
  • 网络plates collision
  1. 但是目前国内外就青藏高原研究中最核心的板块碰撞时间、形式、幅度以及碰撞过程中高原变形、隆升机制等问题仍存在着极大分歧。

    But at present , there are many big divarications in core questions such as the time , format , extent of plates collision and the plateau deformation or uplift mechanism in the process of collision .

  2. 20个样品的Rb和Sr含量、稳定Sr同位素初始比(0.70578&0.71437)以及其它地球化学资料还表明,这些火山岩是属于板块碰撞带生成的高钾钙碱性岩浆系列。

    The contents of Rb and Sr , the initial 87Sr / 86Sr ratios ( 0.70578-0.71437 ) and other geochemical data of 20 samples suggest that these volcanic rocks belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series of magma formed in the collision zone .

  3. 但当周期T≥30s时,盆地西部快波方向发生了明显变化,说明印度板块碰撞对塔里木盆地西部下地壳与上地幔的影响明显减弱。

    Notable changes of fast propagation direction can be detected in western basin at periods above 30s ; therefore , it becomes an indicator that the Eurasia-India collision effect on lower crust and upper mantle beneath the western Tarim basin is weakened clearly .

  4. 研究表明盆地区域主压应力场方向在加里东期呈NNE-SSW向和近SN向,主要是晚奥陶世以来秦岭洋盆向北俯冲并与华北板块碰撞的结果;

    The directions of the major tectonic stress fields for the basin are NNE-SSW and SN respectively during the Caledonian movement , and this was resulted from the northward subduction of the Qinling ocean basin and its collision with the North China plate since late Ordovician .

  5. 火山活动发生在印度-欧亚板块碰撞(50Ma左右)后形成的构造环境中,受陆内水平剪切-走滑断裂带控制。

    The volcanic activities in the studied region occurred in the post-collision tectonic setting of Indian-Eurasia plate collision ( about 50 Ma ) and were controlled by intra-continental horizontal shear faults .

  6. 从板块碰撞看新疆地震活动的迁移

    A study on migration of earthquakes in Xinjiang region from plate collision

  7. 中亚地区板块碰撞带的现代构造特征

    The Recent Tectonic Characteristics of the Plate Suture Zone in Central Asia

  8. 板块碰撞前后:俯冲向仰冲之转化

    Before and after the plate collision : the transformation from subduction to obduction

  9. 郯庐断裂在两板块碰撞事件中起了主控作用。

    The collision between the two plates is mainly controlled by Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone .

  10. 好。基本上,俯冲带就是两个构造板块碰撞的地方。

    Um ... basically , a subduction zone is where two tectonic plates collide .

  11. 大陆板块碰撞,火山喷发,洋流变化,各种物种横行。

    Continents collided . Volcanoes erupted . Ocean currents shifted . Species ran amok .

  12. Ⅰ.3.大陆板块碰撞型;

    ⅰ _3 . continental collision type ;

  13. 产生于板块碰撞后隆起到造山晚期的构造背景。

    They occurred under the tectonic setting ranging from post collision uplift to late orogenesis .

  14. 该侧向排挤作用是由印度板块碰撞引起的。

    Lateral expulsion resulted from the collision between the India plate and the Asian continent .

  15. 喜马拉雅地带为这两大板块碰撞与挤压的过渡带,其宽度约300公里左右。

    The Himalayan zone is a transitional belt whose width is about 300 km or so .

  16. 3)板块碰撞阶段(始新世以后);

    3 ) The collision stage of Indian plate and Eurasian plate ( after Eocene ) .

  17. 撞击地层有其独特的物理学和化学特征,与正常沉积作用、火山喷发和板块碰撞等成因的地层显然有别。

    Physical and chemical features of impact-generated strata are different from those of sedimentary and volcanic origins .

  18. 本文划分了板块碰撞边界、离散边界、转换断层和陆缘海4种类型。

    Plate collision boundary , discrete boundary , transform faults and adjacent sea are sorted in this paper .

  19. 板块碰撞产物&强应变构造带对东准噶尔金矿的控制

    A product of plate collision & metallogenic control of highly strained structural belt to eastern Junggar gold deposit

  20. 从区域构造的观点看,同板块碰撞有关的前陆盆地是油气聚集的有利地区。

    From a tectonic point of view , foreland basins related to plate collision are areas favorable for petroleum accumulation .

  21. 晚三叠&早侏罗世,两大板块碰撞造山形成著名的中央造山带,与造山藕合形成磨拉石沉积盆地;

    The two plates collided and formed the famous Central Orogenic Belt ( T_3-J_1 ) and coupled molasses sedimentary basin .

  22. 菲律宾坐落在太平洋的火环地带,那里大陆板块碰撞活跃,时常导致地震和火山活动。

    The Philippines sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire where continental plates collide , causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity .

  23. 印度&欧亚板块碰撞对南海形成的影响研究:一种数值模拟方法

    Study on the Effects of the India-Eurasia Collision on the Formation of the South China Sea : a Numerical Simulation Approach

  24. 沿江前陆盆地形成于扬子与华北板块碰撞活动中的前陆变形带上。

    The around Yangtze foreland basin occurred in a foreland deformation belt caused by the collision between the Yangtze and North China plates .

  25. 前陆沉积与变形构造也表明该断裂带在华北与华南板块碰撞中就发生了活动。

    The foreland sediments and structures also show the activity of the fault zone during the collision of the North and South China plates .

  26. 本文认为华北地震是印度板块碰撞和太平洋板块俯冲联合作用下形成的。

    The author holds that the earthquakes occurred in North China are caused by the collision of India plate and the subduction of Pacific plate .

  27. 聚敛(挤压)型,与岩石圈板块碰撞相关;

    Divergence ( stretching ) type , related to the crustal cracking , 2.convergence ( compressional ) type , related to the collision of lithospheric plates ;

  28. 汾渭地堑的河流阶地对第四纪时期印度-欧亚板块碰撞带的构造响应

    River terraces in the Fen Wei graben , central china , and the relation with the tectonic history of the India-Asia collision system during the Quaternary

  29. 长期以来,甭哥正长岩体被认为是印度&欧亚板块碰撞引起的走滑剪切构造所控制的碱性岩浆活动的产物。

    Bengge syenites has been always regarded as the product of alkaline magma activity controlled by the strike-slip structures caused by collision between Yindia and Euroasia .

  30. 论大别造山带中罗田片麻岩杂岩的构造属性高压榴辉岩-片麻岩杂岩的产生是印支期扬子与华北两个大陆板块碰撞的结果。

    Eclogite-gneiss complexes from the Dabie Mountains are the direct product of collision between two continental plates , the North China plate and the Yangtze plate .