
  • 网络Indian Civilization;Hindu civilization
  1. 你会对所有对你的伟大印度文明提出质疑的人扣上的帽子。

    Thats all you would refer anyone who raise questions about YOUR GREAT Indian civilization .

  2. 我们可以从这得出印度文明是现存最古老的文明吗?

    Are we to conclude from this that the Indian civilization is the oldest continuous civilization ?

  3. 就像摩亨佐-达罗的消亡一样适用于早期的印度文明。

    Much the same applies to the early Indian civilisations like that of Mohenjo Daru .

  4. 印度文明首先是出现于早期的哈拉帕/拉维菲斯阶段文明。

    The first appearance of the Indus civilization was the early Harappan / Ravi Phase .

  5. 基于印度文明的印度企业管理特质研究

    Indian Management Style Base on Indian Civilization

  6. 在印度文明中西瓦是覆灭神,他的身体涂满了骨灰。

    Siva is the destroy god in India culture whose body is full of bone ash .

  7. 如果确有这种情况,那么印度文明可能是印欧文明的分支。

    If there were , then it is assumed that the Indian civilization has Indoeuropean roots .

  8. 印度文明形成、发展的过程,很好地诠释了文明交往理论,也是文明交往的结晶。

    The process of formation and development of India civilization interpret the theory of civilization exchange rightly .

  9. 在全盛时期,印度文明会有超过五百万的人口。

    At its peak , the Indus Civilization may have had a population of well over five million .

  10. 印度文明的人民在测量长度、质量和时间上,达到了很大的精确性。

    The people of the Indus Civilization achieved great accuracy in measuring length , mass , and time .

  11. 很好,首先,你指责我种族主义,而我甚至没有说印度文明是劣等的。

    Great , first , you accused me of being racist even I didnt say anything about Indian inferiority .

  12. 东南亚地区作为华夏文明和印度文明的接触地带,沟通了中国和古印度两大文明古国。

    As a contact zone of Chinese civilization and Indian civilization , Southeast Asian has communicated China and ancient India .

  13. 我们这个(曾经)潮湿而青翠的岛国,与伟大的印度文明如此紧密地结合在一起,这是多么不同寻常!

    How extraordinary that our ( once ) damp and green island was associated so intimately with this great Indian civilisation .

  14. 我感觉的到,你认为印度文明比不上你自己的和你所尊敬的文明&是不是一个非常正确的设想?

    I am getting the impression from you that you feel Indian civilization is inferior to your own and others which you have high regard for – is this a valid assumption ?

  15. 这些交流不仅对于罗马、中国和印度文明的发展与形成异常重要还为我们的现代世界奠定了基础。

    These exchanges were critical not only for the development and flowering of the great civilizations of Rome , China and India , but they laid the foundations of our modern world .

  16. 由著名的丝绸之路给予人们启发,我们的火炬传递将打破常规思路,从奥林匹亚山穿过古希腊文明、印度文明,然后到了中华文明。

    With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road , our Torch Relay will break new ground , traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man Greek , Indian and Chinese .

  17. 从这方面看,我们大多数人所谓的印度文明事实上是德拉威文明,只是后来被雅利安人所借鉴而已。然而雅利安人却从未给德拉威文明以适当的“名分”。

    From this came the additional idea that much of what we call Hindu culture was in fact Dravidian , and later borrowed by Aryans who , however , never gave the Dravidians proper credit for it .

  18. 传统中国的文化在某种意义上,可以称为孝的文化,传统中国社会是建基于孝道之上的社会,因而,孝道乃是中华文明区别于古希腊、罗马文明和印度文明的重要文化现象之一。

    Traditional Chinese culture is called filial culture in a sense , traditional Chinese society builds on the filial duty , so that the filial duty is of great culture phenomena to differentiate from ancient Greek 、 Roman and ancient Indian culture .

  19. 夜明珠之谜在中华文明、印度文明、希腊文明、罗马文明、犹太文明和日本文明中都存在,但迄今为止仍是一个世界性的难题和一个人类文明史上的未解之谜。

    The mystery of night-shining jewel exists in a variety of civilizations including Chinese , Indian , Greece , Roman , Rabbinical and Japanese , but is up to now still a conundrum in the history of human civilization on a worldwide basis .

  20. 一般说来,包括印裔在内的英国作家对印度文明的描述,比之英国作家的中国镜象,更具有跨文明的阐释价值。这是由历史上英国与印度无比紧密的全方位联系决定的。

    Generally speaking , in contrast with the English images of China , the description of India by the English writers , including British Indians , has more analyzing value in the framework of trans-civilization , which is decided through the close and comprehensive Indo-British historical contacts .

  21. 然而,印度河文明也有其奇怪之处。

    And yet this civilization had some strange lectures .

  22. 印度河文明时期美术北美印第安人的婴儿。

    Indus Valley art an American Indian infant .

  23. 印度古代文明与地理环境之关系

    Ancient Civilization in India and Geographical Conditions

  24. 印度河文明创造者之谜

    A riddle of the Harappa civilization

  25. 与这些地区性文化的多样性相对照,则是幅员辽阔的印度河文明的同一性。

    In contrast to this localized variety we have the complete uniformity of the Indus civilization over a vast area .

  26. 只有黄河流域一带才是中华文明的摇篮,并以为中华文化呈现一种由西向东的流向。印度河文明时期美术

    The Yellow River area is not the sole birthplace of the Chinese civilization and the Chinese civilization did not develop in a west-to-east direction . Indus Valley art

  27. 但只有根除它才能使印度这个文明古国焕发青春,因为它仍是印度社会发展的一大障碍。

    But only by eliminating the system , can India , the ancient country , radiate the vigour of its youth , because it is still an obstacle of social development of India .

  28. 印度河文明早期文字的正式书写体系也在此时诞生,从陶器碎片上和图章在黏土上盖出的印记里,都可以证明。

    A formal writing system , known as the Early Indus script , emerged in this phase , as evinced by its appearance on numerous pottery fragments and in impressions that a seal , or stamp , made in clay .

  29. 十分清楚,印度河文明的人们并不特别喜好战争;我们也很难想象他们会像后来的雅利安人征服或毁灭他们那样,从西北方进攻并征服当地土著居民。

    Clearly the Indus people were not particularly warlike , and it is difficult to imagine them arriving from the northwest and subduing a native people , in the way that they themselves were subdued or destroyed by the advancing aryans .

  30. 本文从南亚次大陆文明的产生、经济发展、政治演变、民族性格、文化特征及该文明对周边地区的影响诸多方面,分析地理环境对印度古代文明产生的巨大影响。

    Based on the appearance of Southern Asian subcontinent , the development of economy , the evolution of politics , national characters , cultural properties and its effect in areas nearby , this paper analyzes the great effect of geographical conditions on ancient civilization in India .