
lǐ xiǎnɡ shù
  • ideal
  1. 很简单,我是将我的婚姻两次生活加在一起算了,取个理想数。

    It 's easier for me to add both of my marriages together to achieve my ideal number ;

  2. 一种基于理想区间数和熵的多指标评价法

    The Multi-object Weights Evaluation Method Based on Ideal Interval Number and Entropy

  3. 所以在决定要创建的理想组数之前,可能需要进行几个步骤的尝试和出错。

    It might take several steps of trial and error to determine the ideal number of groups to create .

  4. 中国的独生子女政策与家庭理想子女数、子女性别偏好和出生性别比:国家计划生育和生殖健康调查结果

    Family size , fertility preferences , and sex ratio in China in the era of the one child family policy : results from national family planning and reproductive health survey

  5. 调查结果显示:少数民族已婚育龄妇女的理想子女数大多是两个孩子,与国家当前对少数民族的生育政策基本一致。

    The investigation indicates that most of them tend to give birth to two children , which basically accords with China 's policy of family control to the ethnic groups .

  6. 结论实行人口控制政策后,出生率已经下降,大多数妇女的理想子女数也减少,但是,人口出生性别比却出现了不平衡。

    Conclusion Since the one child family policy began , the total birth rate and preferred family size have decreased , and a gross imbalance in the sex ratio has emerged .

  7. 以吴江为例,对苏南流动人口生育意愿中的理想子女数、性别偏好、生育时间与生育动机四个要素分别作了考察。

    This research has been made in Wujiang to investigate four elements such as ideal family size , gender preference , procreation time , procreation motive in procreation aspiration of floating population in Sunan .

  8. 生育动机是生育意愿中的核心要素,对理想子女数、性别偏好与生育时间起着决定性的作用。

    It is the result that procreation motive is the most central element in procreation aspiration , which imposes decisive influence on the three other elements that are ideal family mount , gender preference , procreation time .

  9. 结果表明,重庆市育龄妇女平均理想子女数为1.54个,存在着明显的性别偏好,育龄妇女生育意愿较强,人口和计划生育工作面临挑战。

    The result shows that the ideal average number of children is 1.54 , and most women have strong gender preference , and their desire for bearing children is comparatively strong . So the population and family planning work is facing the challenges .

  10. 青州市已婚育龄妇女的意愿生育理想子女数虽接近于更替水平,但与生育政策允许生育子女个数存在较大差距,也远远高出限制政策下的实际生育水平。

    The survey found Qingzhou City , married women of childbearing age will planning ideal number of children close to replacement level fertility policy , and allowed the birth of the number of children there is a gap , but also far higher than the actual level of fertility .

  11. 而美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)及一些专家表示,每天的理想走路步数应为10000步。

    A good daily goal , by contrast , is 10000 steps , according to the American Heart Association and other experts .

  12. 到六月,你理想的进球数是多少?

    So what would be an ideal goal tally in june ?

  13. 交换环中素理想的特征数

    Characteristic number of prime ideal in commutative ring

  14. 这就是美国史。它不是一部十全十美的民族发展史,但它是一部在伟大和永恒的理想指导下数代人团结奋斗的历史。

    It is the American story - a story of flawed and fallible people , united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals .

  15. IgG-胶乳玻板试验是检测类风湿因子(RF)的有用工具,但是,按文献报道方法制备的试剂其稳定性不理想,甚至贮存数月也难以做到。

    The IgG-latex fixation test is a useful tool for the detection of rheumatoid factors ( RF ), but the stability of the reagent is unsatisfactory . The reagent so prepared according to the method reported in literature can not be stored even for a few months .

  16. 基带成型滤波器的非理想情况对卫星数传系统误码性能的影响

    Effect of Non-ideal Case of Baseband Shaping Filter on the Satellite Data Transmission System BER Performance

  17. 男、女生的理想体形评分均数分别为3.5和4.4,男生高于女生。

    The mean of ideal image score for boys ( 3.5 ) was higher than for girls ( 4.4 ) .

  18. 证明在一般情况下,这些类新型空间上的算子构成特别简单:在相差一个严格奇异(或严格余奇异)算子理想下,是数乘算子。

    Generally , this kind of new type spaces has the property that every operator an it has the sum of a scalar multiple of the identity and a strictly singular operator ( or cosingular operator ) .

  19. 本文定义了区间型理想点以及区间数之间的距离,对权重被明确给出、其他属性值为区间数的多属性决策问题提出了一种新的求解方法。

    This paper defines the interval ideal point and distance between interval numbers . A new method is proposed for interval multi-attribute decision making problems , in which weight is given positively but other attribute values are interval numbers .

  20. 首先定义了区间数正理想方案,由此计算出各方案相对于正理想方案的区间数灰色关联系数。

    Firstly , the definition of positive ideal solution of multiple attribute decision-making problem with interval numbers is given , and by which the grey relational coefficient of alternatives from the positive ideal solution is drived .