
  • 网络bruges;Bruge;Brugge;Club Brugge;Club Brugge KV
  1. 我们可以朝北到布鲁日或者阿登森林去嘛。

    We could go up to Bruges , or to the Ardennes .

  2. 在弗拉芒语中,布鲁日就是桥的意思。

    In the Flemish language , Bruges means a bridge .

  3. 阿尔诺菲尼是居住在比利时布鲁日的意大利卢卡商人。

    Arnolfini was a member of a merchant family from Lucca living in bruges .

  4. 在欧洲的旅行中除了布鲁日之外都是住的青旅。

    I lived in youth hostel in all my touring destinations in Europe except Brugge .

  5. 很多宏伟壮观的博物馆坐落在布鲁日、安特卫普和布鲁塞尔等风景如画的城市中。

    Many grand and spectacular museums are located in picturesque cities like Bruges , Antwerp and Brussels .

  6. 并且通过与布鲁日,挪威和丹麦等城市或国家的经济军事斗争,进一步巩固和完善了这种同盟形式。

    It was consolidated and perfected in the course of conflict with Bruges , Norway and Danmark .

  7. 1988年9月20日于布鲁日

    Bruges , 20 September 1988

  8. 布鲁日与威尼斯的商行为跨大陆冒险提供了资金,以发掘香料及其它财富来源。

    The merchant houses of Bruges and Venice financed transcontinental ventures to discover sources of spices and other riches .

  9. 布鲁日行会厅的钟楼(13世纪晚期)是典型的例子。

    The Halles ( Market Hall ) and Belfry in Brugge ( late 13th century ) is a typical example .

  10. 在比利时的中世纪古城布鲁日的街道下面,一条长达2英里的管道正在建设中--专用于输送啤酒。

    Under the streets of the medieval Belgian city of Bruges , a full two-mile pipeline is being built -- exclusively for beer .

  11. “真混,”我说,“干嘛到斯特拉斯堡去呢?咱们可以上布鲁日,或者到阿登森林去嘛。”

    " Hell ," I said ," why go to Strasbourg ? We could go up to Bruges , or to the Ardennes . "

  12. 你知道你以后再也不会来布鲁日了(比利时西部城市),所以好好珍惜眼前的美食吧。

    You know you 're never going to be in Bruges again , so just try to enjoy the meal while you can . 14 .

  13. 正如她在著名的布鲁日演讲中所言:英国并不梦想舒适、孤立地存在于欧洲共同体的边缘。

    As she said in her infamous Bruges speech : Britain does not dream of some cosy , isolated existence on the fringes of the European Community .

  14. 唯有半月酒厂从16世纪至今依旧屹立不倒,每年来布鲁日造访他们唯一的酒厂以及啤酒博物馆的游客超过了10万人。

    De Halve Maan has been standing since the 16th century , and over 100000 tourists flock to Bruges to view their brewery and beer museum every year .

  15. 布鲁日市曾引以为豪的是当地所拥有的众多大大小小的酿酒厂,但这些酒厂却在最后一个接一个关门倒闭。

    Bruges was once the proud home of dozens of breweries both large and small , but one by one they each closed their doors for the last time .

  16. 我选择布鲁日作为我们的基地,是因为它地形平坦,无论怎样,坐在运河中的船上,就能看到半个城市。

    I chose Bruges as our base because it is so flat and , anyway , you can see half the town from one of the boats that cruise its canals .

  17. 我刚从比利时旅行归来,转了转伊普尔的战场(那场战争打响时,我还太小),领略了布鲁日的中世纪魅力。

    I am just back from a trip to Belgium , encompassing the battlefields around Ypres (" I was too young for that war ") and the medieval charms of Bruges .

  18. 布鲁日是一个古城,街道狭窄,铺满鹅卵石,货车很难进入市内,并将啤酒运送到郊区的灌装基地。

    Being an older place with small , cobblestone streets , it 's hard for tankers to get into Bruges to pick up beer and deliver it to the bottling plant .

  19. 当半月啤酒厂要在布鲁日的市郊新开一家装瓶厂时,他们遇到了意外的麻烦。作为布鲁日市中心的最后一家啤酒厂,半月啤酒厂的酿酒设施已经成为一种文化符号。

    When the De Halve Maan brewery opened up a new bottling plant at the outskirts of Bruges , they hit a snag : As the last brewery in downtown Bruges , their facility has become something of a cultural icon .

  20. 男:2006年,布鲁日音乐厅请我为宣传册拍摄照片,这些照片是为以水为主题的新音乐会演奏季拍摄的,而我当时恰好就在比利时海岸线附近工作。

    M : In 2006 , when the concert hall of the city of Bruges asked me to take some pictures for a catalogue for a new concert season around the theme of water , I found myself working along the Belgian coastline .

  21. 因此要将这家酿酒厂搬到装瓶厂附近肯定不是明智之举,但如今最大的问题是,需要一支500卡车的车队来转运桶装啤酒去装瓶,而这支车队占了如今布鲁日市商业交通运输总量的百分之八十五。

    So moving the brewery closer to the bottling plant is definitely not an option , but as it stands now , a fleet of 500 trucks is required to transport the beer from barrel to bottle , a fleet that accounts for 85 percent of Bruges 's current commercial traffic .