
  • 网络President of India
  1. 他还对印度总统APJAbdulKalam博士进行了礼节性拜访。

    He also paid a courtesy call on the President of India , Dr APJ Abdul Kalam .

  2. 印度总统普拉纳布·慕克吉和总理纳伦德拉·莫迪都对印度太空研究局此次成功的发射表示了祝贺。

    Indian President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have congratulated the Indian Space Research Organization ( ISRO ) for the successful launch .

  3. 他们写信给印度总统卡拉姆与总理辛赫,并在葳达栖身的公园外抗议。

    They wrote letters to Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and held protests outside the park that is Veda 's home .

  4. 当我昨晚得知消息时,印度总统大选的票已经经由电脑计算出了。

    The votes from the civilians for the first Presidential election in India will have been computed by a computer system before the results are reported on TV news tonight .

  5. 辛格曾说,印度总统卡拉姆和宇航员卡帕娜·乔拉都曾参加了“国际科学家发现考试”,但卡拉姆政府否认了此事,而印度女宇航员卡帕娜·乔拉也已在2003年哥伦比亚号航天飞机爆炸事故中遇难。

    Singh had also said President Abdul Kalam and Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawla , who died in the Columbia shuttle explosion in2003 , had sat the test . Kalam 's office denies this .

  6. 与此同时,印度总统普拉纳布·慕克吉的儿子阿比吉特的一番讲话星期四激起众怒。他说,抗议者不是学生,而是“脸上有坑被涂抹”的女人,她们浓妆艳抹,把抗议当时髦。

    Meanwhile , Indian President Pranab Mukherjee 's son , Abhijit , was sharply criticized Thursday for saying the protesters were not students but " dented and painted " women who wear heavy makeup and think it is fashionable to protest .

  7. 印度前总统阿卜杜尔•卡拉姆(A.P.J.AbdulKalam)早在2005年就曾表示过,印度需要在2030年以前,将可再生能源占发电总量的比例从5%提升至25%。

    Already back in 2005 , A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , India 's former president , said the country needed to boost renewable energy from 5 per cent of power generation to 25 per cent by 2030 .

  8. 学校的创立者、退伍士兵夏尔玛称,他是受印度首位总统启发,才要求学校教授这项课程的,那位总统是位双手书写者。

    School founder and former soldier Vp Sharma said he was inspired to demand the lessons by India 's first president who was ambidextrous .

  9. 校长夏尔玛说道:“我在一本杂志上读到,印度首位总统拉金德拉?普拉萨德以前用双手写字。”

    Headteacher Mr Sharma said : " I read in a magazine that Dr Rajendra Prasad India 's first president used to write with both hands .

  10. 辛格此行是对奥巴马政府的首次正式国事访问,也是印度首次在美国总统上任后第一个对其进行国事访问。明日白宫将举行晚宴,将有400名嘉宾出席。

    Mr Singh 's trip is the first full state visit of the Obama administration , with a White House dinner tomorrow to be attended by 400 guests , and is the first time India has headed a US president 's list for a state visit .

  11. 然而印度媒体猜测,新德里对国际社会关于印度压迫巴基斯坦总统穆夏拉夫制止武装叛军流入印属喀什米尔的说法,感到越来越厌倦。

    However , Indian press speculated that New Delhi was getting more and more tired with the report that India was pressing Pakistani President Musharraf to stop militant rebels to enter Indian-controlled kashmir .

  12. 它是尼赫鲁时期印度的标志性车型,其车窗配有窗帘的白色款型曾是许多权贵的座驾,包括印度总统。

    It is the car of Nehruvian India , its white , be-curtained iteration the conveyance of dignitaries including , at times , the president .