
lǐ lùn jiè
  • theoretical realm
  1. 中国传统文化的现代发展与改造问题,是当前文艺理论界的热点话题之一。

    The problem of modern development and reform of the Chinese traditional culture is one of popular topics in the theoretical realm of literature and art at present .

  2. 我国行政诉讼原告资格标准经历了从无到有,从严到宽的过程,但无论是理论界还是实务界对这一问题的讨论从未停止过。

    China 's administration litigation plaintiff qualifications standard experienced a period from blank to strict then to broad , but the discussion of it has never stopped in theoretical realm and actual situation realm .

  3. 一直以来,理论界对循环经济法基本原则确立的方法或标准少有研究。

    Until now in china , there are few studies about the methods or standards of fundamental principles of the circular economy law .

  4. 对于调解制度中的强制性因素,理论界主要有否定论和限制论两种见解。

    There are two opinions that are negativism and restrictionism to the mandatory factors in mediation system .

  5. 因此,有关行政程序法典化的各种争论在理论界也愈来愈多

    For this reason , the disputations of codifying administrative procedures in domain are becoming more and more .

  6. 在此后的一段时期,理论界关于APEC问题的研究出现了一个前所未有的高潮。

    The studies of academic circle on APEC problems flooded in the following period .

  7. 目前,BOT合同的许多法律问题都是理论界探讨的热点。

    Nowadays a lot of legal questions of BOT contracts are the hot topics discussed in the academic circles .

  8. 我国企业实施ERP系统的成功率一直很低,这种现象日益受到理论界和企业界的关注。

    The success rate for Chinese enterprises to implement ERP system remains low , which arouses concern in the theory circle and business circle in China .

  9. 由于ABC在企业的普及,国外理论界对ABC的研究又出现了新的热潮。

    Because of the popularization of ABC in enterprises , the academy of foreign countries have appeared new upsurge in the study on ABC .

  10. 目前理论界对于EVA研究主要集中于两个方面:一是EVA作为一种业绩评价指标的有效性;

    At present the research on EVA mainly concentrate in two aspects : One is the validity of EVA as an index for accomplishment evaluation ;

  11. 作为一个研究领域,知识组织在LIS理论界得到热烈的研讨。

    As an exploring field , knowledge organization has been receiving a lively discussion in the LIS circle .

  12. 司法ADR的迅速发展及其良好的运行效果极大地冲击我国的司法理念,无论是理论界还是实务界都开始积极探索多元化纠纷解决方式的建立。

    The rapid development and excellent performance of the judicial ADR impact greatly to China judicial philosophy , whether theorists or practitioners have begun to actively explore the establishment of multi dispute resolution .

  13. 当前,国内理论界和实业界都认识到RD项目的全程评估是十分重要的,但现实情况是,一方面,国内RD项目评估与绩效测度方法较欠缺,理论不健全;

    Presently , many domestic theorist and industrialist realize that the whole evaluation of R D project is very important , but , the practical instance is , on the one hand , local R D project evaluation and performance methodologies are absent , correlative theory is not comprehensive ;

  14. 对于其中某些案件,在理论界和司法实践中已经逐渐形成比较统一的认识,但是对于利用ATM机失灵存假币取真币行为的定性与处罚,学界和司法实务中仍旧存在比较激烈的争论。

    For some cases , unanimous understanding has gradually been formed in theory and judicial practice , but depositing counterfeit money but taking real one behavior through malfunctioned ATM machine , the community of criminal law and the judicial departments still have some fierce debate on accurate charges and punishment .

  15. 在市场日益竞争激烈的情况下,4P组合塑造品牌,品牌资源成为企业竞争的有力手段,但要长期维护品牌资源,带动企业经济发展,是理论界和企业中应该思考的问题。

    Under the situation of fierce market competition , famous brand resource has become forceful means of enterprise . It is a problem for theoretical circle and enterprises to think over how to protect brand resources and how to make enterprise economy develop .

  16. 分别介绍了两种方法的原理和方法步骤。在第三部分的最后,笔者着重研究了当前理论界的热点问题&期权评估法。

    Finally , the author emphasized to study the option method .

  17. 这些问题也引起了业界和理论界的思考。

    Such problems concern both the industry and the theory circle .

  18. 当前的法学理论界公认这一现象和过程为法律移植。

    Current law scholars recognized this phenomenon and process as legal transplantation .

  19. 革命与改良是很长一段时间以来理论界争论不休的热门话题。

    Revolution and Improvement have been hot issues in theory for long .

  20. 竞争优势和持久竞争优势是目前理论界和实业界关注的焦点问题之一。

    Competition advantage and Sustainable competition Advantage are the focus issue currently .

  21. 理论界的分歧主要是针对悬赏广告法律性质问题。

    Differences in theoretical circles mainly are the legal nature of Reward .

  22. 本文第一部分是关于民事优先权的概述。包括我国目前理论界对民事优先权概念的五种主要学说及其局限;

    The first chapter was related to the summarize of Civil Priority .

  23. 应否建立军事行政诉讼制度这一问题更成为理论界和军法实践中讨论的焦点。

    The theme on military administrative litigation has been academic and practical focus .

  24. 刑法因果关系历来是理论界争论的热点。

    Causality of criminal law is always the hot topic debated among theorists .

  25. 典型问题向来是文学理论界常论常新的话题。

    Problem of type is always looked as a new , talked topic .

  26. 关于艺术品资产证券化,理论界和学术界鲜有关注。

    About art asset securitization , the theoretical circles and academia have fresh attention .

  27. 对此,中外刑法理论界有四种观点,其否定过失责任的根据应以限定违反注意义务说为宜。

    As to this , Chinese and foreign criminal theory circle have four view .

  28. 关于政府职能问题,西方理论界争论了几百年,总是摇摆于或政府或市场之间,始终没有得出最终的结论。

    The west have discussed several hundred years to the problem of government function .

  29. 理论界和实践界都在积极地探索解决该课题的方法。

    Both in theory and in practice , people are endeavoring in solving the problem .

  30. 毫无疑问,它是重要的,但我国理论界并未给予足够的重视。

    But the theoretical circles of our country do not pay enough attention to it .