
bǎn hú
  • banhu fiddle;a bowed two stringed instrument with a thin wooden soundboard;Chinese stringed instrument banhu
板胡 [bǎn hú]
  • [banhu fiddle;chinese stringed instrument banhu] 一种发音高亢的胡琴类乐器,以琴筒口蒙薄板和用细钢丝作琴弦为特征

板胡[bǎn hú]
  1. 文场的主奏乐器是板胡。

    BanHu is a kind of mainly used instrument in WenChang .

  2. 中国民族擦弦乐器音响特征&以板胡为例

    The Acoustic characters of Chinese Bow Instruments & Banhu as an example

  3. 谈豫剧板胡及其演奏艺术

    On Banhu in Henan Opera and lts performance ART

  4. 文章旨在为今后深入研究板胡的艺术论文提供参考价值。

    This article aims to further research for the future BanHu art paper provides the reference value .

  5. 板胡形似二胡,因琴筒上蒙木板而得名。中国民族擦弦乐器音响特征&以板胡为例

    Banhu Similar to the erhu in shape , this instrument gets its name from the fact that the covering of the sound box is a wooden shingle . The Acoustic characters of Chinese Bow Instruments & Banhu as an example

  6. 这其中的发展过程凝聚了许多艺术前辈们的努力与心血,他们在板胡的舞台演奏、音乐创作和乐器改革方面以及板胡科学化、系统化的教学上,都做出了巨大的贡献。

    One of the development process to condense the many art predecessor efforts and the painstaking care , they BanHu in the stage of music playing , creation and Musical Instruments and BanHu scientific , the reform of teaching systematic , have made tremendous contributions .