
  • 网络indosinian movement
  1. 盆地自印支运动以来SN向地壳缩短具递减性,地壳缩短率分别为上三叠统为38%、侏罗系为24%-26.3%,第三系为17.47%-19.2%。

    The south-north crust in Qiangtang basin has been shortening successively since Indosinian movement , and respectively its shortening ratios are 38 % at Trias , 24 % ~ 26.3 % at Jurassic , 17.47 % ~ 19.2 % at Tertiary .

  2. 郯庐断裂与皖东南印支运动

    Tancheng-Lujiang ( tan-lu ) fault and Indosinian movement in Southeast Anhui Province

  3. 福建印支运动基本特征探讨

    Discussion on the Basic Characteristics of the Indo-Sinian Movement in Fujian Province

  4. 大别山印支运动的同位素年代学证据

    Isotopic chronological evidence for Indosinian orogeny in Dabie Mountain

  5. 盆地经历印支运动、燕山运动、喜山运动的改造。

    This basin was reformed in Yinzhi movement , Yanshan movement and Ximalaya movement .

  6. 长江中、下游印支运动性质问题

    On the features of the Indosinian movement in the lower - middle Yangtze Valley

  7. 关于华南东部的印支运动

    On the Indosinian movement of Southeast China

  8. 东北地区的印支运动

    Indosinian movement in northeastern China

  9. 从构造特征论北京西山的印支运动

    The Indosinian movement in the western hill of Beijing discussed in the light of the structural characteristics

  10. 印支运动使中、上二叠统又遭受剥蚀,同时形成彩南背斜雏形。

    The upper Permian strata was denuded in the Indo-China movement , while the Cainan anticline was to take shape .

  11. 论印支运动在湖北境内表现特点&兼论省内盖层褶皱形成主要时期

    Expression characteristics of Indosinian movement in hubei & concurrently discussing the major period forming the mantle folds in this area

  12. 晚三叠纪随古特提斯的闭合,经印支运动张裂陆缘发生反转,形成印支褶皱造山带。

    Otherwise with Paleotethys closing in late Triassic period , the pull-apart continental margin reversed in Indo-China movement creating Indo-Chinafolded orogeny .

  13. 印支运动后,中国东南部地壳演化由地台阶段转入地洼阶段。

    After the Indo-China movement , the crustal development of south China evolved from the platform stage into the diwa stage .

  14. 主期变形变质作用发生在印支运动晚期,和班公湖-怒江初期阶段的裂开有关。

    The principal-stage deformation and metamorphism occurred at late of Indo-Chinese epoch , relating to the early stage break-up of Bangonghu-Nujiang .

  15. 龙门山印支运动主幂辨析&再论安县构造运动

    Recognition on the Main Episode of Indo - China Movement in the Longmen Mountains & A Re-review on the Anxian Tectonic Movement

  16. 中晚三叠世的印支运动和中侏罗世的早燕山运动为构造热事件,对三叠系烃源岩成熟起到重要作用。

    The Indosinian movement and early Yanshanian movement are tectonic thermal events which play an important role in the maturity of source rock .

  17. 早&中侏罗世盆地分布于印支运动形成的向斜坳陷核部,属于压陷挠曲型盆地。

    The third period during Early-Middle Jurassic was a compress-flexing basin which developed within the core of the syncline deformed by Late Indosinian movement .

  18. 包体均一温度经压力校正后,可明显看出各储层油气的运移都发生在印支运动后的侏罗纪;

    The pressure-corrected inclusion homogenization temperatures evidently show that the oil-gas migration in various reservoirs took place in the Jurassic after the Indosinian movement .

  19. 长江中下游前陆带南缘青阳&泾县一带印支运动的特征及意义

    Feature and significance of Indosinian movement in Qingyang-Jingxian areas , southern margin of front land zone in the middle and lower course of Yangtze River

  20. 印支运动结束了本区长期海侵的历史,开创了滨太平洋大陆边缘活动的新纪元。

    The Indosinian movement ended the history of long-continued transgression in the area , and ushered in a new era of the Peri-Pacific continental-margin activity .

  21. 印支运动在区域挤压框架下导致华南大陆发生板内伸展作用,形成印支期花岗岩。

    The intra plate extension was induced by the Indosinian orogenic movement in South China continent under a regionally compressional framework to form Indosinian granites .

  22. 三叠纪末的晚印支运动形成现今地质格架并使本区抬升成陆;

    In the end of the Trias , the late of the Indosinian movementformed the present geologic framework and the study area was uplifted and cropped out .

  23. 现在,Sttile的造山幕术语已经被人们摈弃了,但是,迄今还有不少地质学家沿用诸如印支运动、燕山造山作用和喜马拉雅造山幕之类的术语。

    Stille 's orogenic phases have been abandoned , but many geologists use the terms such as Indosinian movement , Yanshanian orogeny and Himalayan phases as yet .

  24. 印支运动以前、早&中三叠世的海侵广泛分布于古特提斯带及以南地区,涉及华南、中南地块、马来半岛及以南地区;

    The marine deposits of Early and Middle Triassic are widespread over Paleo-Tethyan realm , including South China , Indo-China , Malay Peninsula and regions to their south .

  25. 中国古大陆沉积-构造演化在加里东运动期和海西-早印支运动期,发育两个构造层次的海相盆地。

    Two structural strata of the marine basins are developed in Caledonian movement and Hercynian-early Indo-China movement for Chi - na 's old land sedimentary and tectonic evolutions .

  26. 中国蒙古各地块大致于印支运动末期(210Ma)重新聚合,成为劳亚超大陆,即二叠纪&三叠纪泛大陆北支的一部分。

    China and Mongolia were on the whole re-assembled after the Indosinian orogeny to become part of the Laurasia Supercontinent , which was the northern half of the Permian-Triassic Pangaea .

  27. 三叠纪末的印支运动结束了柴达木地块及其周缘地区的海相沉积史,使柴达木地区进入陆内盆地发育新时期。

    At the end of Triassic period , the marine sedimentation on Qaidam Massif ( including its surroundings ) has ended , and interior basin started to develop in Qaidam area .

  28. 早-中三叠世末期的印支运动是下扬子区构造古地理格局改变的决定性因素,使下扬子海盆闭合,沉积类型由海相沉积变为陆相沉积。

    Indochina movement occurred at the end of early-middle Triassic is the key control to the changes of tectonic-paleogeography , which led to the change from marine sedimentation to continental sedimentation .

  29. 华北地台北部由于印支运动和燕山运动,地层抬升剥蚀,形成了多个石炭&二叠系残留盆地,其中广泛分布着上石炭统太原组海相烃源岩和奥陶系海相烃源岩。

    Many Carboniferous Permian remnant basins were formed in the north part of North China Platform because of the crustal rise and stratigraphic erosion during the Indosinian movement and Yanshan movement .

  30. 川东石炭系中的天然气属于油型气,初为原油,曾经聚集于印支运动中形成的梁平&长寿古隆起带里,形成油藏。

    The Carboniferous natural gas in eastern Sichuan is of cracked gas which had been accumulated , originally as oil , in Liangping-Changshou palaeohigh belt that was formed by Indosinian movement .