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  • 网络Bouyei;Bouyei language;puyi
  1. 布依语被动句研究

    A Study on the Passive Voice in Bouyei Language

  2. 因此,在现代化语境下,如何保护贵阳市郊的布依语,笔者提出了一些建议。

    Therefore , the author put forward some advises on how to protect Bouyei language in the modern context .

  3. 现代布依语长元音演变的两个逆向机制

    Two Reverse Evolution Mechanisms in Modern Buyi Language

  4. 事实上,布依语名量词在各个方面都表现出与汉语不同的特点。

    In fact , Buyi Classifiers demonstrates , in all aspects , the different characteristics from Chinese .

  5. 布依语数词一和二及其反映的语法扩散问题

    The Numeral " One " " Two " in Puyi Language and Grammar Diffusing Way Reflected by Them

  6. 语义方面,布依语亲属称谓在性别区分和年龄区分上均表现出自己的特点。

    In the aspect of semantics , the kinship terms of Buyi showing characteristics in gender and age difference .

  7. 布依语和英语的对比研究还未引起语言学家的过多重视。

    Contrastive studies of English and the language of the Buyi people have not yet drawn much attention from linguists .

  8. 这部分词语为傣语所独有,而在壮语、布依语等同语族语言中是没有的。

    Those words are unique in Dai language and are not found in Zhuang or Buyi of the same language group .

  9. 第一章从语音和词汇构成两个方面分析了布依语亲属称谓词的结构形式,探究其特点并进行原因分析。

    The first chapter to analyze the kinship terms structure form , from the phonological and lexical aspects , and explore its characteristics and reasons .

  10. 布依语的被动意义可通过两种形式来表现,一种是无被动结构标志词的语句,另一种是有标志词的语句。

    The passive meaning in the Bouyei language can be expressed by two kinds of sentence patterns , one is a sentence with a passive label , the other is a sentence without passive label .

  11. 根据调查结果分析得出,在该地区,布依语使用人数较少,掌握母语的人群呈老龄化趋势,母语传承断代问题突出。

    Based on the results of the investigation and analysis , Buyi language is only used by smaller numbers which faces the old aging trend , so the native tradition of inherited problems has appeared .

  12. 第二章从语义的角度对布依语亲属称谓词进行了分类研究,采用结构语义学的基本原理和方法,系统分析、描写布依语亲属称谓的语义成分。

    The second chapter classified the kinship terms of Buyi from the semantic perspective , using the basic principles and methods , has a description and systems analysis of the semantic composition of kinship of Buyi .

  13. 第五部分(第四章):分析预测长底乡布依语母语发展趋势,介绍国内濒危语言保护情况,并据此提出有针对性的保护和抢救措施。

    The fifth part ( the fourth chapter ) analyzes and forecasts of the development of Buyi , introducing the protection of endangered languages in China , and then puts forward the targeted protection and rescue measures .

  14. 因此本文试图从新的角度揭示布依语和汉语名量词的特点,突显两者的差异,力求在以往研究的基础上有所突破。

    This paper hence tries to reveal from a new perspective the nominal classifier characteristics of Buyi language and Chinese to highlight the differences between the two , and strive to achieve a breakthrough over previous studies .

  15. 在很多语言的亲属称谓词得到充分研究的同时,布依语亲属称谓词的研究还是一个薄弱环节,研究成果不多,有进一步拓展的空间。

    When the kinship terms of many languages have been thoroughly studied , the kinship terms of Buyi language still a weak point and the research results are not many . There is still a room for further expansion of this .