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yīn zhì
  • tone quality;acoustic fidelity;tune;acoustic;quality of tone;sound level;timbre
音质 [yīn zhì]
  • [quality of tone;sound level]∶声音的属性

音质[yīn zhì]
  1. 产生相似音质的一系列风琴管。

    A graduated set of organ pipes of like tone quality .

  2. 不谐和系数对钢琴音质的影响

    Effect of inharmony coefficient on tone quality of piano

  3. 磁带成本高,而且每录制一次音质就会变差一些。

    Tape is expensive and loses sound quality every time it is copied

  4. 激光唱片极大地提高了录音的音质。

    Compact discs have brought about a vast improvement in recorded sound quality .

  5. 大多数电视机的音质不好,无法播出原来的音乐效果。

    Most TV sets don 't have the sound quality to do justice to the music .

  6. 她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。

    She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality .

  7. 音质对你体验Apple产品来说至关重要。

    Sound is so important to the way you experience an Apple product .

  8. 基于数字信号处理器DSP的厅堂音质实时仿真

    The Real-time Simulation of The Auditorium Acoustics Based on DSP

  9. 1387-1中的模型输出参数进行多变量分析和融合,得到了联合客观音质评价的参数COE(CombinationofObjectiveaudioEvaluation)。

    1387-1 , to get the important parameter Combination of Objective audio Evaluation ( COE ) .

  10. 宽带系统最终将使实时视频会议与CD音质成为可能。

    Broadband systems will eventually allow real-time video conferences and CD-quality sound Hands-Free .

  11. 用于转换为CD音质的音频,但是用无损压缩编码方式。

    Used for converting to CD-quality audio , but with a lossy compression codec .

  12. 它能提供比目前我们所使用的电视高一倍的图形分辨率和CD音质。

    It promises twice the of today 's televisions , and CD quality sound .

  13. RBF神经网络及其在基于输出的客观音质评价中的应用

    RBF Neural Networks and Their Application to Output-Based Objective Speech Quality Assessment

  14. 理论上音频功率放大器的PWM调制器的载波频率越高,音质效果就越好。

    Theoretically , the higher the carrier frequency of PWM modulator of audio amplifier , the better the acoustical effect is .

  15. 其中,丢包问题是IP网络语音传输的核心问题,是影响音质的关键。

    And the packet loss is the key issue of the voice transmission over IP network , which has a significant effect on the voice quality .

  16. 克里斯蒂HD电视的图形分辨率是我们目前使用的电视的两倍,并具有CD般的音质。

    KRISTIE HD TV offers more than twice the resolution of today 's TVs , along with CD quality sound .

  17. 先进音频编码方法AAC(AdvancedAudioCoding)是目前压缩效率最高,音质最好的音频感知编码方法。

    AAC ( Advanced Audio Coding ) is a kind of audio coder using psychoacoustic mode which has the most high efficient and best quality .

  18. 不用改装车载音响,就可以欣赏到音质与MP3、MD、CD等比美的高品质音乐。

    No need to change any original equipments , you can still enjoy high-quality music same as MP3 , CD and MD.

  19. 然而,对中国移动(chinamobile)的3g网络试用了一个月以后,一名学生就受够了音质不佳、信号弱和电话掉线等问题。

    After a month using a trial 3G network operated by the leading national wireless operator China Mobile , however , one student was fed up with mediocre sound quality , weak connections and dropped calls .

  20. 由于USB声卡处于机箱外部避免了计算机机内部的干扰并且以16位的编解码处理使音质更加完美。

    Because of an external USB audio card and 16-bit codec processing which avoid the interference of the internal noise , The sound is much more perfect than the internal audio card .

  21. 评价厅堂音质的混响时间T60和计算公式是上世纪初W·C·赛宾教授(WCSabie)提出来的,在此以后,混响时间一直是室内声学中的一个最重要、最稳定的指标。

    Reverberation time T ( 60 ) and the calculation formula used to evaluate the hall timbre were advanced by professor W. C. Sabie last century .

  22. 每当我们试用Motorola的手机时,都会对听筒的音质有特别的期望,这点在Atrix4G上也不意外。

    We 've come to expect a certainly level of audio quality when it comes to Motorola handsets , and the Atrix does not disappoint .

  23. 基于CDMA(码分多址)技术的数字蜂窝系统由于具有容量大、音质好、升级潜力大等优点,赢得了广大消费者及运营商的青睐,在世界各地也得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) has rapidly become a leading technology for commercial Cellular systems because it has large capacity , good voice quality and big potential of upgrading etc.

  24. 不过,研究人员说,并非是被称为震颤(beating)那粗糙、颤动的音质令我们产生厌烦,更多的是因为这样的和弦不够和谐。

    But the researchers say it 's not that rough , wobbly quality , called beating , that turns us off . It 's mostly because the chords aren 't harmonic .

  25. 但总的来说,Republic基于一款出色的智能手机提供了一项更加智能与先进的服务;他们展示了Wi-Fi通话的音质可以和手机通话一样出色。

    Overall , however , Republic is offering a clever , modern service on a good smartphone , and is showing that Wi-Fi calls can be as good as cellular ones .

  26. 论文基于MonteCarlo仿真实验,利用随机误码仿真和PESQ语音音质客观性评测,构建了一套合理、完整的测试体系。

    Based on the Monte Carlo simulations , the paper uses random error simulation and PESQ voice qulity objective evaluation to build a reasonable and complete testing system .

  27. 由于P2P流媒体的保证,网络视频直播、点播以高清晰的画面,高音质音频和流畅的播放速度给传统互联网用户带来声色兼备的强大冲击,引起了人们的广泛关注。

    As peer-to-peer streaming media assurance , network video broadcast-on-demand to high-definition screen , high-quality audio and fluent player to the traditional speed Internet users , " urging both " powerful blows , has aroused extensive concern .

  28. 本文分别从韵律特征、音质特征和MFCC中提取特征参数,韵律特征在声学上通常由基音、振幅和语速等表示。

    The article extracted parameters form quality features , prosodic features and MFCC features Prosodic features usually are comprised of pitch , amplitude and speed .

  29. 结果表明,软件方式进行MP3实时解码,运行稳定可靠,输出音乐音质较佳,系统易升级。

    The results show that using software to MP3 decode , not only operation is stable and reliable , sound quality is better , but also the system is easy to upgrade .

  30. 基于编码正交频分复用的数字音频广播(DAB)具有鲁棒性高和激光唱盘(CD)音质等优良性能。

    A Digital Audio Broadcasting ( DAB ) system , which is based on advanced technique of Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( COFDM ), can provide improved performance of high robustness and virtual CD-like quality .