
yīn lì
  • lunar calendar
阴历 [yīn lì]
  • [lunar calendar] 历法的一类,根据月球绕地球运行的周期而制定,通常所说的阴历指中国旧时用的历法,就是夏历。也说农历

阴历[yīn lì]
  1. 阴历用干支纪年。

    In the lunar calendar , the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches .

  2. 但所有其他重要节日都以阴历为基础。

    But all other important festivals are based on the lunar calendar .

  3. “噢,我想这是按照旧制阴历来算的,是吧?”——“对,是的。”

    ' Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn 't it . ' — ' Yes that 's right . '

  4. 今年2月开始的阴历年被作为火猴年(YearoftheFireMonkey)庆祝。

    This lunar year , which began in February , is being celebrated as the Year of the Fire Monkey .

  5. 中秋节定于每年的阴历八月十五日。

    The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the15th day of the8th lunar month .

  6. 指定日历是阳历、阴历还是阴阳历。

    Specifies whether a calendar is solar-based , lunar-based , or lunisolar-based .

  7. 在阴历元月十五举行。

    It 's held in mid-January of the lunar calendar .

  8. 你告诉外宾阴历五月初五是中国的端午节。

    May5th of the Chinese lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival .

  9. 阴历新年对中国人来说是个要的节日。

    The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people .

  10. 中秋对中国人来说是个仅次于阴历新年的日子。

    I am with my Papa and Mama in the Mid Autum Day .

  11. 国务卿约翰克里2014阴历新年声明

    Statement by Secretary Kerry on 2014 Lunar New Year

  12. 中国的传统节日都是按照太阴历计算的。

    All traditional Chinese festivals are lunar calendar festivals .

  13. 即阴历年的第一天。

    which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon .

  14. 阴历与阳历的起源之说

    The Origin of Solar Calendar and Lunar Calendar

  15. 今年五一是阴历几号?

    What 's the date of May Day according to the lunar calendar this year ?

  16. 阴历正月十五是元宵佳节。

    The 15th of the first month in the lunar calendar is the Lantern Festival .

  17. 通常在阴历年的第一个月的第十五天庆祝。

    It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year .

  18. 在阴历年的最后一天,有一个大型的家庭聚餐。

    On the last day of the lunar year , there is a big family dinner .

  19. 春节是阴历正月初一。

    The Spring Festival is the first day of the first month in the lunar year .

  20. 中国日历主要是阴历,根据月亮围绕地球转动。

    Chinese calendar is primarily a lunar calendar based on the moon turning around the earth .

  21. “腊”在汉语中意味着阴历第十二个月,“八”意思是8。

    " La " in Chinese means the12th lunar month and " ba " means eight .

  22. 一月和二月是在公元前700年左右,由第二代罗马国王怒马-庞皮利乌斯加上去的,是为了与阴历相匹配。

    January and February were added around 700 BCE by Numa Pompilius to reflect a lunar calendar ;

  23. 它根据中国阴历的五月初五来庆祝节日。

    It is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar .

  24. 你知道,阴历新年将至,我们必须赶在年前把我们饺子广告推出去。

    You know , the lunar New Year is coming ; we must finish the jiaozhi advertisement soon .

  25. 古罗马用的阴历,于公元前年被儒略历(公历)取代。

    The lunar calender in use in ancient Rome ; replaced by the Julian calendar in 46 BC .

  26. 我们的祖先很早就发现了和利用了这个客观时间,因此制定出公历和农历(阴历)。

    Our ancestors discovered and made good use of this objective time , which created the solar calendar .

  27. 在这期间还有一个相对较为重要的日子&腊八,即阴历十二月初八。

    There is another important day during the period & the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month .

  28. 兔年是中国阴历中的十二生肖年之一。

    The " Year of the Rabbit " is one of the12 zodiac symbolsassociatedwith the Chinese Lunar Calendar .

  29. 一个肌肉发达的学者试图在一个阴历月中移动三角形地下室里的一根不规则柱子。

    A muscular scholar tried to move the irregular pillar in the triangular cellar in a lunar month .

  30. 阴历9月这天,正值秋高气爽,适合旅行观光。

    The9th lunar month , with clear autumn sky and bracing air , is a good time for sightseeing .