服心理学》一书的作者罗伯特·夏尔迪尼博士说:“社会规范是原始而基本的。”

    " Social norms are primitive and elemental , " says Dr. Robert Cialdini , author of Influence : The Psychology of Persuasion .

  18. 早些时候,美国的时尚也是遵循着巴黎的规范,甚至照搬和剽窃特定的法国设计。

    In an earlier time , American fashion had also followed the dictates of Paris , or even copied and pirated specific French designs .

  19. 这实际上是关于他们的同龄人对他们的看法,他们的社会规范是什么,什么在社会上被认为是可取的。

    It is actually about what their peers think of them , what their social norms are , what is seen as desirable in society .

  20. 相比之下,你会期望在全球任何地方的办公室里,从自己的标准笔记本电脑上找到这样的技术规范。

    By comparison , you would expect to find a technological specification like this on your standard laptop in an office anywhere in the world .

  21. 鸟、鱼和牛都会聚成群……仅仅感知规范就足以使人们向大众的方向调整自己的行为。

    Birds flock together , fish school together , cattle herd together ... just perceiving norms is enough to cause people to adjust their behaviour in the direction of the crowd .

  22. 有人不禁要问了:为什么我们不像对待其他违反社交的举动一样,把同样的社交规范应用在用餐、会议和交谈中查看手机这举止上呢?

    One has to wonder : why don 't we apply the same social norms to checking phones during meals , meetings and conversations as we do to other antisocial behaviors ?

  23. 这项政策仅用于美国的航天活动,但美国政府希望它可以帮助世界各地刚起步的商业航天工业形成一套规范。

    This only applies to American space activities , but the hope is that it will help standardize a set of norms in the dawning commercial spaceflight industry throughout the world .

  24. 他们引用了今年早些时候针对249对父母及其孩子进行的一项研究,其中,希望规范父母分享行为的孩子是父母的两倍。

    They cited a study presented earlier this year of 249 pairs of parents and their children in which twice as many children as parents wanted rules on what parents could share .

  25. 此外,艾米丽·波斯特学院并不对人们的行为举止进行规范。

    Besides , the Emily Post Institute doesn 't dictate manners .

  26. 拉塞尔认为,当机器人承担起更加复杂的任务时,就有必要将我们的道德规范翻译成人工智能语言。

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks , it 's necessary to translate our morals into AI language .

  27. 当前的生活结构、职业道路、教育选择和社会规范与正在岀现寿命延长的现实不协调。

    Current life structures , career paths , educational choices , and social norms are out of tune with the emerging reality of longer lifespans .

  28. 在将价值观编程时,最难的一步将在于确定我们究竟认为什么才是道德的,以及如何创建一套道德规范。

    The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe in moral , and how to create a set of ethical rules .

  29. 但是对沉浸在数字通讯的人来说,很多社会规范根本没有意义。

    But many social norms just don 't make sense to people drowning in digital communication .

  30. 流言蜚语还有第三种效果:它可以增强规范人们言行的潜规则。

    Gossip also can have a third effect : it strengthens unwritten , unspoken rules about how people should act .