
  • 网络transliterated words;transliteration words
  1. 汉语借词有音译词、借词+英语词、译借等三种形式。

    Chinese Borrowings have three forms of transliteration , borrowings + English words , and translative borrowings .

  2. 本文针对音译词(字)的这五类编排方式,进行了适当的调整,使它们按照同音词分立条目的原则由原来的五类编排方式调整为统一的编排方式。

    This thesis focuses on the appropriate adjustments for the five arranging circumstances of the transliteration phrases ( words ), by giving them an identical arrangement based on the principle that the homophone separates the lemma .

  3. 略谈汉语音译词的地域文化差异

    On the Regional and Cultural Differences of Transliteration of Loan Words

  4. 英文商标音译词分析

    An Analysis of Transliterated Brand Names from English to Chinese

  5. 第二章主要分析了外来词的界定和分类,作者认为可从广义上将外来词分为三大类,即音译词,意译词和借形词。

    Chapter 2 analyses the definition and classification of loanwords ;

  6. 下列哪个词语是来自英文的音译词?

    Which phrase below is transliterated from English word ?

  7. 如果不对音译词加以规范,势必会给语言的发展带来不利影响。

    We need to standardize trans-pronunciation words to prevent unfavorable influences to language development .

  8. 谈英文商标名称的汉译策略英文商标音译词分析

    On the Translation of Trademarks An Analysis of Transliterated Brand Names from English to Chinese

  9. 心理因素也是促使译者将外来词翻译为音译词的原因之一。

    And psychological factor is also one of the motives for translating loanwords into phonemic loans .

  10. 字面上有意义的音译词并不一定就是音意兼译的外来词。

    It is not necessary that the meaningful transliteration should be a loanword of semantic transliteration .

  11. 从音译词中产生的新词素,增加了汉语中词素的数量,构成了大量新词。

    The new morphemes generated from trans-pronunciation words increased Chinese morphemes and formed great number of morphemes .

  12. 着重从顺应过程的意识突显特征方面对大学流行语中的英语词汇进行了异语词、合成词和音译词三种分类与评价。

    Especially from the aspect-salience of adaptation , three types of popular English words are classified and evaluated .

  13. 本文通过对音译词进行文化透视,分析了汉语音译词的文化根源。

    Here the authors analyse the culture origin of Chinese transliterating words through the cultural perspectives on transliterating words .

  14. 音译词是层次最低的一种外来词,它们常常成为外来词定型过程中的初级形式、过渡形式。

    Transliterated words , as a low-level loan words , make up the primary or transferring form during the forging of loan words .

  15. 在交流和沟通过程中,随时间的推移,有些英语的音译词在汉语中固定下来,有些被其它汉语单词所替代,有些从汉语中消失,有些则改用成其它汉语。

    With the development of communication , some transliteration words were created in Chinese , some words are replaced by other Chinese words , some disappeared , and some changed into another form .

  16. 首先是从来源上对词汇类型进行了概述,然后从外来音译词、自造词、词语变义词、宋元时期的俗语词四种类型进行解释分析。

    First from the source of vocabulary types were summarized , and then from the foreign words , coined words , change the word , song and Yuan period of the colloquial words in interpreting analysis four types .

  17. 音译词是现代汉语词汇的重要组成部分,本文在前人的研究基础上,对音译词进行重新分类,即分为汉字音译词和非汉字音译词。

    Trans-pronunciation word is one of the important parts of modern Chinese vocabulary . Based on previous researches of the grammar sector , this article conducted new classification to trans-pronunciation words , i.e. Chinese character trans-pronunciation words and non-Chinese character trans-pronunciation words .

  18. 音译词与意译词的较量形式;现代汉语规范评议标准的变化及词汇演变中新词与旧词的比较。

    Three causes are considered : the popularity of Internet language and loan words , the competing form of transliterated words and free translated words , the change of normative appraisal standards for modern Chinese , and the competition of the new and the old words .

  19. 音译外来词内部形式的形成机理

    Formative Mechanism of the Internal Relation for Phonetic Translating Foreign Words

  20. 浅谈汉语音译外来词的译音规范

    On Standard Chinese Transliteration of Foreign Proper Names

  21. 汉语音译外来词,需从所处的社会文化与心理角度去进行分析,取字用词需考虑到中国人的语言文化传统。

    When using Chinese transliterating foreign words , we should analyze from the society cultures and the view of psychology , considering the Chinese culture tradition .

  22. 洪堡特语词内部形式的语言学理论可解释音译外来词现象及其理据成因。

    Based on the internal relation notion of Humboldt s linguistic theory , this paper seeks to analyze the phenomenon of phonetically-translated foreign words and its formative mechanism .

  23. 本文立足于汉英音译外来词的相互转换,力图探讨二者在代码转换过程中所具有的不同的对应性特征及其对信息处理的影响。

    This thesis is based on the inter-switch between the transliteration of Chinese and English , trying to discuss the different corresponding characters and the influence for the information processing during the code-switching process .

  24. 本节以回鹘文《弥勒会见记》前三品中的佛教外来词为研究对象,将佛教外来词划分为音译外来词和意译外来词两大类。

    Regarding the Buddhist borrowed words in the first three chapters of " Maitrisimit " as object of study , we will divide them into two main categories : the transliteration loanwords and the paraphrase loanwords .

  25. 本文试图从历史和文化的角度出发,对源语文化和译入语文化的相对地位进行比较研究,从而找到粤语方言偏爱音译外来词的原因。

    To account for the phenomenon , this thesis , starting from the historical and cultural perspective , attempts to make a detailed analysis of the relative status of the source and the target cultures respectively .

  26. 另一个是提出汉字夹用汉语拼音的试验范围:感叹词、拟声词、助词、音译外来词、生僻字以及口语中有音无字的词。

    Secondly , the field where pinyin is better fit than characters , namely , in exclamation , sound imitation , auxiliary words , foreign words , words where are rarely used , and colloquial sounds which do not have written equivalents .

  27. 韩国属于汉字文化圈,韩语中存在大量的汉字词和音译外来词,这既对韩国学生学习汉语中的新外来词产生了有利影响,也产生了不利影响。

    Korean belongs to Chinese character circle and a number of Chinese characters and loanwords can be seen in Korean , which has both positive and negative influence on Korean students ' learning of Chinese . This essay deals with this topic in details .

  28. 音译在商标词翻译中的运用及其原因透析

    The Transliteration in the Translating of Brand Names and Its Reasons

  29. 该方法首先对未登录词的翻译特征进行分析,即意译未登录词、音译未登录词和合译未登录词的判别,并将判别结果应用于后续的候选翻译词抽取和选择。

    This method first analyzes the translation feature of an OOV term , namely the identification of translation OOV , transliteration OOV and mix-translation OOV , and then the identification result is used in the follow procedures of candidate translation extraction and selection .